Special Thanks
This presentation would not have been possible without the assistance and cooperation of many individuals and organizations.

Newburgh Free Academy:
Principal Peter Copeletti
Assistant Principal Melissa Siegal
Assistant Principal  Dan Bannon
Coach Charles Chatham - Narration
Ms. Barbara Wild - Casting
Mr. Ray Jashembowski - Auto Body
Ms. Vicky DiCesare - Cosmetology
Mr. Paul Mangiamele - flatbed truck
Mr. Chris Cotton - Wood Shop
Mr. John Lewis- Sight and Sound
Mr. Guy Duquesnay- Sight and Sound
Mr. Greg Thompson -  Photography
Mr. James Morrison and Culinary Students - Refreshments
Police Officer John Jenerose - School Resource Officer
Mr. Henry Delgado - Security
Mr. Chris Sladeski- Buildings and Grounds
and the many students who participated
(names of all students have been withheld)

Mobile Life:
David Grass
Nadine Pouliot
Michael Lanspery
Michael Stevens
New Windsor Volunteer Ambulance Corps:
Dawn Marshall
Michelle Siano
Michael Whalen -TONVAC
City of Newburgh Police Dept.:
John Jenerose
Jeffrey Perez
Thomas Glason
Kevin Romero
Howard Ladlee
Sgt. Leach
Lt. Greg Fischer
City of Newburgh Fire Dept:
Asst. Chief David Foley
Asst. Chief Gary Ferguson

Orange County Coroner Thomas Murray
Mr. Kevin Quigley
Mr. Joseph Palazzolo
David T. Ferguson Funeral Home- Hearse
Firefighter/EMT Fred DePaolo - Technical Assistance
Pius XII Youth and family Services - Water
Papaleo's Auto Body, Inc. - Towing
- Motorcycle Donation
- Jeep Donation
PIUS XII Gateway Center:
Barbara Alexander
Laureen Martinez
Marie O'Leary
Ann Willis, Banner

Planning Committee:
Ms. Nina Snyder - NFA Student Assistance Counselor
Ms. Vicky DiCesare - Cosmetology Teacher
Ms. Cheryl DePaolo - Gateway Center

Dedicated to the NFA Class of 2004