
Song Playing is "Tie A Yellow Ribbon"

Gateway To Friendship has placed this page on our site for those who would like to show their support to our troops.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the men and women that are helping to preserve the rights you and I have been given. Hopefully soon those rights will also be given to those that reside overseas that have suffered through terriorsts acts.

Let us keep in our daily thoughts and prayers for the family and friends of those that have lost a loved one in this battle. Also, keep in your prayers those that are missing or now a POW that they be found or released unharmed.

Support Our Troops Button

Below is a button to show support for all soldiers that are helping to defend our world against terrorism and preserving our right to freedom. If you choose to place this on your site-no link is required but if you are willing, please link it back to Gateway To Friendship at:


Support Our Troops

POM Award I am proud to place the Page of the Month Award from Gateway To Friendship on our Support Our Troops page.

Gateway has also joined a webring of others that are supporting our men and women in pursuit of freedom for all.

Yellow Ribbon Support
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Take care and God Bless!!

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