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Microcontroller Board

The micro board consists of a PIC16F84A microcontroller.It has two Ports .PortA(5 i/o lines) and Portb(8 i/o lines).Headers are brought out from the respective ports to interface the pic with other boards.The crystal sits on a socket,which can be changed depending upon application..Presently a 11Mhz crystal resides in it.
The PIC was programmed with the ELCHEAPO programmer by Myke Pedko.It was pretty easy to make on a general purpose board since it contained very few components.The programmer can be found here.


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DC Motor Board

The Motor board consists of two L293D chips.The board is capable of handling a total of 4 motors.Each chip has a rating of 600mA and 30v.8 bit or 4 bit data from the Micro Board reaches the Motor Board,amplified and then sent to output pins.A visual indication of the incoming data is possible with the help of LED's.Presently the card is given an external voltage of 12v,1A.

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Stepper Motor Board

The stepper board consists of a ULN2803 chip.I consists of 8 Darlingtons to amplify current.A total of 2 unipolar stepper motors can be controlled with this card.8 bit or 4 bit Data from the Micro Board reaches the inputs from where it is amplified to the outputs.A visual indication of the incoming data is possible with the help of LED's

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Infra Red Sensor Board

The IR board consists of 4 pairs of IR emitters and receivers.The comparator used is LM324 (quad comparator).The threshold voltage at which the comparator triggers is set by a potentiometer.The sensors are not modulated,so their range is restricted to about 5 cm(which is sufficient for following a line).Whenever a receiver detects an IR signal,the respective LED glows.A signal is sent to the Micro Board,which takes necessary action.The output voltage from the sensor board is not more than 5v. Presently only 3 of the four sensors are being used.
The circuit used can be found
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