Parallel Port Tutorial-Part II

Disclaimer : The information provided here is correct to my best knowledge. Use it at your own risk .I am not responsible if you damage your PC's parallel port using the information on this page.

This is a followup of the first tutorial which described using the port as an output.
This tutorial demonstrates how to use the parallel port as an input.
This feature is a great help in robotics as it is used to collect data of what the robot really is encountering.


The 10,11,12,13,15 pins of the STATUS PORT are the basic input pins.
Though the CONTROL PORT pins can also be used as inputs,only accessing the status pins are described here.

Follow these steps to read an input

Construct the following TEST circuit.
In this example I have taken pin 13 of the STATUS port as an input.

WARNING   Please do not feed your port more than 5V.You'll blow it up. Check all the voltages with a Multimeter before proceeding

Fire up your C compiler and typre the following program:

The program scans the STATUS[0x379] port and give an appropriate integer number,depending
on what combinations of pins have gone high or low.
In this example ,since I have used pin 13 and connected to a high value i.e a binary "1", I get a value of "127" on my PC. 
Please note that this number will differ from PC to PC.

Now we test for a Low value i.e a binary "0"
Modify the above circuit as shown below:

Short pin13 to GND.
When you do this and run the above program ,you get a different number.
On my PC ,i get a "230"

Now using a simple switch case statement you can monitor the input at pin13

When pin13 is set HIGH:

When pin13is set LOW:

This is for monitoring a particular pin.
You can use all the status pins as inputs ,note down the numbers for
different combinations and then write your program

Please note that the 10th pin is inverted i.e If u give a HIGH to it ,the port reads it as LOW.

That's it for the parallel port inputs.
If you have any questions or comments,you can post it on this forum
or mail me at gerryseq(at)