Harry Potter Fan Fiction
E-mail Geekmomma:
Greetings, slashers. Sorry about the lack of updates! I am constantly trying to finish stuff, but nothing has met satisfaction lately. I plan to add new stuff soon. Kisses! Geekmomma.
It isn't as if she is broken
Rating: R
Pairing: Pansy/Ginny
Ginny likes to be special, and Pansy notices.
The Politics of Betrayal
Rating: PG-13(mostly for mood)
Pairing: Pansy/Ginny
The spider and the fly.
Memories of a Storybook Princess
Pairing: Ginny/Harry, implied Harry/Draco
Rating: PG-13
Ginny remembers, and wonders how she ended up where she is today.
Other, er.
Do You Remember?
Pairing: The Fat Lady/Violet
Rating: R
The Fat Lady remembers, and Violet doesn't. Memory is tricky.
A/N: This ended up very different than it started. I think I like it. It was written for the May/June 2003 challenge at Madam Hooch's Broom Closet
More to load at a later date, please check back.
This site contains Slash, or same sex relationships. If you are offended by this subject matter, go away! On the other hand, if you want to give me constructive critism, do that here or in the Tag Board below.
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