Abbey Henry
Abbey William
Abbott Francis George
Aberdein Alped
Abraham Alped
Abudim William
Adams Charles Frederick
Adams Lewis H.
Adams John Thomas
Adams Maria
Adams Robert
Adams Sarah
Adams Thomas
Adams William Dacres
Addams J.
Addison John Smith
Ade George
Adshead Joseph
Aland Thomas
Alderley Samuel
Aldhons Frederick
Aldhons Harriett (nee Dale) (note 2 spellings)
Aldhons James Robert
Aldous Elizabeth
Aldous Frederick
Aldous Harriet (nee Dale) (note 2 spellings)
Aldous Henry
Aldous James
Aldous James Jr.
Aldous John
Aldous Robert
Aldous Samuel
Aldous William
Alexander Charles Rivans
Alexander Sir William
Allcard Joseph
Allock Joseph
Allen Emilie E.
Allen Maria
Allen Thomas Launders
Allen Thomas Mortimer
Allinham John
Ambridge Richard
Amery John
Amhurst Tyssen
Amhurst William Amhurst Tyssen
Amick John
Amos John
Ancaster & Kesteven The Most Honorable Mary Duschess Dowger
Ancaster & Kesteven The Most Noble Robert Duke of
Anderson Arthur
Anderson George
Andrews Joseph
Andrews Mary
Andrew Samuel
Andrew Susan
Angell William Sandell
Anglesey The most Honorable Henry Marquess
Ankin Mr.
Annis John
Anstey Arthur
Anstey Thomas
Appleyard Thomas
Arthoon Johannes Herput Wise
Archer Ralph
Archer William
Armitage Joseph
Armstrong Benjamin John
Arnold C.T.
Arnold Mrs.
Arnold William
Arnott Thomas
Arundel The Right Honorable Henry (late) Earl
Arundell The Right Honorable Henry Lord
Arnnsel (I believe this should be Arundell) The Right Honorable Henry (late) Earl of
Ash Joseph
Ashberry Joseph
Ashton Thomas
Ashworth Benjamin
Ashworth Esther
Assendor George
sser Catherine
Asser Robert
Asser Samuel
Atkins Alan
Atkins Emma
Atkin Francis
Atkins George
Atkins John
Atkins Louisa
Atkinson Henry William
Atkinson Ralph Bradford Luiet.
Atkinson Thomas
Atkinson William Esq.
Atterbury Joseph
Auber J.A.
Aubert William
Audus James
Augerstein John
Austee John

Austen George Lennard
Austin Ann
Austin E.
Austin James
Austin John Gassiot
Austin Thomas
AustinThomas Probard
Axford John Brown

Babinton Thomas
Back John
Bacon Sir James
Bacon John
Bacon Mary
Bagge Henry
Bagnall Thomas
Bagne Charles
Bagne Charlotte
Bagne Elizabeth Frances
Bagne George
Bagne Helen or Ellen
Bagshaw Samuel
Bagster George Jr.
Bagster George Sr.
Bailey Edward
Bailey E.H.
Bailey Edward Horsman
Bailey Emily Esther
Bailey George
Bailey Henry Thomas
Baker Catherine
Baker Edward James
Baker Elizabeth
Baker George
Baker Henry Grant
Baker Henry
Baker James
Baker Jeremy
Baker John
Baker Rev. Richard Henry
Baker Rev. Richard
Baker Robert
Baker Thomas
Baker William Jr.
Baker William Sr.
Bach Edith Jane
Bach Edmund Henry
Baldry Christopher
Baldwin John
Baldwin Samuel
Bales John
Balford James
Ball James M.
Balls John
Bampfylde Coplestone Warre
Bamfylde Sir Coplestone Warwick
Bamfylde John
Bamfylde Margaret
Banfield Susan
Banghey (or Baughey) Richard
Banks George
Banks Wynne Albert
Banning John
Barber Henry
Barham George
Barham Henry
Barham George
Barham Robert
Baring The Right Honorable William Bingham
Barker Harriet
Barker Robert John
Barker William
Barkley Andrew
Barkway Charles
Barlow Henry Richard
Barnard George
Barnes William
Barnet Morris
Barney W. Henry
Barr John Goodlet
Barr Thomas
Barr William
Barrattt William Butler
Barrett Hannah
Barrett Peter John
Barrett Priscilla
Barrett Samuel
Bartley Catherine
Bartley Henry
Bartely Louisa
Bartley Martha
Bartley Susanna Elizabeth
Bartley William Alexander
Barton Charles
Barton John
Bashall Henry John Hick
Baster John
Baster Matilda
Bastick Frances (nee Morgan)
Batard Thomas Bearda
Batchelor William
Bath Susan
Bath Susan Jr.
Bath William
Batt Edmund Compton
Batt George
Batt John Thomas
Batt Joseph
Battams James
Battersby Martha
Battersby William
Batthyany The Count Gustavus
Battiscombe William
Batty Frederick
Batty Mary Ann
Baugh Benjamin
Baxter Mrs.
Bayford A.F.
Bayley Frances
Bayley Rev. James
Bayley John
Bayley Robert
Baylis Joseph
Baylis Thomas
Baylis William
Bayly Robert
Beadon William
Bean John
Bear Edward
Bearda Caroline
Beaton Mr.
Beaumont John
Beaumont The Right Honorable Lord
Beck Maragret
Bedford John Duke of
Beecher Sir William Wrixon.
Beilby William Turton.
Bell Benjamin
Bell Constance Vallance Stratford
Bell Gertrude Jessie Heward
Bell Jane
Bell Jessie Ann (nee Stratford)
Bell John
Bell Thomas
Bell William Heward
Bellairs Anna Maria
Bellairs Rev. Charles
Bellendine William (Eden?)
Benjamin Esther
Benjamin Henry
Benjamin Joel
Benjamin Maria
Benn William
Bennell John
Bennett Ellen
Bennett Henry Pinyon
Bennett Hester
Bennett John
Bennett Thomas
Bennett William
Benson William
Bensusan Jacob Levy
Bensusan Samuel Levy
Bentinck William George Frederick Cavendish
Berger Henry Stiegn
Berners Hugh Capt. RN
Bernet Henry Esq.
Berridge William
Berrington Arthur
Berry Catherine
Berry Joseph
Berry Thomas
Bertie Lord Brownlow
Bertie Lady Priscilla Barbara
Bevan David
Bevan N.I.
Bicknell Henry
Bidder George Parker
Bidder John Haines
Biedermann Alfred
Bignold Samuel
Bilbie John
Bilbie Maria
Bingham William
Binns Edmund
Birch Thomas
Bird Andrew Davies
Bird David
Bird John Proctor
Bird Samuel
Birley Joseph
Birt Richard
Bishop Frederick
Bishop Joseph
Blacher John
Blackborow Mary
Blackmon Robert
Blake Downing
Blake Thomas
Bleasdale Giles
Blease John
Bligh John Duncan
Bloodworth Thomas
Bloonfield Edward
Blore John
Blount Alfred John
Blowers Mr.
Blunt Joseph
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