Clark John James
Clarke Catherine Haughton
Clarke Dame Catherine Haughton
Clarke Elizabeth Haughton
Clarke George Somers Leigh
Clarke James
Clarke Mary Halton
Clarke Sir Philip Haughton
Clarke Samuel
Clarke Sarah
Clarke Sir Simon Haughton Jr.
Clarke Sir Simon Haughton
Clarke William
Clarke W.Y.
Clapham Mr.
Clarkson William Geering
Clayton Martha
Clear Thomas
Cleaver Charles
Cleaver Samuel
Clement Thomas
Clemow John
Clifford Charles Henry
Clifford Diana
Clifton Robert
Clint Henry
Cloote Hurbert
Clowder Abraham
Clowes Samuel William
Clutterbuck Mr.
Clutton John
Clutton Maria
Clutton Robert
Clutton William
Coats James
Cobb John
Cobb William
Cobby Sarah nee Snell
Cobeldick John
Cock Jeremiah
Cocker Joseph Robert
Cocket Edward
Cockle John
Codd Edward Sephmus
Coe John
Coffin Caroline
Cohen Benjaimn
Cole Julia Elizabeth
Cole Robert
Collett Rev. Anthony
Collings Paul
Collins Albert
Collins Rev. Caleb
Collins George Brown
Collins Isabella
Collins Jane
Collins  Nehemiah
Collins Thomas
Collins William
Collis Alice Emily
Collis Richard
Colnet William
Coltman Richard John
Combes Elizabeth
Combes James
Combes Ruth
Combes Sarah
Comley James John
Comley John
Connell Arthur Knatchbull BA.
Connell Elizabeth nee Pearson
Connell Rev. James
Connell John
Cooch George
Cooch Robert
Cook George
Cook Hugh
Cook James
Cook John Thomas
Cook Mary
Cook William
Cooke Rev. Alexander
Cook Catherine Esther nee Buck
Cooke Christopher
Cooke Esther Anne
Cooke John
Cookson John
Cooper Rev. Augustua
Cooper Clement
Cooper Elizabeth Emma
Cooper Francis
Cooper Frank
Cooper James Binion
Cooper John
Cooper Rosa Matilda
Cooper Sarah
Cooper W.
Cooper William

Davies George also Davis
Davies Rev. George John
Davies Elizabeth
Davies John
Davies John Frederick
Davies Rebecca
Davis Edward
Davis Edmund Francis
Davis Edwin William
Davis Ellinor
Davis Emma
Davis Frances
Davis George Adams
Davis Henry
Davis Henry Daniel
Davis Jane
Davis John
Davis Joseph
Davis Maurice
Davis Oliver
Davis Rachel Adelaide
Davis Richard James
Davis Samuel
Davis Thomas
Davis Thomas Sabastian
Daw John
Dawe George Charles
Dawe William
Dawes William
Dawkins Henry
Day Charles
Day John
Day Robert
Day Thomas
Dean Alonzo Edward
Dearmes H.
Death William
De Burgh Ulick John Marquis of Clanricarde
De Charmos?
De Grey The Honorable Rev. Frederick
De Grey The Honorable George
De la Mare Jams Edward
Delaporte Charles
Delaporte Elizabeth
Dempsey Daniel
Dench Edward
Dent Edward
Denton Catherine
Denton Emily
Denton Harriett
Denton James
Denton Osbert
Denton Samuel
De Pere Teanby Robert
Derby Earl of
Derisley William
De Solla Benjamin
Devine James
Dicas Frances
Dickinson John
Dickson Arthur Benson
Digby Charles
Diggles Alfred
Dillon James
Dillon Robert Baron Clonbrock
Dillwyn Lewis Llewelyn
Dimsdale Charles John
Dingwall John
Dirkinson Mr.
Dirs Carsten
Dixon George Chanallier
Dixon Henry
Dixon Robert
Dobson John
Dodge William
Dodgin Elizabeth
Doe Rithard  this is probably Richard
Dogget John
Dolby Jesse Hamerton
Donne Samuel Edward
Dore Frederick Nassau
Dorset Charles Duke of
Douglas Sir Charles Eurwicke
Douglas Sir Charles
Dove Edwin
Down Mr.
Downer Elizabeth Harvey
Dowse John Richard
Dowsett John
Doyle William
Drummond Right Honorable Peter
Drummond The Right Honorable Duke Robert
Drury Martha nee Snell
Drury Robert
Drury William Vallancey M.D.
Duewick James
Dunferline Lord James
Dunhill James

Copland Anne
Copland Frances
Copland Patrick
Copping Gregory
Corbett Michael
Cordery Henriette
Cordery James
Cork Robert
Cork Thomas
Cornish William
Cornwall Elizabeth Eleanor
Corrie Ins.
Corry The Honorable Thomas Henry Armar Lowry
Couldery Edward Gardner
Couldery Henry
Courtenay The Honorable Edward Baldwin
Coventon  William
Covney James
Cowderey Edward Wrake
Cowper William
Cox Edward Beaumont
Cox Elizabeth Maude
Cox George
Cox John
Cox William
Cozens Mr.
Cozens Robert

Crabtree John
Crafter George
Crasswetter Henry
Crawfrey James
Crawfurd Clara
Crawlay Susannah
Crawlay Thomas
Crawlay Thomas Percival
Creasy  Alfred
Creasey Alfred George
Creasey Elizabeth Sarah Alice
Creasey Horate William
Creasey Jessis Caroline
Crellin M.
Cripps Joseph
Cripps Mrs.
Cripps Richard Purratt
Cripps Widow
Crisp Nathaniel
Crombie Alexander
Cronin Daniel
Crood Susanna
Crooks William
Croot M.
Croot Mary
Cross Andrew
Crosse Thomas
Crossman James Hiscutt
Crosswell Francis
Croudace Thomas
Crump George
Crump Richard
Crunkhorn William
Cubitt Thomas
Cuddington Richard
Cuendet Charles Samuel
Cumberland Richard Edward
Cuming Ellin
Cuming Witter
Cumming Elizabeth Christina
Cumming John
Cumming Patrick
Curnick Thomas
Curry Benjamin
Curtis Elizabeth
Curtis Henry
Curtis Henry William
Curtis John
Curtis William
Cutler William Henry

Dagwell Isaac
Daires Edmund
Dale Joseph
Dale Susannah
Dalkeith Henrietta Countess of
Dalton Mary nee Edwards
Dance George
Dance Robert
Dance Sarah
Daniel John
Darby Johnathan George Norton
Dare Robert Westley Hall
Darke William
Darknall Edward
Daubeny John Sr.
Davey James
David John
Davies Benjamin

