Ley Hamnett
Ley John Henry
Ley Thomas
Ley William
Liddle John
Lidgbird Henry
Lidgold George
Lidgold Richard
Light Joseph
Lion Leopold Gustave
Loin Mary Ann nee Jalfon
Lister Ann
Little Hannah nee Brown
Livingston Sir Thomas
Llegg James Winsor
Llewellyn Maragaret nee Williams
Llewellyn Thomas
Lloyd Elmira
Lloyd George
LLoyd James
Lloyd John
Lloyd Samuel
Lloyd Theodore
Lockwood Francis D.
Lodge Rev Henry
Lodge John
Lodge William
Loke Sophia
Loke Thomas
Lomax Joshua
Long James
Long Robert Ludwell
Longman Hurbert Bennison
Longman William
Longman William Churchill
Looseman Robert
Losa Alasey
Lovegrove Charles
Lovegrove John Henry
Lovejoy William
Low George
Lowe George
Lowe John
Lowry Mary Ann Julia Louisa Harriett Countess of Sandwich
Lucas Mrs
Lucas Birn
Lucas Henry
Lucas John
Lucas Thomas
Luce Charles
Ludlam Anne
Ludlam Frances
Ludlam Henrietta nee Parker
Ludlam Lucy Henrietta
Ludlam Mary
Ludlam Rev. Thomas
Ludlam William
Lumley Lady Jane nee Arundel
Lumley Lord John Knight
Lyon Frances
Lyon Henry Isaac
Lyne Anne
Lyne Charles
Lyne Frederick S.
Lyne George Philpot
Lynoury E.T.

Macbirde John
MacDonald Donald
Mace William Rudd
Machell William
Mackenzie Charles Fitzgerald
Mackeson Edward
Mackeson Lumden
Mackey J.H.
Macpherson Alexander John
MacRway Inx. A.
Mackworth Martha Amella
Maddison Thomas
Maidlow John
Mainwaring Frances nee Stone
Mainwaring William
Makin Emma
Malcole William
Malet Alexander
Malet William
Malpas Charles
Man Edwin
Mann Richard
Mann Thomas
Margetts Counelius
Margetts Henry
Margetts John William
Marjoribanks Dudley Coutts
Marjoribanks Edward
Marks David
Markds Hannah nee Engel
Marks Soloman
Marlipant Richard
Marr Goerge James

Marriner John
Marsh Isaac
Marsh William
Marshall George
Marshall John
Marshall Stephen
Marsham The Right Honorable Charles Earl of Romney
Marsham The Right Honorable Frances Augusta Constance Countess of Romney
Marsham The Right Honorable Douglas Henry
Marsham The Right Honorable Florence Mary Constance
Marsham The Right Honorable Reginald Hastings
Marson Arthur T.
Marson Frederick Boyd
Marson Thomas Fish
Martin Benjamin Thomas
Martin George Alfred
Martin George Edward
Martin James
Martin John
Martin Joseph Brown
Martin Joseph Job
Martin Thomas
Martyn Thomas
Mason Daniel Thomas
Mason James
Mason William
Massey George
Massey William
Master James Nix Breechild
Masters Thomas
Mather Elizabeth
Mather Rev. Roger
Mather Thomas
Mathews Robert
Mathews Norman
Matthews Mrs.
Matthews James
Matthews Richard
Matthews Thomas
Matthews William
Mawbey Sir Joseph 
Maxwell William
May Ester nee Edwards
May Franklin Clay
May Robert William
May Samuel
Mayar Louis
Mayne Mr.
Mayor Frank
McAdams James Nicoll
McCreery Alexander
McCreery Elizabeth
McLeoed William
Mead Ann
Mead Ann Margareat
Ellen Mead
Mead James Whittle
Mead James Thomas
Mead Louisa Ann
Mead Mary
Mead Thomas Whittle
Mears Rev. Henry
Mears Jas.
Meatt G.T.
Medland William
Meek John Edward
Meen Richard
Megret Louis Nicolas Adolph
Melland William
Mercer James S.
Mercer Robert
Mercer Samuel Hall
Meredith Frederick
Meredith Frederick Thomas
Meredith Herbert John
Meredith John
Meredith Thomas
Meredith William George
Meredith William Thomas
Meredith Henry Melville
Merton Louis
Mesborough the Right Honorable John Earl
Mesher Edmond
Messenger Thomas
Mewett Thomas
Meyers Michael
Michel Kate nee Benjamin
Michel Jules
Michel Maurice
Michell John
Michels Frederick
Middleton Henry
Middleton Capt. John Davis
Middleton William
Milcham Harry or Henry
Miles Jane Elizabeth
Miles John
Miles John Edward
Miles Sarah
Mill David
Mill Mary

Mill Sarah
Millard James
Millard William
Milledge William Dowland
Miller Robert
Miller William Feetham
Miller William
Milligan James
Milln James
Mills George
Mills Henry
Mills William J.
Milne Frank
Milner Thomas Henry
Mitchell A.
Mitchell Charles
Mitchell George
Mitchell I.? W.
Mitchell James George
Mitchell William
Mitchiner Moses
Mitford William
Mole Joseph
Mollett William
Monckton Edward Jr.
Monckton The Honorable Edward
Monckton The Right Honorable John Viscount Galway
Monk George
Montagu ?
Monagu Hyman
Montefiore Jacob
Monefiore Moses Jr.
Monti Joseph Francis
Mood William
Moody Thomas
Moon Sir Graham
More Alfred Beaufoy
Moore George
Moore Oscar Louis Wood
Moore Thomas
Moore Walter
Moore William
Moore William Playters
Moores Samuel
Moreton Thomas
Morgan James Octavius
Morgan John
Morland Thomas
Morlet John Marie
Morley Lucy Rebecca
Morley Mary
Morris George
Morris Robert
Morton Thomas
Moses Caroline nee Koenigswater
Moses Edward Henry
Noses Henry
Moses Joseph
Moses Lewis Davis
Moses Samuel
Mosley Sir John Parker
Moslin Stephen
Moss David
Mottisham Mrs.
Mothersole Charles
Motheram Ja.
Motts Lydia
Moule Richard Amphlett
Moulden Thomas
Moulder Thomas
Moulton John Howes
Moxon Richard
Moyes Frances
Mucrath The Earl of
Mundell Thomas Hodgson
Mundy Raymond
Muntrath Lord
Murray Charles Aloysius Scott
Musgrave Rev. George Musgrave
Mushet Edward M.
Mushet Robert
Musson Frederick
Mutter Rev.George
Mutton Thomas
Myer Abraham
Myer Selena nee Davis
Myer Sydney

Nathan Louis
Nayard Frederick
Needlham Frederick Manning
Needlham Joseph
Neeve James
Nelhams William
Nelson G. Jr.
Nelson G. Sr.
Nelson Thomas
Nettleton  widow
Nevin Thomas
Newbon Robert Alger
Newby Philip

