Rutherford John
Rutherford Maria
Rutter Emmetine Claridge
Rutter Henry
Rutter J.C.
Rutter John Champley 
Rutter Joseph Drown
Rutter Mary Ann
Ryton William

Sabin Martha
Saillard Philip Felix Renaud
Saint Germans The Right Honorable Henry Cornwallis Earl of
Salsbury James
Salisbury The Most Nobele James Marquis of
Salt Edward Tayleur
Slavin Anthony
Salvin Elizabeth
Samuel Benjamin
Samuel Emma nee Jacobs
Samuel Michael
Samuel Sampson
Sandford William
Sandwich John William Earl of
Saunders William
Savage James Henry
Savage William Henry
Savage W.J.
Saville George
Savile John
Saville Charlotte
Saville Joseph Herbert
Sawyer Frederick
Sawyer Harriet
Sawyer Henry
Sawyer James
Sawyer Lucy Clara
Sawyer William Thomas
Saylouro William
Scarborough John Frasier
Scarfe Mrs. Elizabeth
Scatchard Myles
Schmit Manly
Schweppe Mr.
Scott Andrew
Scott Charles Appleby
Scott George
Scott John
Scott John Cavendish Bentinck Duke of Portland
Scott Lockhart
Scott Ross Playters
Scott Walter
Scott William
Scott William Henry Cavendish Duke of  Portland
Scott William John Cavendish Bentinck Duke of Portland
Scragg William
Seddon Thomas
Sedger Joseph
Sedger Mary Ann
Seller Samuel
Serocold Charles Pearce
Sexton Mr.
Shacey Josias Henry
Shakleton Rev. Henry John
Shakleton Jane nee Kipling
Shakleton Mary nee Seddon
Shakelton Rev. Roger
Shakelton Thomas
Shadbolt Charles Jr.
Shard Charles
Sharkey Peter Burrowes
Sharp John
Sharp Richard
Sharp Robert
Sharp Thomas
Sharpe Henry Lockyer
Sharpe John
Sharpley Charles
Shaw Isaac Pacatus
Shaw John
Shaw Joseph Franklin
Shaw Wiliam T.
Sheares Bartho
Sheffield Edward
Sheffield Frederick
Sheffield Isaac
Sheffield Thomas Needham
Shefford William
Shelton Henry
Shelton Richard
Shephard Mary
Shepherd Arthur
Shepherd Charles Lechmere
Shepherd Frank
Shepherd George
Shepherd Jane
Shepherd John
Shepperson Thomas
Sherriff John William

Ravenhill Henry
Ravenhill Richard
Rawstone William
Raymonds Matilda
Rayner Messieurs
Read James Bird
Read P.H.
Read Thomas
Read Thomas Peter
Redford Samuel
Redworth Thomas
Reed Rrichard Lucie
Reeve Mr.
Reeve Joseph
Reeve Philip
Reeve William
Reever W.
Reeves Richard
Reeves Robert
Regis Melcombe
Reid William
Renuard Rev. George Cecil
Rhodes Charles Henry
Rhodes Thomas
Rhodes William
Rice Mary
Richard Walter
Richards Annie
Richards Arthur James
Richards Benjamin
Richards Elizabeth
Richards Elvan Mathew
Richards George
Richards Henry
Richards Harry Cornelius
Richards James
Richards John
Richards Jonathan
Richards Thomas
Richards William
Richards William Frederick
Richardson Mr.
Richardson Charles Turner
Richardson Georgina Mongonery Hamilton Story
Richardson Major Henry F. George
Richardson Rev. John Brooke
Richardson William Henry
Richardson William Keane
Richardson William
Ricketts Ernest Bengough
Ridgwy Mark William
Ridout Charles
Rigby Charles
Rigby Thomas
Riley James
Rivenall Anthony
Rivington Charles
Roantree Alfred Thomas
Roantree Sophia
Roberts Charles
Roberts Rathbone B.
Robertson Charles
Robertson Charlotte Caroline Eliya
Robinson James
Robinson John william
Robinson Richard
Robinson Samuel John
Robinson William
Robson John
Rock Sarah
Roe John
Roebrick Thomas
Rodd Bampfylde
Rogers Benjamin
Rogers Herbert
Rogers John
Rohmer William James
Roote William Ludlow
Rosewell Edward
Ross shown as Rofs George
Ross Sarah
Ross shown as Rofs Thomas
Rothwell James
Rothschild Nathan Mayer
Route Charlotte
Rowe Frances Coryndon Carpenter
Rowell George
Rowland Alexander William
Rowley Henry Elliott Graham George William
Rudd John
Rumble James
Rumens William
Russel Henry
Russell Alfred
Russel George
Russell James
Russell Richard
Russell Robert
Russell William Edward

Sherriff Lucy
Shewell Ewdard
Sherwin Martha
Sherwood Joseph
Sherwood Thomas Edward
Shipley John George
Shipwith Elizabeth
Short John
Shute Henry
Sibery Samuel
Sibley Alfred
Sibley John
Sibley William
Sidney Isaac
Sight Joseph
Silva Edward
Silva Frederick
Silva John
Simon Clotilde
Simon Elizabeth
Simon Fiora
Simon Helen nee Benjamin
Simon Mark George
Simonds Edwin
Simpson Pinder
Simpson Thomas
Sims Timothy
Skinner Mr.
Skinner John
Skirrow Walker Jr.
Slade Caroline
Slade James
Slade Joseph
Slade Mary Ann
Slade William James
Slater Amos
Slater Samuel
Slater William Henry
Slaughter Margaret
Sloocombe Francis Morga
Slocombe Mary Ann
Sloper Arbuthnott John
Small Miss
Small John
Small Thomas
Smedley Richard
Smith Andrew
Smith Ann
Smith Charles Henry
Smith Christian
Smith Esther
Smith George
Smith George Baxter
Smith Harriet
Smith Henry
Smith Henry Decker
Smith Isaac P.
Smith John
Smith John Edward
Smith Matilda
Smith Nathaniel Jr.
Smith Nathaniel Sr.
Smith Oliver Charles
Smith Peter
Smith Richard
Smith Robert
Smith Sarah
Smith Samuel
Smith Thomas
Smith Turberville
Smith William Proctor
Smith William
Smith William Henry
Smith Mr. W.N.
Smithson Gilbert
Snell Mrs.
Snell Ann
Snell Charles
Snell Edward
Snell Jane
Snell John
Snell Mary Ann nee Middleton
Snell Samuel
Snell widow
Snell William
Snell William Philip
Snell William Sr.
Soldi Baptist John
Sole Cochin
Solman widow
Soloman Charles
Soloman J.I.
Soloman John Isaac
Soloman Louisa
Sorrett Francis
Sothely Thomas
South George
Southwell Henry
Southwood Walter
Sowton Henry
Sparling William

