Many people live their life underneath a veil;
as though, towards others, they themselves are dead.
Such are they that seek for secrete happiness;
which, only is a pleasure kept merely in one's head.
People convince themselves they've found a treasure;
and, then they do adhere to it as if it were gold.
Few, through humility, discover the falsity of it;
and, finally, do acquire the true happiness of old.
Truthfully, I say to any that will hear,
Happiness cannot ever be found;
but, only will be birthed from within the heart!
There, it is genuinely of a virtue, good, and sound.
Yes, few will come into this unveiling of self.
It's the God-honest truth! Real happiness comes of a love!
Not that love in towards oneself; but, the outward love towards others.
The kind God demonstrated when He sent His love down from above.
J E S U S, Begotten Son of God,
came to tear the veil!
'Twas the thick cover for His holiness
which separated God from mankind.
G O D, The Giver and Resurrecter of Life,
Who is L O V E,
fell in love with us; and, came in Love's name
with our complete happiness in mind.
You see, because mankind fell from holy righteousness,
back in a garden, called Eden,
God made atonement through His own blood;
so that, we could have His kind of joy and spiritual wealth.
He allowed J e s u s, HIS Son, to be the Lamb
bruised for our wrongs, pierced for our rebelliousness,
and afflicted to bear our griefs and sorrows;
so that, peace would be restored between us and Himself!
"Unveiling Happiness & Revealing The Unveiler" © 2004 by Deborah Eileen Sauers - posted Monday, March 15, 2004.
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