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Debra Palmer's "Spread The Joy"
We all want to change the world 
Ride out on steed with flag unfurled 
To tell the world that we have fun 
with Christ Jesus we have won 

Come darker day or weaker night 
We shall over come the fight 
to learn to live in peace with you 
and me is all that we need do 

To love your neighbor as yourself 
Be there to offer him your help 
He said "You are the light of the world" 
so do not show your banner furled 
don't hide it from the light of day 
and shrug your shoulders yet and say 
"all is good on earth today" 

"Who needs a banner flying high 
yet as I feel my life draw nigh 
I do not feel I'm on cloud 9 
for all my life I feared to tell that 
with Christ Jesus all is well!! 

So spread the Joy and Peace and Love 
and let it ring from hea'n above 
of Jesus Joy and Peace and Love 
of Hope come only from above.
"Spread The Joy" posted with the permission of the author Debra Palmer - Posted 16 Oct 03.

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