Donald E. Felch's "The Awakening"
Cold winter mornings in blackness
Slicing the dark road with lamps
Sending out beams on the highway
Lighting the snow-covered ramps
Fields lay dormant and icy
As if to deny the plow
Iron-clad oceans of stubble
Frozen, no growth to allow
Deep night of winter grips tightly
In a grasp of frigid restraint
The few precious hours of sunshine
That try to bring warmth, but can't
Sooner now comes the morning
Streaking the grey sky with hue
Yesterday darkness would greet me
Today the world seems new
Early spring is deceiving
Just when we think it will thaw
Once again we are freezing
But light is a promise to all
Slowly, slowly the day creeps
Inching across the long night
Silhouetting a treeline
That yesterday stood out of sight
The robins haven't arrived yet
Patches of snow lay about
Still the morning it stretches
Pushing the long winter out
April's showers will drench us
But first the harsh winds will blow
Already I see in the morning
A faint and familiar glow
Humbly I kneel to thank Him
For every tiny new sign
The earth again is awakening
Part of His plan so divine
Donald E. Felch
2 March 1999
This verse is the original creation of Donald E. Felch © 1999-2004, Jezznik
Publications. It is not to be printed, or distributed electronically, stored,
transmitted, posted or shared through any means without the express written
consent of the author. Receipt or possession of this written work does not
constitute permission.