Gary Hill's "Why?"
© 2004 Gary Hill
My brain races and screams sometimes, why?
Like when IE gives you "The page cannot be displayed",
inquisitive minds want to know. And so do I, why?
Multiple hemisphere wars rage, immovable sides taken;
bombs, bullets, grenades blazing, where's the logic in that?
Young men and women fight, some give their lives, instant tears,
and, I can't help but ask why?
We exist in a world more confusing. Erasing gender lines,
street gangs drawing drug turf lines, jobs disappearing, corporate
corruption and lies, gas price rising, campaign rhetoric spewing
forth sewage, and, I can't help but ask why?
The answer lies in the hearts of mankind. The love of money,
greed and evil. Unless God sits at the conference table,
the more things change, the more they stay the same,
and, I can't help but ask why?
"Why" © 2004 Gary Hill - Originally posted Thursday, March 18, 2004.
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