Gary Hill's "Matters of the Heart"
© 1997-2004 Gary Hill
From the heart love takes root,
the life of a baby begins,
dreams are intricately woven,
and evil rears an ugly head.
The heart soars with hope,
broken with the pain of betrayal,
cries the sorrow of parting,
and births visions of forever.
The color of the heart
can be black as darkest night,
producing words cold as ice,
and heartless actions.
The color of the heart
can be white as a brilliant star,
producing soothing words
and healing caring.
From the heart some stay together,
others flee and part.
Hope and disappointment,
are not such distant neighbors.
A heart filled with hurt,
overflows with sorrow.
A heart filled with hate,
overflows with darkful horror.
A heart filled with love,
overflows with kindness,
gentleness, and love. Simply
matters of the heart.
"Matters of the Heart" © 1997-2004 Gary Hill - Originally posted Thursday, March 18, 2004.
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