Do you know God drops the morning dew... as though it were our due?
Though we know it is not so... but because the Master loves us true.
He gives us bread and honey to eat... but more the true bread of life...
Is it not He... our wonderful, Lord... who stays away all entangling strife?
He gives us air to breathe... food to grow... and cool water from the well.
I wonder at times... what must He do... to get all our attention to dwell
on the things of His Kingdom? The things He merits worthy for us to know?
He will not give up on one of His children... as traveling o’er this earth we go.
Think not He will forget even one... He will not; It is not His nature to forget.
It is not His nature to leave anything undone... ‘til all are in His ships net.
Until all are safe and none gone astray... He will there... as the morning doth clear
We can find Him... should we call... He is not deaf that He cannot hear.
Come to the mountain... in the early morning... see the dew drops dry...
As Jesus tries o'er and o'er to help us see... that it will be too late by and by.
So why not come to Him today? Do you yet... not know He loves you so?
Else why would He grow faint following... with love each step you go?
He built you a mansion up high beyond the sky... try to comprehend...
It is you all He loves; it is you he will... until His Kingdom comes... defend.
He is a loving Lord... He is our true friend; He will come to us again and again.
Lets go to Him in faith; lets give to Him our heart... and see Him in Heaven reign.
"The Morning Dew" © 2003 by Pearlie Duncan Walker - Posted Thursday, January 08, 2004
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