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Poetry Submission Guidelines
Submission FormxxE-Mail Your PoetryxxPC/Gary Hill News

Welcome to the The Poet's Corner - World's Grassroots Poetry Site!
Submit Your Poetry NOW for the March/April 2004 Edition

Poetry/Story Submission Guidelines:

1. The Poet's Corner accepts poetry on any subject that touches life in general. We highly encourage poet's to submit their work regardless of subject (execpt as stated in 3. below).

2. All poems must be original when used under an individual's name.

If the poem you're submitting is NOT ORIGINAL, to be posted, you MUST obtain written permission from the owner of the poem OR submit a written statement that the poem, to the best of your
knowledge, is in the "public domain".

3. Content that will NOT BE ALLOWED ON THE POET'S CORNER: Includes, but, is not limited to:

Gross obscenities and racial remarks (injurious or inflammatory to any race or color of person).

Also, ANY subject "too" offensive to be exposed to a General Audience will be posted with an appropriate WARNING to the reader.

4. The Poet's Corner reserves the right to refuse TO POST ANY MATERIAL THAT IS SUBMITTED, and without comment to the submitter, when it has been determined that the poetry in question would NOT benefit The Poet's Corner, and/or meet the submission standard's established in 2. or 3. above.

When submitting material to be posted on The Poet's Corner, the submitter should include a written statement that The Poet's Corner "has permission to post the material(s) and that all poems and stories submitted are original, AND the responsibility of proving such is that of the submitter".

All poems or stories submitted to The Poet's Corner remain the intellectual property of the author and may not be copied, in whole or part, or, used in any manner without the expressed written consent of the author of the poem. The Poet's Corner offers or receives NO monetary compensation for any work submitted for publication.

All poetry submitted may be published on any date, regardless of the submission date, unless specific limitations on the time-frame are specified by the author.

It should be said that The Poet's Corner sincerely appreciates our submitter's and reader's who support the site.

Submission Guidelines revised Tuesday, November 11, 2003 10:24:57 PM

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The Poet's Corner - A Site Designed and Maintained By: Updated Sunday, February 29, 2004
Page created on 3 February 1997!