In my dream, my daughter blossomed.
A pretty rose, unfolding her silver wings,
Beckoning me to the dark world
Where autumn stabbed and winter killed.
I woke up, hearing silence hum and watching darkness dance.
The ballet performance sucked me into its soul,
I found myself in a lonely park, without a way out.
Each step I sank and sank and sank deeper in the fog,
Sipping the creamy vapor in the air.
A sudden glow, born glittering amber joy.
As I approached it, my eyes tearful...
A golden stream trickling upward from my face,
A pang of happiness, smearing within me,
While I forced myself to get closer, closer and closer...
Until I saw a rose sway, it silver wings gloomed.
Around it, ash scattered, waiting for the wind to sweep;
And daughter, all alone, waiting for me,
Her green foliages aging.
"A Visit From Heaven" © 2004 Tri Tran - posted Wednesday, March 17, 2004.
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