The more I researched, the more I discovered why so many people are finding it terribly difficult to write successful copy for their Web businesses...

1. There are several other books about writing on the Net. They are rehashes of old "direct marketing mail order" books and videos.

2. They are surprisingly overpriced. In this day and age, information must be accessible to everyone.

3. None were published by companies that had the online success of We've been there, done that... and "sold the t-shirt"... tens of thousands of them. "The voice of experience is the best teacher."

4. I did find two other sites with a fair degree of "Net marketing" success, largely due to excellent copy. But they're not revealing how they do it! 5. I could not find a single copywriter who truly "got the Net." One who understood how to meld words with the Net. One who understood how to convert a visitor into a customer.

And then along came...

Joe Robson

I first "met" Joe when he wrote a review article about Make Your Site SELL! (MYSS!). Actually, it was more than a review. It was an entire tutorial. He used our site as the subject matter for a lesson about how to sell on the Net.

It was brilliant. He saw every technique we used. He caught every important persuasive technique. Every tiny nuance. Basically, he undressed me... in a nice kind of way.

Only one kind of person can do that. Someone who truly understands the Net-selling process. Someone who understands how to persuade visitors to become customers. That's Joe Robson.

I followed Joe's work for a while. His articles were appearing more and more widely over the Net. His newsletter articles were fresh and spoke directly to me. Original insights. The rare Net copywriter who clearly "got it."

I could resist no longer. I had searched for months, looking for the perfect collaborator to create the perfect book on Net copywriting. And I had finally found him!

But would he be interested in co-writing this book with me? Could an expensive, high-end copywriter with big-name clients find the time to be involved in such an important project? The only way to find out was to ask. He agreed. Boy, did he agree!...

He Immersed Himself for 8 Months

We would brainstorm periodically. Then he would squirrel himself away for weeks, feverishly re-writing. Suddenly, a manuscript would turn up in my e-mail. I'd tear it apart with Joe, add a bunch of new ideas, and then...

We'd repeat the whole brainstorm-squirrel-manuscript cycle... over and over again.

Finally, eight months later... it was done. Simple. Clean. Clear. Effective. Written from the ground up, created solely to show you how to write for the Net.

The final manuscript was in my hands. Now... it was my turn to disappear. Literally. Totally cut off from the "outside world," I fine-toothed my way through Joe's final work.

The more I read, the more excited I became. This was truly the "best of breed" that I had visualized. Then I set to work to make it even better...

- re-organized for maximum usability

- deepened and reinforced concepts based upon my experience

- added perspective via "Ken's Comments," where I share my own, most up-to-date concepts and techniques about copywriting to sell.