Peanuts...the dwarfs dilemma.
"Peanuts" are kits that have inherited the dwarfing gene from both parents.  Inheriting only one of these genes produces the little rabbits that are desirable in the dwarf breeds...Neatherland, Holland Lop, Hotot, etc.  Rabbits that do not carry this gene at all are our "normal" sized breeds. If a bunny inherits this gene from both parents it will not survive. If you breed dwarfs you will get peanuts. Here are pictures that will help the new dwarf breeder identify these critters.
These are newborn Fuzzy Lop kits. A peanut is half the size of its dwarf littermates.
Peanuts head are shaped a little differently. The skull protrudes in a dome-like fanshion, the eyes bulge, and the ears are placed further back on the head.