Multi-accounting(MAing) is when one person has more than one account. Abusive MAing is when those people use their multiple accounts to get an advantage over other players. Now if a person simply has two players that they trained from birth people usually don't mind as much. However, often what will happen is someone will get bored with the game and sell their character to someone who then uses it to multi-account with. The most annoying instances of this is when someone buys an older character (in some cases some of the oldest characters in the game) and uses that older character to help or babysit their younger character while hunting.
This site has been created to make public the knowledge of who exactly is doing this, in hopes that perhaps in the future they will be more discrete, or not do it at all. If you want to add to this site or complain about it write to gemstoneshame _AT_
Nasupel, Exttior, Jadall - They hunt together and always log in at the same time. Pretty sure Nasupel bought the other two.
Windi, Neox - Not only does Windi use Neox as a human locker and a spell/mana machine (he's a wizard, she's a cleric) but she doesn't bother to hide it. She can often be seen doing this at the Dais in Ta'Illistim.
Laeonni, Praznic, Gorde, Swilling, Vayron - Not sure who owns who, but they are always together - usually sitting a few steps away from the entrance to Old Ta'Faendryl. I think Praznic is the ring leader and I believe he has other sold characters in his stable.
Jael, Omnirus - Always hunting together, always. If they aren't as soon as one dies the other logs in for a rescue.
Spunkwort, Hogberth - Used to always hunt together(with Tenderhand in tow) and always log in at the same time. I think this group has been split up though.
Many times MA groups may involve lent characters, family members, or otherwise. This list here are for characters that have been sold:
Zurrainn - was owned by Tsin and used to powerhunt, been sold like 3 or 4 times
Haelmistrum - was owned by Pirub, now unknown
Avator - village bicycle, once owned by Edgeleaf among others. Now owned by the same person who bought Kareese. Contanstly dying in OTF because they don't know how to hunt.
Tenderhand - was once owned by Spunkwort/Hogberth, now owned by Zanagan
Malok - was sold to a group of people
Malokii - was sold to a single person
Darwar Jadall - was once owned by Melivn, now Nasupel
Exttior - owned by Nasupel
Reagan - once owned by Edgeleaf's possee, now unknown
Omnirus - once a slave to Edgeleaf, now to Jael. Unknown if sold or lent
Sraven Plinn - sold atleast 3 times
Treme - stutters no more
Kareese - recently sold, buyer unknown.
Bisco - sold 3 or 4 times.
Jestine - sold atleast once.