Trying to Concieve Girl
As stated on the previous page Dr. Shettles believes that intercource a day or more before ovulation is most likely to result in the conception of a girl. This is because the X (female) sperm are thought to be more resistant during the acidic conditions in the vaginal tract days before ovulations occurs then the Y (male) sperm. So idealy you want to have intercourse two or more days prior to ovulation to concieve a girl. First you need to chart your cycles. The most common way to do this is by charing your BBT. Other ways include observing cm, cp, and using OPK's. For more in depth info on charting I would reccomend getting the book 'Taking Charge of Your Fertilty'. This book will go in depth on pinpointing ovulation. Shettles reccomends charting your cycles for at least 3 months prior to making your gender attempt so you can be familiar your body and when you ovulate. Once you've learned to pinpoint ovulation you can begin your attempt for a girl.
Shettles reccomends frequent intercourse from the time your menses stop until the day you make your attempt. This is believed to lower the man's sperm count. Lower sperm counts are associated with more female conceptions. After you make your attempt it is reccomended that you abstain entirely until a few days after ovulation has taken place. This is so you don't risk having intercourse close to ovulation which is more likely to result in the conception of a boy.
Missionary position is reccomened for ttc girl. This position is less likely to deposit the sperm close to the cervix where secretions are alkaline and most favorable to Y sperm. Shallow penetration at the time of the male's climax will further ensure that sperm passes through the vaginal tract where secretions are naturally more acidic and therefore favor the female-producing sperm.
If a women can avoid orgasms while trying for a girl, that can help too. Female orgasms increase the flow of alkaline secretions, aiding the male-producing sperm. And the contractions that accompany the female orgasm help propel the sperm up and into the cervix, also giving greater assistance to the male sperm.

Vinegar Douche (optional):
Importance of timing:
Position & Penetration:
Other Good Advise:
Gender Diet
Acidic Foods
Other Helpful Tips
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*All info taken from Dr. Shettles book 'How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby'
Another way of making your vaginal tract more acidic and more     favorable to girl(x) sperm is to use a vinegar douche just prior to  intercourse.The douche is 1 liter water mixed with 2 tablespoons  vinegar