Wayne County
Michigan American Local History Network
Death Notices January 6, 1926
Detroit News
In Memoriam & Cards of Thanks
Barker, Elizabeth January 4th ; age 5, darling daughter of Mr & MRs George Barker, dear sister of George. Funeral from residence, 8868 Lorman. Thursday at 8:30, and to Annunciation Chruch at 9:00
Bernatowicz, Lenore M. (nee Tiefethaler) ; beloved wife of Stephen Bernatowicz, 1329 West Grand Blvd, Detroit, died January 3, 1926. Mother of Ruth, Jane, Betty and Patricia Bernatowicz Funeral Wednesday, St Leo's Church at 9a.m. Burial Holy Cross Cemetery (Milwaukee paper please copy.)
Blackstock, Mary Jane (nee Dougan) ; January 2nd, widow of Hugh at residence of daughter, Mrs Robert Pollock, 3103 Huntingdon Road Shaker Heights, Cleveland Ohio.
Blanke, Elmer E. January 3, 1926 ; beloved husband of Martha and father of Irene, son of the late Joseph A., brother of Hugo J. and Mrs J. Fletcher. Funeral from residence at 2 p.m. Concordia Church at 2:30.
Blumrosen, Helen Marian ; January 3, beloved daughter of Mrs. Moses Blumrosen, dear sister of Joseph, Nathan, Rita , Mrs Saul Saulsen and Mrs Morse Goldman. Funeral from residence 2493 West Euclid. Monday at 2p.m.
Boltz, Nathilda ; Jan 4 ; age 75 years, beloved mother of Martha , Mrs George Mandley, Mrs Lillian Keil; grandmother of five grandchildren. Funeral Wednesday from the residence of her daughter, Mrs Lillian Keil, 2225 Harding ave.
Buch, Henry Jan 4, 1926 ; beloved husband of Caroline Buch, dear father of Mrs. Louise Zerber, Mrs Lena Pagel, William and Albert Buch, grandfather of 10 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. Funeral from daughter's residence 4702 Tillman ave. Thursday 2 p. m. from St John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2:30pm. Interment at German Lutheran Cemetery.
Casey, William H. ; Jan 3, 1926, at his residence 99 Marston Ave. beloved husband of Margaret Boyd Casey, father of Mrs Hadley Smith, Mrs Rose S. O'Neill and W.A. Casey, Funeral Wednesday Jan 6 from residence and at Holy Rosary Church at 9 o'clock.
Chapman, Ernst, dear brother of Mrs Frank Fischer, Mrs Avis McNamara, Bernadette and Frederick Chapman. Funeral services at residence 520 South Distillery, Wednesday evening 7:30. Interment at Mackinaw Island, Michigan.
Dandell, Anna Staples, beloved wife of Otto H., dear mother of Katherine and Gladys Dandell Staley, dear sister of Katherine, Ernest, and Emma McPhee and dear daughter of Charlotte Staples. Funeral from residence 456 Chalmers. Thursday 2p.m.
Dunn, Sarah J. Jan 4, 1926, at her residence 210 Tennyson. Wife of William R. Dunn and mother of William R. Jr, Archibald A. Dunn, Mrs M. Pennell. Funeral service at chapel of The William R Hamilton Co, Cass Avenue, corner Alexandrine, Wednesday at 2:30p.m.
Kenny, Timothy ; Jan 3, 1926, beloved brother of Frank Funeral service Wednesday 9:30a.m. at J.W. Ma??? Chapel, Lincoln ave, corner Hancock. 9:30 a.m. St Vincent's Church.
Merritt, Eva M. Suddenly at Colo. Dear friend Mrs. Jessie C. ???
this announcement was cut off the edge, and unreadable, sorry
Miller, Edward beloved husband of Jessie E. and father of Mrs Fred T. Robertson and Howard H. Miller Jr. Funeral from residence 2046 Boston Blvd W.
Miller, Anna (nee Haller) ; Jan 3 beloved mother of Theo, Henry, Chester, Mrs. Arthur Dulzo, Mrs. Pageau, beloved sister of Mrs Stocker. Funeral from 2143 Cleveland. Time later.
Mitchell, Catherine ; Jan 4 at residence, Lakeview ave. beloved wife of Thomas Mitchell Funeral from residence Thursday at 1 p.m. Interment at Mt. Clemens.
McDonald, Nettie ; Jan 5 at her residence 4541 Van Dyke. age 49, beloved wife of William F. McDonald dear mother of Mrs Jerome Seaton, Hazel McDonald ; beloved daughter of Mrs E. Atkinson Funeral Thursday 2p.m. from residence. Charlotte, Michigan please copy.
McIlvane, Mary Jan 4, beloved wife of Frank, dear mother of Paul, ??? W. Heatley, Frank Jr. and T.J. Mc??? Funeral from the late residence, Hurlbut ave. Thursday morning and to Annunciation Church 10 a.m. Interment Mt Olivet. Member of ??? Society. this announcement was cut off, and the edge is not readable, sorry
Pellerin, Matilda, aged 56. beloved wife of Alphonse Pellerin, dear sister of Mrs Joseph Nedean, Mrs Joseph McGuirk. Funeral from 12056 Cameron, Jan. 6, at 8:30 ; Santa Maria Church at 9.
Perreault, Flora ; Jan 4, 1926, beloved mother of Albert Dolphus of Tilbury, Ont; Louis, Mrs George Silk, Mrs William Mannauss, Mrs J.R. Gallagher. Fuenral from residence, 56 Cicotte street east. River Rouge. Thursday at 8:30 ; Our Lady of Lourdes Church at 9.
Quamby, James ; Jan 3, 1926, dear brother of Mrs. Phoebe Fisher, John, George, Mrs Rose Jacobi. Funeral Wednesday at 2 p.m. from L.A. Berlin Funeral Home. 533 Lenox avenue. at Jefferson. Interment at Forest Lawn
Rose, Rosella ; Jan 3, 1926, mother of Mrs Glen Van Horn and Mrs J. Harold Johnson Funeral services at Chapel of William R. Hamilton Company, Cass ave, corner Alexandrine. Tuesday evening, at 8. Interment in Stockbridge, Mich.
Ryan, Frances Harriett ; Jan 3, 1926, at residence, 2027 Sycamore. darling daughter of Bert and Mary Ryan, and dear sister of Patrick, Clarence, Jack and Edward Ryan ; granddaughter of Mrs. Mary Ryan. Funeral Wednesday 8:30; at St Vincent's at 9.
Schmittling, Hattie, beloved daughter of Marie and the late Godfried Schmittling, dear sister of Charles and John Gast, Mrs. William Meyers, Mrs Albert(Manthie), Mrs. Ray Schult, Albert, Harold and the late Alma Schmittling. Funeral from residence, 4329 Western ave., Wednesday at 2p.m. and St Matthew's Evangelical Lutheran Church at 2:30 p.m.
Smith, Minnie (nee Maurer), at her parents home 1150 Cavalry, mother of Melvin and dear daughter of Phillip and Sophia, sister of Mrs. William Komeraus, Jr., John G. Rohloff, of Alabama, Mrs Harry Brandt, Mrs Henry Footlander and Mrs Edwin Jackson. Notice of funeral later.
Steiner, Adolph M. dear brother of Mrs. Sol Van Vliet, Mrs Saul Harris, Helen, Carl A. and Edward Funeral from his late residence, 402 Farnsworth. Thursday at 2p.m.
Van Atter, Maude G. Jan 5, 1926, at Ford's Hospital. beloved mother of Claude E. dear daughter of Thomas E. Burns , sister of Claude E. Burns. Services from residence, 97 Buena Vista ave. west, Highland Park. Thursday at 2:30 p.m. Interment Roseland Park Cemetery
Van Ceulebroeck, Leon Jan 3, beloved son of Victor and Mary, dear brother of Victor, Jr. Funeral from the late residence, 2217 St Clair ave., Wednesday morning, 9:30 and to Annunciation Church. 10 o'clock.
Worrick, Welsby ; Jan 4, 1926 , beloved husband of Mary, dear father of Carl L. and the late Clyde W.; brother of Mrs. Nora Davet of North Madison, O. Mrs Frillia Traska, Huntsburg, O. Funeral from residence, 68 James ave., River Rouge. Wednesday at 2p.m.
In Memoriam
In Loving Memory of my dear mother, Marie Jeschke, who passed away 3 years ago today, Jan. 5, 1923.
Just a thought of sweet remembrance. Just a memory fond and true ; Just a token of affection. And a heartache still for you.
--Sadly missed by her daughter, Mrs. Paul Kastl.
In Memory of dear wife and mother, who died 3 years ago today.
N.J. Zavitz and her Children.
In Loving Memory of our darling baby, who fell asleep Jan 4th, 1921. Gone, but not forgotten. His loving parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nicolai.
In Tender Memory of "Dick" Furby, who lieft us one year ago today. Always missed by Daddy, Mamma, Sisters and Kenneth.
In loving memory of Olive E. McDonald (nee Johnson), who died in Providence Hospital Jan. 5, 1925.
One year ago you left us, darling, and our hearts are filled with pain. And we long to hear your laughter, and to see your smile again.
But we know that you are happy in the Master's loving care. And that no more pain or sorrow will ever be your share.
So we will be brave, our darling, and pray to God each day, That when He calls us home to Heaven, your loving smile may guide the way.
--Sadly missed by her sorrowing husband, parents, and brothers.
Cards of Thanks
I WISH to thank my friends and relatives who so kindly sent flowers during my bereavement, and for the many extra kindness; my special thanks to Rev. John Ashlee, of St Thomas Church.
Daniel Scrivens
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