Digimon Fan-Art

Please do not take these images without the consent of the artist.

1. "Tatomon." By Kacie. EMAIL

2. "Jennifer" by Jennifer. (from the story in Fan-Fics) EMAIL

3. "Foximon and Gomamon" (from Fan-Fic) by Jennifer. EMAIL

4. "Jennifer and Foximon" (from Fan-Fic) by Jennifer. EMAIL

5. "Yama" by Alicia. EMAIL

6. "Happy Easter 2000" and "Merry Xmas" by Jennifer. EMAIL

7. Pres' Art.

Yes, yes. I know not Digimon Art but I like showing off anyway!. 1. A Stinger Battlemech. 2. A Cauldron-Born Battlemech. 3. A really cool dragon I drew as a do not enter my room sign. PS: All of these pics are full page sized but had to be reduced cause they were WAY to big. They were all done in pencil then inked over. The little dots on the edges mean that it was at one time on my wall. Sadly, the sticky stuff left oil on the papers. Pres.

And yes, I do draw Digimon too. But I haven't gotten creative yet as evidenced by this pitiful Izzy drawing:

More Pres's Art:

I. Taito1GDD.jpg: Matt slinging an arm over Tai's shoulder.

II. YamasuketaiGDD.jpg: Matt, Tai and Davis singing.

III. sadsukekate.jpg: Sad Davis. Awarded to a friend for hitting a hit!