Digimon Episodes

Well...I'll try to keep this page as updated as possible with all the new episodes. Also, because I wanna be different and have an edge over other sites, I'm going to work on finding out all the episode previews and put them here too! (you know when someone says last time on Digimon...) those things! Episode pics, if I have any can be found by clicking on the Episode Name. You may wish to open them in a separate window. PS: Some have pics beside the episode too. Trust me, there still is a link to another pic!

As with the Characters Page, the links on this page when put it on Geocities they change to the same color as the text! What's that? You wanna know what color they appear in my Editor? Purple of course! Anyway, I won't *** them in here cause almost all of them have pics. Just see where your cursor turns into a pointy hand. =) ~Pres.

EPISODE 1: And so it Begins:

Beginning speach: That's home, planet Earth but I'm not sure that's where I am right now. OK, let me back up a little. It all began when the climate went completely outta control: the Rain Forests dried out, and other places got totally flooded with water like chocolate sauce. And get this! Cities that were normally blazing hot in the summer got super cold. At the time, I didn't know any of this was going on cause I was at Camp. All the other campers were, you know, goofing off and hanging out. I was enjoying the summer sun while...uh...going over my multiplication tables! That is, until it started to snow, in the middle of July, totally freaky! But it gets wierder. You won't BELIEVE what happens to me and six other kids. Oh, by the way, my name's Tai. This is Sora, she's OK for a GIRL. And Matt, Matt's TOO cool. Just LOOK at that haircut! And this little kid is Izzy, he should've gone to computer camp. That's Mimi, I'll bet you can guess her favorite color on the first try! T.K. is Matt's dopey little brother. Oh, and this is Joe, but don't ever scare him, he'll probably wet his pants! So there we all were at camp. Suddenly this huge blizzard came out of nowhere...(Tai)

Seven kids - Tai, Matt, T.K., Sora, Joe, Mimi, and Izzy - are transported to a mysterious new world where they encounter the Digimon: Digital Monsters. What HAVE they gotten themselves into???

Ending: So, just when we meet some pretty cool friends we all take a plunge, never to see each other again? I don't think so. But find out for yourself next time on Digimon:Digital Monsters! (Tai)

EP 2: The Birth of Greymon: (note: title pic above is from this episode)

Let me bring you up to speed, me and six other kids were back at Summer Camp when a freak snow storm hits. We find these Digivices and BAM! The next thing you know we're transported to this wacked out Island. One by one, we make friends with these creatures who called themselves Digital Monsters or Digimon and everything was cool until Kuagamon showed up. Our new friends somehow digivolved into bigger Digimon and scared him off - or so we thought. Talk about your cliffhangers... (Tai)

Exploring their new world, the kids and their Digimon friends are attacked by Shellmon, an evil Digimon, forcing Agumon to digivolve into a more powerful form! Can even Greymon save them?

EP 3: Garurumon

Oops. Clipped it off! Does anyone got it?

The kids set up camp for the night but are shocked when it turns out they're sleeping on the back of a giant Digimon -Seadramon! When the sea monster tosses them into the water and threatens Matt, Gabumon must digivolve into Garurumon to try and rescue them.

EP 4: Biyomon Gets Firepower/Fireman's Ball

OK, first we have a close call with these two metal dinosaur-looking creatures, then we were about to crash for the night, wouldn't you know it? We're camped right on top of a big wicked serpent thing that goes by the name of Seadramon, that's when things got intense! I got snatched up and Gabumon digivolved into a huge blue wolf called Garurumon, lucky for me Seadramon was no match. Whenever we're in danger, our Digimon get bigger and help us. Now THAT's cool! (Matt)

The kids have their first encounter with the Black Gears. One turns a normally friendly Digimon Meramon into a deadly foe. Will Birdramon have the power to stop his firey rampage?

EP 5: Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker

Well we had just finished crossing what seemed like an uncrossable desert when we found a village made up of thousands of Yokomon under attack by Meramon. He was really mad because he had one of those wierd flying Black Gears stuck inside his back. We tried to get all the Yokomon away from the village, but there was just too many of them. Biyomon digivolved to Birdramon and was able to drive out the Black Gear and destroy it. Then Meramon and the village went back to normal. We'll see how long that lasts. (Sora)

The kids have another encounter with a deadly Black Gear when they free the trapped Andromon and are repaid for their good deed by a viscious assault. Can the efforts of Greymon, Garurumon and Kabuterimon stop this advanced Digimon?

EP 6: Togemon in Toytown

Last time, we found Andromon trapped inside a mysterious factory. After he was freed, he became a destructive maniac! I discovered a chamber with a computer program that ran the entire facility. Fortunately, my laptop inside this perimeter was operational. Accessing the mainframe, I somehow tapped into Tentomon's program. He digivolved to Kabuterimon, and with the help of Greymon and Garurumon, he defeated Andromon. Apparently, Andromon's programming was corrupted by another Black Gear. (Izzy)

Trapped in Toytown, the kids become brainwashed and forced to be played with by the toys by the Black Gear controlled Teddy Bear Monzaemon! Can a prickly Togemon save Monzaemon and return the kids to normal?

EP 7: Ikkakumon's Harpoon Torpedo

Last time, we met the most disgusting creatures called the Numemon. We get outside and there's this giant stuffed bear named Monzaemon attacking us with his floating hearts! Me and Palmon got away, but the other kids, like, got hypnotized and taken to Toytown. Here the toys play with the children. Things were totally, like, bad. That's when the icky Numemon's came to help. Palmon digivolved into Togemon, which kinda freaked me, and saved the day! Not bad for a plant... (Mimi)

Trying to get a better view of their new home, File Island, the kids begin to climb a mountain. Joe tries to be brave and climbs the mountain with Gomamon but when they're attacked by a Black Gear controlled Unimon can the digivolved Ikkakumon protect Joe?

Ending: So Gomamon and I fought all the way to the top to see what was there...and we found...well, nothing! But I think we discovered quite a bit on the way up! (Joe)

EP 8: Evil Shows His Face

Matt and Tai were arguing about whether to climb Infinity Mountain. Tai figured from up there we could see a way off the Island. Matt thought it was just too dangerous. I don't know what came over me, but that night I took it upon myself to climb it. On the way up me and Gomamon saw a Black Gear imbed itself in Unimon, so it was no surprise when Unimon attacked. I was in quite a bit of trouble, so Gomamon digivolved into Ikkakumon. He rescued me and used his Harpoon Torpedo to destroy the Black Gear. I won't climb any Mountains for awhile. (Joe)

Leomon, one of the most powerful good Digimon, is struck by a Black Gear, making him a slave to Devimon, ruler of the Digital Underworld. When Devimon separates the kids they'll have to use their wits and more to survive.

EP 9: Sub-Zero Ice Punch!

When we climbed Infinity Mountain, we found ourselves right between Leomon and Ogremon. They were being controlled by Devimon, a most heinous character. Devimon thinks that we were sent to the Digi-World to defeat him. I think he's slightly confused. We escaped with the help of a well-timed digivolve and discovered a mansion where we ate, cleaned up, and tried to get some sleep. Unfortunately, it was all an illusion created by Devimon. He destroyed the whole Island and split all us kids up! I think we're in trouble... (Tai)

Marooned on a frozen Island, Tai and Agumon encounter Frigimon, a Black Gear controlled snow Digimon. They turn him back to his kind self and create a bridge to Matt's Island. Together again, can Tai and Matt stand up against the villanous Mojamon?

Ending: And now I know my little brother will be alright `cause he has Patamon to take care of him when I can't be there. I think as long as we all trust each other, together it's a sure bet that we'll fight and beat Devimon. (Matt)

EP 10: A Clue From the Digi-Past

When Devimon split File Island, Matt and I were stranded in a freezing environment. While on another Island, Tai and Agumon encountered Frigimon, a victim of the Black Gears. They got Frigimon back to his kind self, and in gratitude, he created a bridge to our Island. When we found each other, things went badly between Matt and Tai. They got even worse when Mojamon attacked. Agumon and I digivolved and defeated Mojamon. I do hope we find all the others soon! (Gabumon)

Lost in a ruined jungle city, Mimi and Izzy find each other and must decipher some mysterious messages if they want to survive their encounter with Centaurumon, the city's Black Gear controlled defender. And what is the secret of the Digivices?

EP 11: The Dancing Digimon

After we landed in the forest, Palmon and I crossed over to another floating Island where we found Izzy and Tentomon. While Izzy was doing something-or-other with his computer, Centaurumon, with a Black Gear stuck in him, attacked. Izzy somehow started talking to me through my Digivice and led Tentomon and I to safety. Well almost. Our little partners digivolved just in time driving out the Black Gear. Leomon, who was still under Devimon's evil control, appeared but Izzy and I used our Digivices and shooed that bad kitty away! (Mimi)

Joe and Sora are reunited, but only to be sacrified to a cult of fiendish ghost Digimon? Do Ikkakumon and Birdramon have the power to save their Digipartners?

EP 12: DigiBaby Boom

When I went fishing, I never thought I'd catch what I did. Our little group decided to explore the rest of this new Island and when we came across what looked like a church...well, we were more than a little surprised. The people inside looked like they were celebrating Haloween, we should've known they weren't ordinary people. As it turned out, it was the Bakemon Holiday and these people were actually ghosts intent on eating us. Joe figured out how to take away Lord Bakemon's power. Just another day in paradise. (Sora)

T.K. and Patamon get a lesson in cooperation when they come to Primary Village, home to Baby Digimon, Digieggs and a cranky caretaker named Elecmon! Will they be able to learn their lesson in time to stop Devimon and his plans for the Digi-World?

EP 13: The Legend of the Digi-Destined

We were all alone on a flying bed, and then we landed in this neat-o place where all the baby Digimon were born. They were being protected by Elecmon who was not very nice to us `cause he thought we were going to hurt his babies. Patamon and Elecmon got into a little fight, but I made them stop. I told them to play tug-of-war instead of fighting. And guess what happened? Patmon won! YAY!!! Elecmon got nice and told us we could stay at Primary Village for awhile. I can't wait to see what happens next! (T.K.)

The kids finally learn of the legend of the Digi-Destined, who are fated to bring peace to the Digital World. But if they are the Digi-Destined, does that mean its up to them to defeat Devimon?

EP 14: Departure for a New Continent

We found T.K. and just in time too. Later, Devimon chanelled his power and became enormous! No matter how hard they tried, our Digimon couldn't stop him. That's when the incredible happened. Patamon digivolved into Angemon, and using all his power defeated Devimon! With all of his strength gone, Angemon returned to the youngest stage, a Digiegg. With Devimon gone, File Island began to re-build itself. I'm just glad we're all back together again. (Tai)

When a mysterious being named Gennai asks the kids to travel to the Continent of Server to help him defeat his enemies, the children and their Digimon set out on an amazing adventure - leading them inside the belly of a giant Whamon! Can the kids survive the trip and find the Tags and Crests they need to make their Digimon stronger?

EP 15: The Dark Network of Etemon

A strange being named Gennai asked us to come to his Continent and defeat his enemies. He told us we have the power to digivolve even more...but not without special Tags and Crests that were hidden by Devimon. We built a raft with the help of some Island Digimon, and T.K.'s Digiegg hatched into Poyomon. On the raft, we met Whamon, and were swallowed by him. He took us to an underwater store, where we found the Tags. Now all we needed were the Crests. But where to look next? (Agumon)

As the kids arrive at Server and continue searching for their Crests, they come across a village where they must battle the trickster Pagumon, and the dangerous rock'n'roll Digimon Etemon and his Dark Network.

EP 16: The Arrival of Skull Greymon

After reaching the Continent of Server, we found a Koromon Village, but it was occupied by the Pagumon. Later, Poyomon digivolved into Tokomon. That night, he was taken from our campsite. Agumon finally found him and all the Koromon, in a cave. They were being guarded by the Gazimon who were also planning on giving us to that rock'n'roll Digi-jerk named Etemon. He used his music like a weapon and tried to destroy the village. We found the Crest for Tai's Tag, and it created an escape for us. Never a dull moment... (Sora)

The kid's journey leads them to a replica of the Roman Colliseum. We learn more about Tai and Sora's past. When Etemon finds them, he unleashes an evil Greymon to destroy them. Can Agumon save the day in his new digivolved form? Or will Skull Greymon prove too much for friend and foe alike to handle?

Ending: You finally managed to digivolve, but it was a huge mistake. I wonder if our Digimon will ever be able to digivolve the right way. One things for sure. I learnt my lesson. (Tai)

EP 17: The Crest of Sincerity:

Oops. Clipped it off!

Walking along a hot, barren desert, the kids and their Digimon suddenly discover a huge cruise ship. They soon find Cockatrimon, one of Etemon's henchmen, is driving the ship. As the kids battle to escape a new Crest appears...

EP 18: The Piximon Cometh:

We were still in the desert trying to avoid Etemon and his Dark Network, when a big ship pulled up. We got on-board and everything was fine, at least we thought so. As it turned out, the ship was just a trap set up by Cockatrimon. He used his petrifier to turn some of us to stone! Fortunately, nothing beats a good digivolve and we sent Cockatrimon flying and a well-placed cactus took care of the ship. The next Crest turned out to be for Mimi and it was then that she realized how important she was to our adventure. (Biyomon)

As the search for new Crests continues, the kids encounter their old enemy, Kuagumon. Haunted by his last Digivolution, Agumon can't digivolve. Piximon a master Digimon trainer saves them and begins training them in the ways of the Digimon. Tai and Agumon learn a special lesson in this episode.

EP 19: The Prisoner of the Pyramid:

Clipped. Anyone have it?

When Izzy receives an e-mail plea for help, the secrets of the Digi-World are revealed, leading them to a dangerous encounter with Datamon and Etemon.

EP 20: The Earthquake of Metal Greymon:

T.K. was the next to find his Crest and it led us to a place where Izzy made quite a discovery. He came to the conclusion that we were all inside a giant program and even us kids are just bits of computer data. With this new information, our Leader, Tai now thinks he's invincible...Ya right! Then we were sent an e-mail by someone being held by Etemon following the signal we found Datamon, a robot-like Digi who controls Etemon's network. We released him from Etemon's control. And just like that, he takes Sora! Nice guy huh? (Matt)

In their quest to save Sora, the kids and their Digipartners must battle Datamon, and an even more powerful Etemon. Will Agumon be able to fully-digivolve in order to rescue the kids? And where will Tai and Agumon end up?

EP 21: Home Away From Home:

Clipped again. Anyone?

Chaos erupts both on Earth and in the Digi-World. Tai and Koromon must do battle with the dreaded Ogremon to rescue their friends and Tai's sister Kari. (note: I cried all the way at the end of this ep. When Kari didn't want Tai to go, it was so sad!)

EP 22: Forget About It

Koromon and I didn't know how, but we were transported back to my real-life home town. Not only was everything exactly the same as it was when I left for camp, it was even the same day I arrived in Digi-World. Other things were wierd too. My little sister Kari somehow knew all about Koromon. For some reason, evil Digimon were trying to cross over into the real world. We received a transmission from Izzy, warning us not to return to Digi-World, but we knew we had to go back. We had to save both worlds! (Tai)

Upon their return to the Digi-World, Tai and Agumon find Tokomon, who tells them that the others have split up to look for them. T.K. befriends a new Digimon, Demidevimon, but is he a true friend or not? When Tai, Agumon, and Tokomon catch up with T.K. and Demi, a battle ensues. (Another ep I cried through. It was so sad how Demi turns TK away from Matt)

Ending: I guess we learnt that sometimes it doesn't take a Mushroom of Forgetfulness to make us sometimes forget who are real friends are. (Tai)

EP 23: Weregarurumon's Diner:

Tai and Agumon finally returned to the Digi-World but lots had happened. Demidevimon tricked me into thinking that all the other kids didn't like me anymore and he made me and Tokomon get into a fight. I played with him instead, but I still missed the others. When Tai finally found me, I was so happy that me and Tokomon made friends again. That made Demidevimon kinda scared. He tried to make me eat these mushrooms that would make me forget about Toko but Agumon stopped me just in time! That's when Patamon Boom-Bubbled! (T.K.)

Matt and Gabumon find Joe slaving away in the kitchen of a strange restaurant headed by Veggiemon and Digitanamon and soon find themselves slaving away too! When Tai and T.K. arrive on the scene, they reveal Demidevimon's evil ways, leading to an amazing battle. Can Garurumon fully digivolve in order to beat the bad guys?

EP 24: No Questions, Please:

Last time, Matt lucked out and found Joe in a restaurant run by these two creeps Veggiemon and Digitanimon who were working him like a dog to pay for a lunch he'd had, like, weeks ago. Pretty soon, Matt was slaving away too. The whole thing was a scam by Demidevimon to keep them both there forever. Luckily T.K. and I showed up just in time. With Weregarurumon and Matt's Crest of Friendship glowing, we beat the little bat and sent him and his crew to the showers! Now we have to find Mimi and the others, so we all split up again. (Tai)

Izzy and Tentomon have been searching for Gennai for the last two months, but now they find themselves trapped and suddenly fall into a bottemless pit. Then they hear a strange voice asking Izzy to give up his curosity to live. Who or what could it be? (Another sad ep, how quickly Izzy was ready to change himself to live...and how much of a zombie he becomes)

EP 25: Princess Karaoke:

Demidevimon tricked Izzy and made him fall into Vademon's universe. Convincing Izzy to give up his curiosity, he turned Izzy into a total, like, zombie. To make things worse, that brain-head got hold of Izzy's Tag and Crest. Tentomon got so bumbed-out that he de-digivolved to Pabumon. Luckily, Izzy finally snapped out of it and with Pabumon's help got back the Tag and Crest. Pabumon digivolved to Megakabuterimon and sent Vademon clear into another dimension. Later, brain-head! (Tai)

Tai, Joe, and their Digimon companions track Mimi down to a gigantic castle, where they are surprised to find that, far from a prisoner, Mimi's being treated like a Princess by the local Digimon called Gekomon.

EP 26: Sora's Crest of Love:

We finally found Mimi, living like a Princess with a bunch of froggy-looking guys called Gekomon. They had the idea that Mimi's singing could wake up their Lord and Master from a kinda coma. But Mimi loved the royal treatment so she just strung them along. She made up lotsa excuses why she couldn't get through her song. And when we told her to stop fooling around, she threw us in prison. Nice huh? She finally came to her senses and sang her song the big guy woke up, but in a nasty mood. Thanks to Metal Greymon, we got out in one piece. (Joe)

When the kids find Sora, she is worried that her Crest of Love will never glow again. As the dangerous Myotismon moves in to attack the kids, Birdramon must digivolve, and Sora is met with a big surprise.

EP 27: The Gateway to Home:

So everyone was finally reunited, except Sora, she was still upset because Demidevimon told her that her Crest of Love would never glow. Demidevimon and Myotismon unleashed a vicious attack and really hurt Biyomon. The rest of the Digimon tried to help, but Myotismon was too powerful. Biyomon wanted to fight, but Sora protected her, that's when Sora realized she was acting just like a Mom, protecting someone she loved. Her Crest then began to glow, helping Birdramon digivolve to Garudamon and stopping Myotismon's attack. (Tai)

The kids and their Digimon must battle a horde of Myotismon's minions to try and stop Myotismon from going to Earth and destroying the Eighth Digi-Destined.

EP 28: It's All in the Cards:

Gennai really threw us for a loop when he there was an eighth child and it was up to us to find him. We were just about to pass through the Gate that would take us into the human world, when we were rudely interrupted by a trouble-making Digimon called Gatomon. Talk about your bad luck! The door closed right in our faces! Now that peskering feline is off to find the missing child and we're stuck here not knowing what to do. Somehow we have to find a way to open that gate...but how? (Sora)

Myotismon finds his way into the real world and closes the Digi-Gate behind him. The kids and their Digimon must get to the Eigth Child before Myotismon does, and in order to do so, they have to unlock the Gate by figuring out how to use the Cards Gennai has given them.

EP 29: Return to Highton View Terrace:

When we were on the way to find the eighth chosen one, Gatomon went through the Gate to the real world just as it slammed shut. Gennai appeared and led us to his house where he gave us these awesome Digimon key cards...only he didn't tell us how to use the things! Back at the Castle, just as the whole place was blowing up around us, Izzy figured out how to open the Gate. We got throught right before Dokugamon would've made us into lunchmeat. Now we're back home again, but this time we've got a serious mission: find the Eighth Child and save him from Gatomon, or else! (Tai)

The kids return to Earth and have to come up with some quick excuses to explain where they found their Digimon. Going to Highton View Terrace, they must fight Mammothmon and an important secret to their pasts is revealed.

EP 30: Almost Home Free?

We were sent to find the Eighth Child, but it wouldn't be easy because we were still miles away from the city. We got there, only to find Mammothmon destroying everything. Garudamon took care of that hairy elephant that's when we remembered that all of us saw two Digimon fighting years ago. Izzy figured that's why we're the Digi-Destined and that the Eighth Child must have seen the Digimon before too. Let's hope we find the kid before Myotismon does. (Tai)

The kids try to take a ride to their homes on a subway, but when they fall asleep and miss their stop, they decide to go get something to eat instead. Tai, Matt, Izzy, and Joe try to get a ride home, but in the end Mimi and Sora's "girl power" save the day.

EP 31: The Eighth Digivice:

Anyway, we had to get across town to find the Eighth Child, so we took the subway. Yokomon got mad at a baby and nearly gave us all away. Next, the other kids bought food with our travelling money so we had to find a ride. Luckily, Sora's cousin came by and picked us up. He turned out to be a real jerk though. He accidentally knocked Izzy off a bridge and Tentomon had to save him. Then Gesomon appeared and Ikkakumon had to take him out. What a nightmare! And to think, there are people who do this commute every day! (Joe)

The mystery of the Eighth Child continues to unfold. Are Tai's suspicions corect? A chase ensues for the Eighth Digivice, making things even more complicated. Izzy learns an important secret from his past in this episode.

EP 32: Gatmon Comes Calling:

For some reason, there was a strange Digivice signal moving all over town. It confused everybody, including Demidevimon. Meanwhile, Kabuterimon really got a nose-full when he went up against Raremon, an odorous Digimon with a body structure unlike any I've seen before. Fortunately, he was no match for Kabuterimon. Most curious, with all this excitement, you'd think we were back in the Digi-World! (Izzy)

The chase for the Eighth Child is on! Tai and the gang have to hustle to find the child before Myotismon and his minions. But can they overcome the monsters and search at the same time?

EP 33: Out on the Town:


As they keep searching for the Eighth Child, Matt, T.K., and Gabumon run into Punmpkinmon and Gotsumon, two of Myotismon's henchmen. Angered by their buffoonery, Myotismon turns on his henchmen, leaving him vulnerable to the kids and their Digimon.

EP 34: The Eighth Child Revealed!

T.K. and I were looking for Patamon in the city when we ran into two of Myotismon's goons, Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon. They were supposed to be searching for the Eighth Child, but all they wanted to do was act silly and cause trouble. Myotismon showed up and didn't like their attitude and blasted them back to the Digi-World then he turned on us. Weregarurumon put up a good fight, but it wasn't enough. Luckily Patamon found us and was able to digivolve into Angemon. Bat-for-brains took off but I'm sure he'll return soon and he won't be happy. Of course, he's never happy. (Matt)

The mystery of Gatmon's past gets unraveled, bringing about astonishing revelations of the Eighth Digi-Destined Child. With Myotismon closing in, Tai and Agumon must act fast, but will their efforts be enough to save the child and Gatmon?

EP 35: Flower Power

Wizardmon, a long-time friend of Gatomon was able to make her remember that she was to be the Digimon of the Eighth Child, namely my little sister Kari. Gatomon had been waiting in the Digi-World for a long time and when Kari didn't show up, Myotismon took her under his grisly wing and convinced her that she was evil. Our new friends then tried to get the true Crest from Myotismon's lair, but he surprised them. The good news is that he didn't know Kari was the Eighth Child, the bad news is he's using Gatomon to find out who is. (Tai)

Myotismon's desire to find the Eighth Child grows stronger as he sicks his Bakemon on the kids. With things looking bleak, can a fully-digivolved Togemon save the day?

EP 36: City Under Siege

Mimi and I were being held with a lot of other people by the Bakemon. To distract them, I repeated the same chant Joe had used to make the Bakemon lose their power. That worked until Phantomon got wise and destroyed my recorder. Then Dark Tyranomon showed up and Palmon turned over a new leaf by digivolving to the Ultimate Level: Lillymon. Thankfully, she was able to return him to a tame state. Then, just to make things worse, Myotismon arrived. (Sora)

The kids and their Digimon continue in their fierce battle with Myotismon, who is determined to capture the Eighth Child. Will Kari make the ultimate sacrifice to stop the suffering?

EP 37: Wizardmon's Gift

Tai left me to watch his little sister Kari while he was out playing the hero. Izzy, with some help from Gennai, snuck into the TV Station to try and sabotage Myotismon's fog barrier. Joe and T.K. were still trying to get home but MegaSeadramon was guarding the harbor. Ikkakumon digivolved to Zudomon and saved Joe at the last minute. All the while, the kid and I were just sitting on our hands. Then Phantomon showed up and things got very intense. Kari told that creep that she was the Eighth Child and that she'd go with him if he'd leave us alone. How am I gonna explain this to Tai??? (Matt)

A weary Wizardmon proves his friendship to the kids by saving Lillymon and by giving them what they need to defeat Myotismon. But will their combined efforts be enough to take him down?

EP 38: Prophecy

I thought if I gave myself up to Myotismon, he'd stop his attacks. What I didn't know was his plan was to destroy both me and Gatomon. The others tried to rescue me, but all their Digimon's powers together still wasn't enough to beat Myotismon. He released a bit blast at me and my little Gatomon. Wizardmon wanted to save us so he jumped in and took the full force of the blow. Gatomon digivolved to Angewomon and struck Myotismon with a Celestial Arrow. He was finally beaten, except, for some reason, his mysterious fog hasn't lifted yet. (Kari)

Gennai unearths a cryptic prophecy which could lead to the salvation of the Earth and the Digi-World. (Several crying bits. I cried when Izzy's folks told him the truth, and of course, when Matt and Tai got shot by Angemon and Angewomon.) MISSED THE PROPHECY? Click here! Not for those unable to read Dynamic HTML effects.

EP 39: The Battle for Earth

Gennai came up with this wierd Prophecy that sounded like total mumbo-jumbo, then it all started coming true! Bats appeared in the sky, and my mom and dad and everyone started acting like zombies chanting Myotismon's name. And then Myotismon himself came back bigger and badder than ever. Finally we figured out that Matt and I had to let ourselves get zapped by Arrows of Light. They made it possible for Gabumon and Agumon to digivolve to their Mega levels. I told you it was wierd... (Tai)

The kids Digimon must warp to their Ultimate Levels to bring down the more powerful Ultimate-level VenomMyotismon. Little do they know that their efforts will lead them on to another important adventure... (Another crying Ep. I got soo sad when they had to leave and say bye to their parents!)

EP 40: Enter the Dark Masters

The Digi-Destined are hurled back into the Digital World where they learn of four Dark Masters who are planning to take over the Digital World. The kids and their Digimon partners are challenged by the Masters. Will their combined strength be enough to defeat them?

EP 41: Sea-Sick and Tired

Hungry and lost, the group is suddenly attacked by Metal Seadramon's henchmen. Tai wonders if their Digimon partners have developed enough to defeat the Dark Masters.

EP 42: Under Pressure

The group and Whamon have to use all their wits to fend off Metal Seadramon's henchmen. Can the team, led by the powerful War Greymon, finally defeat Metal Seadramon?

EP 43: Playing Games

The kids find themselves in a mysterious forest where the evil Dark Master Puppetmon manipulates them.

EP 44: Trash Day

Puppetmon preys on Matt's insecurities and sets up a trap designed to have Metal Garurumon and War Greymon destroy each other.

EP 45: The Ultimate Clash

(Missed FOX's official summary so I got one off a buddy!)

Although Tai doesn't want to fight, Metal Garurumon began to attack. Seeing that a fight could not be avoided, Agumon Warp Digivolved into War Greymon. The other Digi-Destined could not hide their surprise when the two "friends" began fighting. Seeing the satisfied look on Matt's face, Tai walked up and hit him, shortly thereafter the two got into a serious fistfight. Just then Kari looked up in the sky and began communicating with an unknown someone. Finding that it wasn't an enemy, Kari went into a trance and lifted her Crest above her head. The Crest let out a burst of light and War Greymon and Metal Garurumon turned back into Koromon and Tsunomon. Then everything  disappeared and the world turned white. Then scenes of Odaiba four years ago appeared in the darkness. Through Kari, someone who claimed to want peace for the Digital World began to talk of the secret of the Digi-Destined. After seeing the scenes from the past Tai once again affirmed that only they could save the Digi-World. Tai tried to make up with Matt and suggested that they all join together again but Matt refused. The others understood when Matt said he wanted to find his own way. Saying that she didn't want to see another sad scene like that, Mimi and Joe decided to stay where they were. Leaving them behind, the other Digi-Destined went on their way. All the while Puppetmon looked on...

EP 46: Etemon's Comeback Tour

Heading towards Puppetmon's mansion, the children stumble upon some old enemies - Ogremon and the fully evolved Etemon!

EP 47: Ogremon's Honor

A fully-digivolved Leomon helps Joe and Mimi in their battle with Metal Etemon. Meanwhile, the others have their hands full with Puppetmon when he turns his entire mansion into a weapon!

EP 48: My Sister's Keeper

Kari isn't feeling well, and the kids scramble to get her to a Hospital. Izzy insists that the kids hide when he realizes that the remaining Dark Masters are following the group. When a dangerous monster army finds them, the kids are in danger, yet again.

EP 49: The Crest of Light

The gang trudges through an underground sewer where they stumble across the powerful Waru Monzaemon and the Numemon. When a light washes over Kari's body, the team is given more power, aiding them in their continuing struggle against the Dark Masters.

EP 50: Joe's Battle

The kids arrive at the castle of the Dark Masters, where Lady Devimon is waiting to attack them. Meanwhile, Joe sets off on an adventure across the sea to find Matt and bring him back to help the group battle Piedmon.

EP 51: The Crest of Friendship

The team must band together to defeat the strongest of the Dark Masters, Piedmon. The search for Matt continues, while an injured Tai and War Greymon struggle to bring Piedmon down.

EP 52: Piedmon's Last Jest

It's the ultimate battle with the last of the Dark Masters as the gang struggles valiantly to defeat Piedmon and save the Digital World. But is Piedmon the only evil force the children have to defeat in order to accomplish their goal?

EP 53: Apocalymon Now

When the children descend into an endless world of darkness, they encounter their most powerful enemy yet. Can the kids hold onto their Tags and Crests, and Digimon Partners before everything disappears?

EP 54: The Fate of Two Worlds (Final Series 001 Episode)

The Digi-Destined are in for the fight of their lives as they struggle to defeat Apocalymon and restore peace to the Digital World. Gennai appears and offers them important advice.

NOTE: Another crying episode. I did enjoy it though and look forward to seeing them all again in Digimon:Series 2 coming to Fox next Season. Also looking forward to the Digimon movie expected for release in Fall sometime. Did this episode remind anyone else of "Pikachu's Goodbye?" It sure did for me. Also of note in this episode during the goodbye scene, they play the whole "Hey Digimon" song. Cool!

Digimon Series II

Started on August 19, 2000 only on