Double Digi and Anarchy by DKG80
AN: This one follows my previous story Mechanics. It has no references
to Mechanics. Why does it follow? Because I am planning (note that last
word) a story that combines these two. It will, if it turns out, be good.
Oh, and Julia doesn't show up in this one. Read!
And also, there is a cliffhanger ending. I have no idea whether or not I
am copying something, so I will say that I don't own Baldur's Gate (there is
no reference, I am just using a character. But I have heard it used
elsewhere, hence my cluelessness.) Read!
Stupid fact of the day: Prodigious is a real word, meaning "awesome."
Disclaimer: I don't own digimon. Hehehe! Read! (Someone turn off that
broken tape recorder!)
Part 1
A Good Idea
"Another piece of cake, Tentomon?" Asked Mrs. Izumi. The kids were
letting their digimon stay with them awhile.
"All right!" Said Tentomon. He loved cake.
Izzy took his cake and typed on the computer. He was totally engrossed
in his work. He didn't even notice Tentomon look over his shoulder.
"Data Duplication Device?" Read Tentomon skeptically.
"Yes. DDD for short. This will allow me to duplicate data. Walter
helped. I'm testing it now. I've taken the liberty of taking a small piece
of data from you. So now, having analyzed the codes, I should be able to
A Tentomon appeared on the table.
Izzy put his digivice in the computer's digivice slot that Gennai had
made. "This should give it memories..."
The New Tentomon stood up. "Hello Izzy. Hello Original Tentomon."
"It's not perfect. It has a sense of humor that I find highly
inappropriate and do not have." Said the original huffily.
"Well, you can't expect me to duplicate you without a few minor
modifications, can you?" Asked Izzy. "The others will be here soon for their
new digimon."
"Izzy? Who do you like more?" Asked the original.
"That's easy. I like-oh, there's the doorbell. Wait here!" Said Izzy,
running for the door.
The other digidestined came in.
"Am I seeing double, or did you clone Tentomon?" Asked Joe.
"I cloned him, and your digimon too! I also made modifications that you
wish your digimon had. For instance, I programmed Palmon to stop saying that
Mimi wears too much pink, and I-"
"ALLRIGHT!!" Yelled Mimi jumping on Izzy.
"Hey!" Yelled Matt.
"Sorry, I was overcome with joy." Said Mimi straightening up.
"And I made Agumon stop jumping out at you with ice-cold water." He said
to Tai.
"Way to go Izzy!" Yelled Tai.
"Anyway, here they are!"
The new digimon trooped out from Izzy's room.
"Excellent clothes, Mimi." Said Palmon.
Mimi almost jumped on Izzy again, but Matt grabbed her and forcibly
steered her away.
Part 2
Family Friction
At home...
Agumon and Gatomon had actually managed to cook a dinner for Tai and Kari.
"They'll love this more than anything!" Remarked Gatomon to Agumon.
Tai and Kari walked in holding things behind their backs.
"Hey Tai and Kari! Like lasagna?" Said Agumon.
Tai smiled. "Great. Now, look at what I got!"
"Kari, want some salad or soup?" Said Gatomon very slyly.
"Uh-huh. Look at what Izzy gave us!" Said Kari.
They held out their new digimon.
Gatomon and Agumon quickly walked away.
"What the-they care more about replicas then about us!" Said Gatomon.
"I think you're exaggerating. Remember when Kari got you your new
hairbrush? You used that for hours on end-"
"But I always said hi and was nice to Kari too!" Shot back Gatomon.
The New Agumon and Gatomon looked in. They had faces of triumph.
At the Ishida's...
"We secured front-row seats to Matt's concert! Matt'll love us!" Said
Gabumon to Patamon.
Matt and T.K. got home.
"Hey Matt! We're going to the concert!" Said Gabumon.
"Huh? Oh, I'm taking the concert off. One day won't hurt. I've got a
new buddy to talk to and get to know." Said Matt, holding out Gabumon.
"But you didn't take off a concert when I broke my leg!" Said Gabumon.
"This is different. I don't know why." Said Matt nonchalantly.
"Want to make popcorn?" Asked Patamon.
"Nah. I want to have cookies with my new friend, Patamon 2!" Said T.K.
Patamon 2 flew up.
"Hello Original. Good to see you. Don't you like cookies? I love
them!" Said Patamon 2. He smiled evilly.
The Takenochi's...
"Sora will love my new present!" Said Biyomon. "I bought her a virtual
soccer game!"
Sora walked in. Agumon had called ahead so Biyomon knew what to expect.
But she doubted that the second Biyomon would steal away Sora's, the child of
love's, affections.
"Hello Sora. I got you a new video game-that one that you've been
wanting!" Said Biyomon.
"Actually, I feel more like going to the park to play soccer with the new
Biyomon. See you soon!" Said Sora, getting her ball.
Biyomon 2 inwardly smiled. Victory accomplished.
The Tachikwa's...
Palmon had worked all day long, but Mimi now had a freshly sown pink
outfit. It was practically perfect.
Mimi came home playing with Palmon 2. Palmon already knew about this,
but she didn't know that Mimi would just shrug off the dress.
The Kido's...
Gomamon had filled out all of Joe's homework.
So why didn't Joe care?
The same happened at with Veemon, Hawkmon, and Armadillomon. Their
owners just didn't care about them at all.
The new digimon all met together late at night.
"Everyone: get ready for phase two-kick out the other digimon. Got it?"
Said Tentomon.
"Yes." Said the rest.
Walter and Julia had not cloned their digimon. Walter, at least, had
other problems.
"Look Izzy, the charm potion I gave to you vanished, according to my
sensors. And my anger serum vanished too. I want to know where this stuff
is, and I need your help.
"How would I know?"
"Izzy, this stuff can change the world. Charm the Prime Minister of
Japan enough and you can take over Japan!"
"I'll look, I'll look.
Part 3
Humans vs. All
The New Tentomon carefully readied a hypodermic needle (AN: For those of
you that haven't a clue as to what a hypodermic needle is, it is what a
doctor uses to give you a shot.)
The Old Tentomon and Izzy were arguing.
"You don't care about me!" Yelled Tentomon.
"Yes I do! I-"
Tentomon through the needle with laserlike precision. It hit Izzy.
Tentomon drew the empty needle out, smiling.
"Get OUT! Get out! If you're going to be so disagreeable, who needs
you!" Yelled Izzy, opening a window and shoving Tentomon out of it.
"Izzy..."Started Tentomon.
Izzy slammed the window and went to his room.
Tentomon hadn't filled the needle with the anger serum all the way, so it
wore off in an hour. He didn't remember a thing.
"Where's the old Tentomon?" Asked Izzy.
"He went outside to get some air." Said Tentomon.
Izzy ran outside, and saw Tentomon a few blocks down, at Mimi's hotel.
"Hey, Tentomon! Where are you?" Izzy joked.
"Tentomon had told the old Palmon what had happened-and he had seen the
needle. He knew that Izzy was being controlled. Now Palmon did too. Palmon
was about to call Tai's house when-
"Palmon! How many times must I tell you, don't use the phone! You're so
thick! Get out!"
Tentomon was squashed by Palmon. The window slammed.
And, leaving Izzy in the dust, they took off.
The same happened all over. The old digimon eventually met up, and took
off to the high school, where Walter would be. He practically lived in his
own lab, even though he had been so smart that he graduated early.
The old digimon ran to the lab, but first they heard:
"You made that duplicator? Izzy, my sensors located those serums on
digimon. Those digimon got their hands on the serums!"
"Yeah right."
"Listen, Izzy. You're crazy. I am going to destroy those digimon and
get my serums back, with or without your help. I prefer with, but those
serums are vital and I may have to harm you to get them." He slammed the
phone down.
The new digimon showed up. They ran past the old ones and into the lab.
There was the sound of a scuffle.
The old ones ran in and started fighting the new ones. Walter thought,
Izzy burst into the lab. "Don't destroy them!"
"How dare you ask me a favor, you who allowed my instruments to fall into
the hands of evil!" Yelled Walter.
"I'm your friend!"
"You were a friend. I have no time for rebuilding destroyed bridges that
others burnt. Literally no time."
"Is your work that important???"
"I have cancer. The doctors predict me to live one year. The doctors
always predict longer than it takes."
Izzy was stunned.
"Now move!" Walter grabbed Izzy's laptop, and tapped some commands.
"Can't you just reprogram them or something?" Asked Izzy, tears in his
The duplicates vanished.
Walter tapped some more commands. A small, pink blaster appeared. He
Izzy crumbled.
"He won't remember a thing. Neither will anyone else now." Walter faced
the digimon. "I don't think the world needs to know any of this, okay?"
The digimon nodded.
But Walter's gun was imperfect...
Late that night, Izzy snuck into Walter's lab.
He was feeling like a total idiot and failure now, and just wanted to end
his life.
He snuck past a sleeping Walter, and drank a poison that Walter had on
his table. Then he saw a note:
Remember to change poison with other potion. 3:00 P.M.
Walter had changed the potion. Izzy didn't know what he had drunk.
He felt queasy. He nudged Walter.
Walter awoke and saw what Izzy had drunk, as Izzy started to change.
"AARGH!" Yelled Izzy, as he mutated.
"AAH!" Yelled Walter. He fled the lab.
To hopefully be continued...
AN: Like it? Again, I own next to nothing, so don't sue me.
AN: Hi! I'm finally back, to end my saga. This one I'm making part up
as I go along, so expect inconsistency (especially with verb tenses, I have
trouble with those). Now: on with the fic!
Warning: This has lots of bitter satire. Travel with care!
Disclaimer: Once upon a time-wait, how'd a disclaimer get here? Do I
have to put one? I do? Nuts! I don't own digimon, I wish I did, I like the
new episodes, my socks are white, yadda yadda yadda...
Part 1
The Dream That Lived
Walter tinkered with his new machine. If this worked, he would become an
instant millionaire And he'd owe it all to Tai. But Tai wouldn't know it.
Walter stopped to drink some lemonade. His machine could make a person,
instead of having several hundred dreams a night and remembering one hazily,
have one long dream and remember it all! Plus, the dream would come true.
The length would need to be increased many times, but he could slow down
events so everything would even out. He just needed to tell the machine who
to target, when, and what kind of dream to make.
"Target Tai Kimiya, age 13, likes Sora and soccer, dislikes Matt
and-never mind. Target at 9:00 P.M. tonight. Dream type: Hmm. I know!
Something that, while I can possibly escape from the bad situation, it would
be tough." Walter liked challenges.
He went to bed himself, feeling hopeful.
Tai dreamt oddly that night. First he dreamt that Izzy had tried to
commit suicide and had turned himself into a monster. Then he dreamt that
(part omitted to maintain suspense).
He awoke remembering very clearly what had happened. He almost looked
out the window to see the flying saucer.
Which he couldn't have, because it was cloaked.
Aboard the UFO...
"Captain! Which race shall we give the power of hypnotism, and which
other race should we make two members the unlikely king and queen of that
first race?"
"Slow down, lieutenant." Said the captain. "I believe that humans, while
exhibiting high technology, cannot properly control it. Still, they are the
dominant race. Two members should be the king and queen, and cats should
possess the power of hypnosis. The king and queen will not be able to use
their special cat powers until they become aware of their new role."
"Check. Initiating hypnosis beam... Now!"
Gatomon felt a chill.
"No, Gatomon, no more kitty treats! None for you either, Miko. You've
eaten enough. Let's go on a walk."
Gatomon instantly knew how to use her powers. She also knew who the king
and queen were.
Miko did too.
Kari left to get ready. Tai walked in. Gatomon fixed Tai with a laser
"You know, suddenly I feel like giving you some kitty treats." Said Tai,
getting the box.
"Thanks!" Said Gatomon.
Part 2
The Takeover
The changes that the aliens made appeared to awoke human suspicion.
All cat owners were suddenly behaving very leniently to their cats, plus
cats were often seen talking quietly in soft meows.
Then, one day, an odd news article appeared that got few facts wrong.
The current events leader set some things straight-and missed some things
"First, Florida and Texas are states in the USA, not countries. Second,
the battles are between Gush and Bore."
"Gush and Bore? Don't you mean Bush and Gore?" Asked Sora.
"Well, they enjoy gushing while boring people..."
"I wouldn't call the legal battles boring. I'd call them a rare chances
to look into the United States Constitution!" Said Walter, beaming.
The next day:
HE OWNS A CAT (AN: I don't know if Nader owns a cat. Bear with me, okay?)
Cats soon seemed destined to rule the world.
Kari, meanwhile, was doing a lot better in gymnastics than she used to.
She was just so agile and fast.
One day, though, she was in the science lab after dark helping Walter out.
Suddenly, Walter crumpled.
Part 3
Kari's the Queen
Kari swirled to see the lab filled with cats, including Gatomon. Gatomon
started to talk.
"Kari. We have been oppressed by humans for centuries. This is now our
chance to rule. You are our queen, Kari. Join us. Destroy Walter's
machine-it has the power to bring things back to the way they were. Please
help us Kari."
"I can't turn my back on my friends and family-what would happen to them?
Wait. I'm a queen?" She asked nervously.
"They would be oppressed as we once where. But do not worry. They would
not know that there would be more to life, as we once did not. They will be
mentally controlled. And yes, you are our queen."
"No! That can't happen!" Cried Kari.
"Kari! Listen to me! The group here is your core support group. The
other cats grow uneasy with being so peaceful. Anarchy is in the air, and we
are powerless to stop it. Destroy the machine and give orders we want to
hear, or the other cats will destroy all of us." Said Gatomon.
Kari was speechless.
Gatomon smiled grimly.
"We already have a hostage, Kari. Walter can be killed by us in a second
for your own good! Do it, Kari, or Walter and many more will die!"
Kari couldn't believe what she was hearing.
She couldn't believe what she heard next, either.
Gatomon turned on the TV
"Cats now rule the world!" Said a TV spokes-cat? The new cats could
speak English!
"We now must wait for Kari to make her decision, and-"
A giant monster smashed down the door.
Izzy Izumi, in his new form.
As the cats battled it, Kari quietly slipped off.
She ran into the empty math room and locked the door. She needed to
A shadow detached itself from the wall and jumped at her.
"AAAH!" She screamed.
It was T.K. He landed in front of her, trembling.
"I heard what went on, Kari. Please, do what you think is right. Don't
listen to them, but don't listen to Walter or anyone else. You, and you
alone, are the rightful leader of the new dominant race.
He knelt down in front of her.
At the moment, Kari loved him more than ever.
"T.K. My ruling is-what do you think should happen?"
T.K. looked up.
"Humans and cats should jointly rule. You are a cat. You have your
supporters. You can make it happen. But you need some human help, Kari.
Davis and Yolei know how to spur a crowd, for instance. Without that, you
can't win over the cats. You need help."
He collapsed in front of her.
"T.K. I believe that you're the king. Plus, I know how we can make
everything happen correctly. I have Walter's machine in my backpack right
now! And I'm wearing my backpack! I can engineer someone to dream
something, and it will happen. I bet that-"
The door blew open. But it wasn't Gatomon. Or even Izzy.
Walter had shown up.
"Give me my machine. My experiment is done. I will not bother with it
any longer. This will be undone, and I will engineer things to never allow
it to happen! I will-
Kari got up, beside herself with rage.
"You? You'll probably make yourself king of the world! Cats are
sentient, and who now has the right to take that away? We have decided what
we'll do, and..."
Walter grabbed a blaster from his lab coat. He pointed it at Kari. He
looked straight at her. "Any last words, queen?"
Kari was suprised at his determination in his eyes. But then she
remembered: She could hypnotize him! She focused on him with all of her
Walter collapsed.
Kari sighed and sat down.
"I don't know what to do! Cats and humans are corrupt. What can we do?"
T.K. sat down next to her.
"Kari. I know that we're young and shouldn't have all of this
responsibility on us, but we do. We have to do the right thing, Kari. But
still, you have no doubt refined your cat abilities much more than me. You
can make the decision." Said T.K.
"I wish I knew what to do! Only Ken wouldn't get- hey! There's an idea!
Let's ask Ken!" Said Kari.
At Ken's apartment...
Ken disliked being woken up by Kari and T.K., but the question brought hi
m back to his full senses.
"Me? That's a tough choice. I truly believe that things will be good
when you two are king and queen of the world. And no way else." He smiled.
After leaving, Kari said. "There's a thought! Shall we try?"
"I think so." Said T.K.
And so it happened.
T.K. and Kari were the rulers of the world, which was now fully
democratic. They were the least corrupt rulers of all time.
The Senate was split 50-50. However, both the House of Representatives
and the Supreme Court had an odd number of placements. The House had one
more cat, and the Court had one more human.
The VPs were Tai and Matt.
And everyone lived happily ever after.
AN: I hope you liked it. E-mail comments.