Love vs. Jewels
AN: A salute to the final episode of digimon! It came out today, the
24th of June. A thirty gun salute! No, not at me! ARGH!!!
"Hello, this would be Izzy speaking, for DKG80 who is under fire at the
moment. Anyway, last time, Sora awoke in the Realm of the Dead and met the
other dead digidestined and digimon. They all have fun together there. We
certainly weren't having any fun here! MetalSeadramon shot a River of Power
at Matt, and it looked like he would die, but the Hat of Fate allowed T.K. to
run ten times faster and knock Matt out of the way and to take the blow
himself. We also encountered Metaletemon and Piedmon, who killed Kari and I.
Matt and Tai encountered Vernemon, a data digimon that was on evil's side at
the moment. However, they were able to defeat him, and we were all saved!
Prodigious! We found ourselves at home with our digimon. When school
started, a girl named Julia was being controlled by a Piedmon back from the
dead! Julia could sing and turn everyone into slaves, and she gave hypnotic
seltzer to the little kids. Fortunately, I was able to shoot her.
Unfortunately, I think that she'll be back!"
Disclaimer: I don't own digimon (WAHHH!) What I do own is Julia. Please
ask to borrow her before writing her into your script.
Part 1
Piedmon stared at Julia.
"You failed me. It will not happen again. Go."
Julia, under Piedmon's control, nodded and left.
Izzy was on the telephone, talking to a kid named Walter Snyde, who was
on vacation somewhere in the U.S.A. Izzy had just finished talking to Walter
about the Julia Song problem that they had had.
"No way! Anyway, have you continued work on your mathematical
probability tests?" asked Walter.
"Nope. I'm hoping that there will be a battle soon, so I can test my
theories on math with other factors. How goes your work on the particle
disrupter sub atomic shock absorber kickback eliminator ... laser cannon?"
asked Izzy.
"Great. I'm hoping to finish it soon. I just need to fine tune the
kickback eliminator. A gun that powerful has a powerful equal and opposite
reaction, and I don't ant to be sent flying by the power of physics!" joked
"Haha. For more important matters, I heard that you can communicate with
the digiworld, and have temporary control of the Wizardmon army. Is that
right?" asked Izzy.
"Yes, In fact, speaking of the army, I have to finish perfecting that
cannon, " said Walter.
"Bye then." Izzy hung up, opened up his laptop, and started to work. His
mathematic equations grew more and more complex, until he accidentally
overloaded his computer, and shut it down. Right before he rebooted it, he
realized that he had left some important papers in the school science lab.
But it was 9:00 P.M. He didn't know how to pick locks that efficiently.
"Hello, Jim Kido. What is it?" asked Jim as he picked up the phone.
"This is Izzy Koushiro. I need to talk to Joe."
"Okay." Jim got Joe. He also handed Joe a long slim package.
Izzy told Joe what he needed, and Joe agreed to help him. On his way to
the school, Joe unwrapped the package to find a card saying Happy Birthday!
and a crowbar. It was a joke -- he and Jim liked to buy each other weapons
for their birthdays. Still, Joe couldn't love his brother.
Izzy and Joe met outside, when they heard someone running up behind them.
Aulig Note, the new girl. Izzy was still amazed--she was as pretty as
Julia, who, though evil, was also very cute.
"Hello. I forgot my homework, so I was seeing if there were any unlocked
doors." She said.
"I'll pick the lock, and then you two can grabbed your stuff." Said Joe.
When Izzy had gotten his papers, he noticed Aulig standing behind him.
"You're cute." She said.
"So are you." Izzy responded.
"Too bad that I'm evil." She said. She took her emerald necklace out
from beneath her shirt, and fired it at Izzy. He went flying into a wall.
She threw an energy net around him before he could get up.
"This'll sap your energy for three days before you die. Bye!" She said,
and started for the door.
Joe entered the lab, looking for Izzy. Aulig grabbed him from behind,
and sang a melody.
Because of his hands stuck behind his back, he couldn't cover his ears.
Soon he was completely hypnotized.
Right when Izzy figured out that Au was the elemental symbol for gold.
Gold wasn't a jewel, but it was pretty close.
And Julia had been known as the jeweled singer.
Part 2
No one was able to get into the science lab next morning. Someone
appeared to have stuck a crowbar into both sides of the doorframe. Because
the door opened inside, no one could get in!
Kari was worried about Izzy. Joe had been acting recently like he was
hypnotized again. She voiced her concern to Matt.
"As much as I'd love to kill Julia for what she's done, we've got no
proof. The only one who's outside the law is hypnotized." Was his response.
The school talent show was coming up, and Kari was working on her
gymnastics. She was doing a double with T.K.
Right in the middle of a flipping act, she heard the phone ring. Since
she was a former army general, it didn't startle her. She cut short her
routine and answered the phone.
"Jewels are great. Love is greater. Jewels can get things. Love can
get better. The more jewels you have, the more you might get. The more love
you have, you'll get more I bet." The unidentified caller hung up.
Kari shrugged, dismissed it as a prank call, and restarted her gymnastics.
In the U.S.A., Walter wondered whether Kari had gotten the point of the
message. He had agreed with Izzy that Julia would be back, but if he just
told her what to do, well, he just was too mysterious for that.
During the talent show the next day, Kari and T.K. were a great success.
Kari went off into the hallway to chat with T.K. while the last
act--Aulig's--was performed.
"You're good T.K. You're very good at gymnastics." Said Kari.
"You are too!" Said T.K.
Aulig had a singing act (duh). Kari suddenly noticed that the audience
was silent.
She dashed off to the science lab and attempted to break the door down.
"Help me T.K.! Izzy's trapped in here!" She said.
Aulig rounded the corner. Right at them.
Part 3
Julia's love
"My singing should bring out the dormant potion inside you two, you
know." She said, advancing on them.
Kari threw caution to the winds and blasted the door down with her
blaster. T.K. and Kari ran inside the room, hoping to free Izzy before
getting hypnotized.
Aulig grabbed a device from a lab table, and having not a clue as to what
it did, hit a red button.
A blue beam shot out of it and trapped T.K. in a stasis field (AN: For
those of you who don't know what a stasis field is, it's like a force field,
but everything in it is frozen in time).
Kari jumped at Aulig, and they had a brief struggle over the device.
Aulig, not having a chance to sing, picked up a bottle of seltzer and
uncorked it.
Kari slipped, and Aulig fell on top of her. As Kari opened her mouth to
say something, Aulig poured the seltzer down Kari's throat.
Kari stood and helped Aulig up, obediently. Izzy, who was watching all
of this, groaned.
"My final task is to kill you, Izzy." She said, raising a dagger high
above her head.
Izzy stared at her, not moving.
She hesitated. The Julia that had lain dormant for so long was now
wrestling the jewel. As the jewel concentrated most of it's psychic powers
on controlling Julia, the connection with Kari shattered.
Kari ran to the wall where Izzy lay imprisoned. She pulled out a knife
and rammed it into the web. The web's energy flowed into the knife and
Izzy gathered all of his energy just to run a few feet. He grabbed the
stasis field generator from Aulig, and turned off the stasis field. T.K.
fell to the ground.
Izzy gasped for air, even as Aulig stood unsteadily to her feet.
Kari picked up a blaster and shot Aulig. She again flashed and
disappeared, and again, everyone was free.
Izzy's love
AN: Yes, it's me again. Your friendly, neighborhood, fanfic writer. Hi.
Pleased to meet you too. Okay, down to business. This, like the others, is
a continuing saga. This one concerns mostly Izzy and Julia. This is not
very heavy-handed, as I put it, or at least not as much as a future one that
I'll plan to write. But on with the fic!
Disclaimer: I own stuffed animals. Um, how'd that get in there? I don't
own digimon, but I own Julia and Walter. Please ask to use them.
"This is General Kari of the Wizardmon troop army speaking. Last time,
we had a great adventure! It turned out that the jewel that controlled Julia
hadn't been destroyed after all, and she managed to capture Izzy in an energy
net! She hypnotized everyone in the school but T.K. and I, and reactivated
most of the hypnotic seltzer. We were able to brake into the science lab,
but Julia put T.K. in stasis and hypnotized me! She tried to stab Izzy, but
the real Julia who was in love with him rebelled and wrestled the jewel for co
ntrol. With all of it's physic energy on fighting Julia, I broke out of the
emerald's grasp, freed Izzy, and defeated Julia for a second time! I hope
that she stays dead this time."
Part 1
You've got suffering
Julia Song was once again in front of Piedmon. Piedmon had grabbed the
jewel and crushed it in his fist. Julia had no idea as to what would come
next, but she doubted that it would be good.
"You have failed me for the last time! Even under the hypnotic power of
my jewel, with your seltzer and voice, you flopped! But, you succeeded in
discovering a punishment worse than slavery or death. You shall go free--but
everyone's memory shall stay as it is." Piedmon laughed. It was a cruel
laugh. But, after all, he was the king of cruel. He transformed back into
his true form, out of his salesman guise.
"No! Please, um, whatever you are, don't do this! I'll do anything!"
Julia was in tears. How could anyone be that cruel? She thought.
Piedmon merely vanished.
Julia left the building and ran home. She didn't notice the look that
she got from a bystander. It was a strange one. A mix of pity and confusion.
One from Izzy Koushiro. Joe Kido stood next to him, his bugging device
held in one, hand, his videocamera in the other. He had taped the
Julia dashed into her room. Her parents had been out of town, and she'd
been living alone for a few days in Heighton View Terrace. But, aside from
the local genius Walter Snyde, everyone knew her story.
She sighed. Oh well. I've always wanted to go undercover. But this is
too undercover. Or rather, under-the-cover.
She dug an old, red, traveling cloak out of a box. She fastened it
around her, and pulled the hood over her head. She was completely
The next day, she went to school in her usual attire. Plus the red cloak.
"Who's the girl with the cloak? She never takes it off." Asked Mimi one
day in S.S.
Izzy and Joe both looked down at their work and said "I have no idea."
Part 2
You've got mail
Izzy started typing on his computer that day after school. He was
working on how Piedmon had escaped being dead. His current theory was that
not only the good digimon could get out through the apparent hole in the
space-time continuum (AN: Yes, I know that sounds stupid, especially for
Izzy. But what else could I say?) He also guessed that it had shut quickly,
and only the digi-destined (and Piedmon) had escaped.
Tentomon buzzed over to him and asked "What are you doing, Izzy?"
Izzy looked up. "I'm e-mailing Walter. He's the smartest person in town
aside from me, and he served directly under me in the army. He was a good
On the screen, a message flashed:
WaltIQ150 has replied:
Hello, Izzy. How are you doing?
To which Izzy said.
I'm fine. Hear from Matt or Kari about Julia? There's something special
that I need to tell you!
No, what about her? Asked Walter.
Izzy explained about what he had heard last night.
Wow. That's deep, man. Said Walter.
They chatted a bit about their latest inventions, and that Walter was
coming home that night with his laser cannon complete and operational.
Walter eventually had to go and fish with his dad, who insisted on
father-son bonding. Izzy was just thinking about signing off when:
Singerruby wants to chat.
Tentomon was shocked. "Uh-oh Izzy. That sounds like Julia! A ruby is a
jewel, and..."
Izzy silenced him with a wave of his hand. "It can't hurt to see what she
has to say."
Hello, Izzy? Said the person on the other end.
Yes? Said Izzy.
You can kill me now.
Izzy stared at the screen. "Tentomon, what do I do now?"
"Comply?" asked Tentomon.
"Assuming I don't want an innocent civilian dead. Yes, she's innocent.
I'll explain later." Said Izzy.
"You're hypnotized, aren't you?" Asked Tentomon, getting ready for a
"Tentomon, be quiet." Izzy had to think fast. If this was Julia, he
didn't want her dead, but how to explain? He decided to stall.
Who are you? He typed.
Julia. The girl who attempted to kill you twice. Typed Julia.
I heard that conversation last night. I know that it wasn't you.
Returned Izzy. And I also figured out how you were able to stop the jewel
from killing me. Kari got a phone call saying that love beats jewels. That
was Walter. He had guessed about the jewel. And he knows, as well as I do
now, that you love me.
Yes. I do, Izzy. It wasn't as hard to type as Julia thought.
I love you too, Julia. But look, the Internet isn't the best place for
love stories. Are your folks home? I could come over. It's only 6:00, and
my mom said that I should try to find somewhere to sleep over. She said she
was too tired to cook a lot of dinner, and my dad can't cook. It wasn't hard
to type, Izzy found out.
My folks are out. You could come over and help me cook. Said Julia. She
wondered how good Izzy could cook.
My name is the antonym of cook, but sure, I'll come over. See you! Said
Izzy. He logged off, yelled to his mom that he was going out to a friend's
house, and started for the door.
Tentomon flew in front of it. "Sorry, Izzy, but I cannot let you pass
through this door. You can't go to Julia's! It's too dangerous! What if
she attacks you?"
Izzy said. "I do love her, and I think that she loves me too. Plus, Joe
has taped proof that she was not responsible for her actions!
"No, Izzy. I won't let you go! Super shocker!" Cried Tentomon.
Izzy easily dodged the blast and rounded Tentomon. He shut his door
quickly behind him, knowing that Tentomon couldn't use a doorknob. He dashed
out of the house, intent on getting to Julia's house.
Part 3
You've got love
Izzy cautiously rang the doorbell to the Song residence. The door
opened, and Julia beckoned him in. He looked around. It looked comfy
enough. He was on his guard.
"What would you like for dinner, Izzy? I just went to the grocery store
before I went on-line, so there should be a lot." She said, smiling.
"Gee, I wouldn't want to be an inconvenience." Said Izzy. "What would
you like?" Asked Izzy.
"Aside from Ho-Hos? I'm sure your mom would want you to have something
healthy, yet different, so... We could try egg-drop soup!" Said Julia.
"I'd love it! What should I do to help?" Asked Izzy, licking his lips.
"Separate the eggs. One egg per person, so that makes two eggs. I'll
get the broth and mix in the yolk when you have it ready."
"It is doubtful that one soup could defeat both of our appetites, so why
not try a salad with that? I could chop up veggies while the soup cooks!"
Said Izzy.
"Sure. For the main course, would you like me to heat up macaroni or
lasagna?" Asked Julia.
"How about eggs?" Asked Izzy.
"What type?" Asked Julia.
"Scrambled?" Asked Izzy.
"Sure. I can cook them while you chop up veggies! We have carrots,
lettuce, celery, cucumbers, mushrooms, and tomatoes." Said Julia, taking out
a large bowl from the cabinet.
After dinner, they got down to the serious stuff.
"I love you, Izzy. But, I'll understand if you want to kill me or
something." Said Julia. "To be honest, it would probably be better to die,
instead of living with my poisoned reputation."
"Julia..." Started Izzy.
"Jim saw me earlier. He had bugged your apartment. Reporters are
outside the law for their job, and he claimed that he was seeing how the
smartest guy in town lived. He heard the argument between you and Tentomon."
Said Julia.
"Julia, I love you, and I won't let anything happen to you. I'll get Joe
to show Tentomon the tape of the conversation. I may even be able to
convince him to show the tape on T.V." Said Izzy. He meant those words.
He then checked his watch. 8:00. "Let's watch the news and go to bed,
Julia. It's been a long day."
"Okay." Said Julia. She sat down on a couch. Izzy sat down next to her.
Walter went to check on Izzy that night around 10:00. He looked in the
window -- and saw Izzy and Julia asleep on the couch, the T.V. still on,
Tentomon Trouble
AN: It's me again! Your faithful fanfic writer. I'm getting this one
out a little early. Why? Because I can.
Anyway, this comes in after my last fic, but it is unlike the others.
This is a short, humor filled story. It has no part divisions, but is kind
of a go-between my last fic and my next one. It will not be that long.
Disclaimer: WHY DO THEY MAKE THESE THINGS? What is the point of saying I
don't own it--if I owned it, I would change it. Anyway, I don't own it!
"It" being Digimon.
Beep! Beep! Beep!
Izzy and Julia woke up on the couch. They yawned, and then realized that
they had a problem.
Izzy, while remembering pajamas, had forgotten to bring a change of
clothes. And, if he went home, Tentomon would probably kill him.
They discussed what to do over a cold breakfast of fruit.
"I have a solution to this minor predicament. I could use my
electro-teleporter to get my clothes here, and a note to my mom at my house!"
Said Izzy.
"Your what?" Asked Julia.
"Electro-teleporter. It's really quite simple. It converts matter into
energy that travels to the focus point, but is stable enough that it doesn't
produce an atomic bomb. The workings are quite fascinating. A beam of-"
Said Izzy.
"Ooo-kay. So, can I see it?" Said Julia, cutting Izzy short.
"Sure thing. I'll use it now!" Said Izzy, beaming. He jotted down a
note to his mom, took out what looked like a black device of some sort, and
shot a beam of something into the note. The note seemed to turn into
electricity, and raced through the door.
As Izzy was punching various buttons on the device, the phone rang.
Julia got it.
"Song residence, Julia speaking. What is it?"
"Hi, this is Joe. Could you tell Izzy that all of the other digidestined
kids are bringing their digimon for the hobby show, so we'd like it if he'd
bring Tentomon?" Said Joe.
"Sure." Said Julia.
"Thanks. Oh, and could you tell me if you want me to show that tape
proclaiming that you're innocent?" He said.
"Well, duh. Of course!" Said Julia.
"Okay. Jim said that he got some tapes of you two together, and he'll
show them, so I'll include mine before that. Bye!" Said Joe, hanging up.
"Jim WHAT? Hello? Hello?" Julia hung up, a little upset.
Electricity appeared to fly through the air, and clothes and a backpack
materialized in front of Izzy. He went into the bathroom to get dressed, and
when he came out, Julia told him about the phone call.
Izzy punched a few more buttons, and Tentomon appeared!
Tentomon said, "Ahh! Super shocker!"
Izzy and Julia dodged. Izzy held up his hand. "Tentomon, please stop
attacking us! We're spending the day together in the talent show, and I'd
hate to think of what might happen if you attack me on stage! Although
Walter might be happy to study a dead digimon..."
He continued. "So, get in the backpack!" He grabbed Tentomon, and
stuffed him in.
Their was a knock on the door, and when Julia opened it, it was Joe and
Jim, along with the Ishidas. Gabumon, Gomamon, and Patamon were there too.
Joe smiled. "I showed the other digidestined the tape. They all know
that you're innocent, Julia."
"Show it to Tentomon. He thinks that I'm hypnotized and was so violent
that I had to lock him in my backpack!"
Jim smiled. "I see that you all have your digimon. Joe and I brought our
reporter cloaks. Mine is black with squares on the bottom, and his is black
with diamonds."
The two brothers took their cloaks out, and put them on. They fastened
them and wrapped them around their bodies. Then they put on the hoods. They
were unrecognizable.
Julia picked up a box. "I'm bringing one of my favorite hobbies, knife
throwing." She took out a knife with an elegant curve, and almost gracefully
threw it into a bulls-eye on a wall.
The other digidestined kids rounded the corner and joined the group.
Then, a flash went off. A cloud of smoke rose in the air.
It looked like a body was being traced out of electricity within the
smoke. When the body was complete, it solidified. It was a boy, about
Matt's height, wearing a white lab coat over a green shirt. He had glasses.
"Hi! I'm Walter Snyde. What are you guys talking about?" Said Walter.
The group started for the school, still talking casually.
"I'm bringing in my laser cannon. Oh, and Kari, yes I finished the
crest-gun. But please, let me explain how to use it so some Wizardmon
doesn't blow it up." Said Walter as they rounded the corner to school.
They stopped in the science lab to pick up the laser cannon.
It looked like it would be a good day.
AN: Okay, that's it! Did you like it? Except to see more from Walter
and Julia, as well as a whole other dimension soon. No more hints!
Oh yes, and I love feedback, so I'll take any you've got!
Find That Time!
AN: It looks like another fanfic. Okay, like the last time, when the
character recaps last time, the closing part is skipped. Last time I skipped
it because it was outakes, but this time I just couldn't think of a thing to
One more thing. Even though I said that Walter was in Kari's army, it
isn't going to fit anywhere to write in the details. Just assume that he
fell in like the others, joined up with Kari's army, and became the second in
command in the science division, directly under Izzy.
Disclaimer: I don't own digimon. Wish I did though. Anyway, I do own
the characters of Julia and Walter, so ask if you want to use them.
If that's everything, on with the show!
"Tentomon speaking. Something strange has come over Izzy, and I can't
figure out what it is. When he was on line finishing up a chat with someone
named Walter, Julia came on--and asked for Izzy to kill her! Instead of
complying, Izzy decided to come over to her house, and I couldn't stop him!
After dinner, they were getting along well and watching the news, but I still
can't think of Izzy being totally trustworthy!"
Part 1
Two New Digidestined
Walter bustled around the science lab. He picked up what appeared to be
a pile of tubes and bars, and quickly assembled it.
It was a laser cannon.
As the digidestined looked at it, Walter proceeded to test it by blowing
up a stone that he had Joe throw in the air.
Izzy was examining a black device in the shape of a circle, and a white
device, also circular.
"Don't touch those, Izzy. Those are time machines, and they're very
dangerous." Said Walter, running over.
Suddenly, the door began to shake. It appeared that three things
were attempting to pound the door down.
Walter aimed his laser cannon at the door. Izzy let Tentomon out. Mimi
put up her hands in front of her, a red energy ball forming in them. All of
the digimon (but Tentomon) prepared to attack. Tentomon chased Izzy, until
Izzy managed to stun him long enough for Joe to explain that Julia was
innocent, or they would all be dead by now. This Tentomon understood.
Joe brought out his crowbar. Sora, Izzy, Matt, and Kari drew their blaste
rs. T.K. gazed levelly at the door. Walter tossed a heavy broadsword sword
to Tai. Tai fell over trying to carry it.
Jim brought out a heavy broadsword. It was identical to Walter's.
"Where'd you get that, Jim? The only way that anyone around here could
have gotten one would be to work for the army." Asked Walter.
"Around." Was the answer.
The door burst open. Two digivices and a badge floated in.
The badge flew right over to Jim, and seemed to melt into his cloak,
leaving only the symbol on it. The symbol was shaped like a yin-yang, and a
little 'i' was next to it.
Tai was suprised. "That same badge, with a 's' instead of an 'i,' was on
Izzy remembered. "That was on Julia's emerald, just with a 't'!
The digivices flew in front of Julia and Walter.
Walter, still holding his cannon with one hand, picked up the digivice.
Julia cupped it in her hands.
Tai was shocked. "You two... You're digidestined."
A silver portal opened in front of them, with a voice saying "You must
return to the digiworld."
The eight old digidestined looked at each other, nodded as one, and ran
Julia and Walter followed, Walter still clutching his laser cannon. Jim
was last. He picked up the two time machines--and he laughed. A deep,
cruel, laugh. Then he entered the portal.
Part 2
Time Travel Time
They all woke up in the digital world.
Walter and Julia stared. The place was pretty, but occasionally they
would reach an area that looked like a battle had come through it.
Suddenly, a digimon that looked like a little teddy bear walked out from
behind the shrubbery. It jumped into Julia's arms, surpassing her. Izzy
opened up his computer, and started to type.
"Songmon. The guardian of the ninth digidestined. Her song can be tuned
to almost any frequency (for those of you who don't understand that, she can
sing at almost any pitch), and it is very annoying to enemies!" Izzy supplied.
Songmon produced a tag with a crest from a hidden pocket. She tossed it
to Julia, who skeptically put it on.
A black dog jumped out of the bushes, over Izzy's head, and into Walter's
arms. Walter stared at it.
"Labmon. The guardian of the tenth digidestined. He is a cousin of
Gabumon. His red blaster attack can overwhelm an enemy completely!" Said
Labmon gave Walter a tag and crest too.
Jim chuckled. Whenever he did--well, what he did, he always made sure
that someone had a chance of catching him.
Thus, he waited until they had stopped at a cliff's edge to casually toss
the white time machine in front of Walter.
Walter took the hint, and dived at Jim.
Jim jumped back, and hit a button on the time machine that he was
holding. Beams shot out from the machine and hit all of the digidestined,
but missed the digimon. Jim vanished.
Joe saw. "Oh no!"
Tai looked up. "What's 'oh no?'"
"Jim stole the time machine! We have to stop him! He could change the
known world!"
Walter was frantically pressing buttons. "Okay. I'm the only one who can
use this, so I'm going I assume. Joe should know his brother's habits, so he
should go. Matt is the strongest one here, so he should go too. The beams
that hit you wrapped you in the time stream. You won't change, but the world
around you may. Let's go!"
Beams enveloped Joe, Matt, Walter, and their digimon. They vanished.
No sooner had they gone then the world blurred. When it cleared, the
digidestined were stand by a small fort.
Palmon and Patamon ran over and hugged their owners. Tentomon flew
warily away from Izzy.
"You're back!" Cried both Palmon and Patamon.
"You're insane!" Tentomon cried as he flew right at Izzy. Izzy narrowly
ducked him.
(AN: To avoid confusion, I'll call the time travelers by just their
first name, and the people in the time period by their full name).
They came out during the time where T.K. Ishida was about to attack
Devimon with Patron at his side.
They saw Jim hurriedly climbing the mountain, probably to warn Devimon.
They chased him.
Jim chuckled as he saw the three figures advance. Using his broadsword,
he pried loose a few rocks from the mountain side, effectively starting an
As Joe, Matt, and Walter tried to dodge the rocks, Jim made it to the
top. He hurriedly spoke with Devimon, and Devimon flew off.
Joe, Matt, and Walter did finally make it to the top. Jim was waiting.
"You fools! You can't catch me! You can't even understand my reasons!"
He spoke.
He vanished. The other time travelers gave chase
The air blurred again. When it cleared, the digidestined kids were in
front of a castle.
Tai said. "Well, let's enter."
Suddenly, vines swung out from the bushes to grabbed Mimi's legs. She
fell to the ground. More vines enveloped T.K. Palmon stepped out, saying.
"Run you guys! I'll take on these two!"
Tentomon flew out from the shrubbery, and again attacked Izzy.
Tai yelled. "Let's leave!"
He drew a pocketknife, and slashed Palmon's vines. The digidestined
dashed through the front gate of the castle, and into the graveyard. The
digimon didn't follow.
They examined the stones. Suddenly, Sora called out. "Look at this!"
The stone had a small black box on top of it. A sign said: Please
deposit a quarter to view the movie 'Downfall of the digidestined.'
Tai inserted a quarter.
The next destination for the time travelers happened to be the time that
Izzy Koushiro was going camping, when he was little.
Jim hid. At just the right time, he jumped out and scared Izzy Koushiro.
He ran off, never seeing the tree that would transport him into the
digiworld. Then, the time travelers caught up with Jim.
"Just one last destination. Happens out of this nation. Up to it? I
hope so. It was just a half hour ago!"
He left. The time travelers followed.
Jim dashed through the woods. This was necessary to complete his task.
The digidestined were camping on a cliff. Jim arrived, attempting to
shove Walter Snyde off. Instead, he tripped and shoved both Walter Snyde and
Matt Ishida off.
Hearing the screams, the others knew they were too late. Then, suddenly,
Walter smiled.
"I've got it." He spoke. "The digiworld was not a natural creation, I
assume. Thus, whoever created it would try to put in safeguards for this
kind of thing, I assume. And this partial universe detector that I've ben
carrying around in my cloak, built just for this kind of occasion, detects a
large energy source at the top of a castle in the partial universe. I assume
that that's the safeguard!"
"I assume that you enjoy assuming. You assumed too much there for my
comfort." Said Matt.
Jim walked up to them. "Do what you want with your assuming, you can't
beat me! I'm off to the partial universe, to see how the new and improved
digiworld is doing."
He vanished, with the others in hot pursuit.
A light glowed from the machine. It showed the scenes of a half hour ago.
"When Jim the Great (at this, they all rolled their eyes) shoved Matt and
Walter off the cliff, it began the downfall of the digidestined. Matt didn't
survive. Walter did."
"Soon, Izzy yelled at Joe for not saving Matt and Walter when he could
have, as Joe had been the only other one close to the cliff. Izzy left.
T.K. left later, saying he wanted to get down from the cliff and bury his
brother, as Tai was to hard hearted to allow the group to go down together.
T.K. said that he'd come back. He didn't."
"Mimi left too, saying she had business to attend to. The digidestined
was at it's weakest ever."
"Later on, Mimi and T.K. came back--as solders for Devimon. In the
resulting raid, they captured Sora and Kari and made them their personal
"Next, Izzy and Walter returned--as mercenaries for hire. Devimon had
hired them to capture a slave. Still bearing a grudge against Joe, they
captured him. Being the only one's left, Julia and Tai formed a rebel group
against Devimon."
"Izzy has made several developments in digimon history. To hear them,
please insert your Devimon ID"
Tai sighed. Obviously, they didn't have any Devimon IDs.
Sora attempted to change the subject. "Why don't we go inside? We may be
able to see ourselves!"
(AN: Again, the people of the wacky time period are being represented by
their full names. Sadly, I can't spell all of the names, so please bear with
They entered the castle. It was well lit, but carried a feeling of
foreboding with it.
On the third floor, hey saw many devices. They also saw Mimi Tachikwa
with her back to them. She appeared to be whipping someone. She stood aside.
It was Sora Takenochi!
"Work! Can't you ever do anything right? I don't know why Devimon
troubles to keep you, as soon as Izzy and Devimon can get a fair price for
Joe, he'll be much more useful." Cried Mimi Tachikwa.
"Please, Mimi. I'm working as hard as I can. Whatever happened to the
nice child of sincerity that I used to know?" Sora Takenochi had scars all
across her face. She was turning a wheel that appeared to be connected to a
large device that another slave was operating.
The slave turned slightly. It was Kari Kimiya! She was scarred as well.
T.K. Ishida stepped up to her. "Well? What's with you, slave? Get back
to work!" He raised his whip, and delivered a blow across her back.
Kari Kimiya cried out in agony. "Please, T.K. I can't work harder! What
happened to the boy that I loved?"
T.K. Ishida didn't flinch. "Nice try. Do you think that you can win my
Izzy Koushiro and Walter Snyde stepped out onto a small platform, with
Joe Kido behind them.
"Attention." Izzy Koushiro spoke. "My latest accomplishment has been
completed. Taking Piedmon's hypnotic energies, I transformed them into a
potion that can instantly hypnotize anyone. You will all be given a bottle
of this potion. If, while inside or outside, you discover a part of the
rebel group or a digidestined digimon, give them the potion for a large
reward. Slaves, if you're out and see one of the above, tell your masters to
be upgraded to a slave-slave commander. While still doing hard work, you can
command other slaves."
"In other news, my sensors have detected fugitives from another universe
hiding over there. Devimon has asked me to tell Mimi Tachikwa and Takeru
Ishida to deal with them. If they have any digimon, you are to use these."
He tossed them white triangular pieces.
"You can fire them through sheer willpower, and only through sheer
willpower. They can control another digimon. Your mind practically smothers
theirs." As he talked, Mimi Tachikwa and Takeru Ishida were running to the
The digidestined dashed off down another hallway, up several flights of
stairs, and almost to the rooftop.
Then, seeming to materialize in front of them...
"Joe! Matt! Walter!" The digidestined cried out.
Suddenly, several slavers came up behind them. After a quick discussion,
Joe, Matt, Izzy, Walter, and Julia went up the next flight of stairs while
the rest stayed to fight.
Suddenly, Izzy Koushiro jumped out in front of them. As Izzy tangled
with himself, the remainder ran to the top.
This was not the safeguard that they had had in mind. It was a giant
wheel on a pole that extended through a very deep pit.
They tried to turn it, but couldn't. Then Joe saw that there were
controls on the pole. The problem was that the part of the pole with
controls was in the pit.
Joe climbed cautiously down. When he got to the controls, he activated
The pole started to shake. The pit seemed to grow bigger.
"The universe is self-destructing!" Cried Walter.
He took out the time machine, and beamed Joe out of the pit even as the
pole and wheel vanished. Then he zapped Matt. Julia had already ran down
the stairs.
He ran down too, but stopped when an Izzy--obviously the evil
one--attacked them. Walter threw him down, and zapped the Izzy behind him.
The ground crumbled as they fled, and Izzy Koushiro fell into a pit.
They zapped the rest of the digidestined, but Mimi Tachikwa and T.K.
Ishida wouldn't let them go.
Julia jumped out of reach of Mimi Tachikwa every time, but she kept on
"Gotta take action." Julia said to herself. Her crest glowed and shot a
beam that knocked Mimi Tachikwa into the pit.
Walter was hanging on to the pit, even as it grew, with T.K. Ishida
stepping on his fingers.
"I must persevere." He said to himself. His crest glowed, firing a beam
that engulfed and destroyed T.K. Ishida.
Walter zapped Julia and himself as his handhold gave way.
When they all awoke, they were back on a cliff. Jim was nowhere to be
They shook themselves off, and started walking.
Hoping to solve the new trouble of the digiworld.
AN: Oh man, I love writing about time travel. I'm a sci-fi kind of guy.
But anyway, I've got one thing to say: PLEASE SEND ME FEEDBACK!
Teens Trapped in Time
AN: Hi! As you have probably guessed, this is about teens trapped in
time (duh). Anyway, I decided I'd have a contest. I can't give out any
prizes, but I'll mention the people who get it right (before I say the
answer) in my stories. I will try as hard as I can to remember to avoid just
saying what it is somewhere. The question is:
Vernemon's badge had a 's' for space. Julia's emerald's badge had a 't'
for thought. Jim has an 'i.' What does it stand for?
Hint: Ignore what I said in the outakes story. That's outdated.
Hint: Both space and thought can be both good (he needs his personal
space) (think it through) or evil (lost in thought) (Not enough space).
Jim's can be both good and evil also.
Final hint: If you replaced the 'i' with a 'k' you'd have a different
world with the same meaning.
Got it? Good.
Disclaimer: I don't own digimon.
"Local genius and army agent Walter here. Last time, Julia and I found
out that we were the last two of the fabled digidestined (as far as we know).
We were forced to travel to the digital world to find out what problems were
ailing it. It looked to me like my army had started fighting again with the
vampires, as shown by the battle scarred areas. Songmon and Labmon found us,
and turned out to be our digimon. At a stop, Jim, who had come with us,
stole one of my time machines, and went back in time. I took Matt and Joe
back with me to stop him, but he beat us everywhere! The digidestined, who
had been wrapped in time so that they wouldn't experience changes, came to
the rulers castle, to find that the digidestined of this time were all very
different from our time, from slaves to slavers to mercenaries to dead!
Fortunately, I figured out how to collapse the partial universe. Julia and I
had our crests glow, and they helped us long enough for us to go back with my
time machine to the real universe. This is better than any sci-fi novel!"
Part 1
Teen Decides To Dive
Walter fingered his crest. It had held off a crazy T. K. long enough to
get back to the real universe. As real as this universe was anyway.
Tai was, if at all possible, more interested in the crests then he!
"So, your crest glowed when you were not giving up. Hmmm. What's
another word for 'not giving up?'" Mused Tai.
"Try getting a life, guy. Perseverance, my dear Tai." Matt said aloud.
It was strange. Mimi, Kari, and Matt seemed to be getting very tense lately.
Izzy was looking worried, distracted from his computer more easily than
"Be quiet." Snapped Tai. "Okay, Walter has the crest of perseverance.
Julia, you were dodging Mimi's attacks--."
"Which is a lot easier than it looks, if both sides have armies--." Kari
"Oh, be quiet, little smarty. There's no need to drag the other
digidestined into this war. Just because I'm the master vampire and you're
the Wizardmon general--." Mimi began.
"Mimi's a vampire? Ahhh! Save me!" Julia ran behind Joe.
"ANYWAY, Julia was dodging Mimi's attacks, then her crest glowed--."
" And that was that? The crest of dodging? Tai, you may be on the roam,
but I'll bet you forgot your brain at home." Matt quipped.
Tai sighed. "I'm going to be forced to take violent actions against you,
Matt. You can sure be sure of that." He prepared his fists.
Matt shrugged. "Alrighty. Fists only, no weapons, kicking or biting.
Choose your backup for your mess-up. Oh, by the way, I've figured it out.
Julia's got action, that's no doubt." He didn't seem to get the sarcasm.
Kari ran between them. "Matt, you have to save your strength for your
Obida station. Tai, we will need to leave from unforeseen complications."
(AN: The rhyming stops here.)
Tai rolled his eyes. "You're supposed to be my sister. I'm supposed to
tell you what to do."
Kari smiled. "Fine. Tell me not to attack. I command Matt, Izzy, and
Walter. I can order them to beat you to a pulp, then I'll leave with my
While this was going on, a hand snuck from behind a tree, and grabbed
Joe. It yanked him into the shrubbery surrounding the path.
Joe wrenched himself from the figure's grip. It was Jim! Jim ran off
into the trees, leaving Joe to give chase. In his haste, Joe forgot to call
the others.
In his haste, he tripped and cut his knee.
In his haste, he slammed into Jim.
In his haste, they tripped and fell off a cliff.
Thinking fast, Jim tried to fire his time machine. It slipped, and flew
into Joe's hands, as Joe was above Jim. Joe hit the button, and vanished.
Running out of options, Jim tried his homemade one. He vanished--but
Part 2
This Teen Just Might Die
Joe reappeared in what looked like an army base. In fact, it was the
Wizardmon army base, but Joe didn't know that. He looked around, and came to
a briefing room. He heard voices.
"Sub-general Matt, your duties are to patrol area 35. No wandering in
area 51. That's for alleged alien specimens (AN: Yes, that was bad).
Something occurred to Joe. He looked on an outdoor calendar. Yes, he
was right. This was the day that Matt found Izzy on a mountain.
But Izzy was in area 46, not 35. What was going on?
Jim walked up to him. "Okay. See if you can beat this. I snuck into the
planning room and changed Matt's area for today, so Izzy will never be found!
Ha ha ha!"
Joe smiled. "Bet you ten bucks that I can change Matt's area."
Jim laughed. "By what? Proving your from the future? How? Oh, and I'll
raise you to twenty bucks."
Joe smiled again, this time grimmer. " Taken. Watch me work!"
Joe walked into the briefing room just as Matt left. The Wizardmon
briefing Matt looked up, fell over in shock, recovered, and pointed his
blaster at Joe. "What are you? Who are you? What are you doing? Speak!!!"
Joe smiled. "I come from the future with proof. I have a message for
The Wizardmon didn't flinch. "First the proof."
"Very well." Said Joe, smiling triumphantly. "Do you have a T.V. set? I
can play a videotape of Matt when he's much older than this."
The Wizardmon called over an intercom for a T.V. set. Joe inserted his
recordings of Matt.
They played back, and showed many many scenes. The longest bit was when
Matt and Joe were together at Digitamon's restaurant.
"Okay. I believe you." Said the Wizardmon. "What's the message?"
"That Matt must search area 46 today. There is someone there that he
must pick up." Joe responded.
"Matt might not be aware of his new area. I'm going to kill you both."
Called Jim, from the top of a stairwell. He threw a bomb down.
Joe thought fast. Very fast. He picked up his crowbar and batted the
bomb. The bomb flew almost all the way back to Jim before going off. Jim
smiled, waved, and teleported forward in time, trying to get to the present.
Joe looked at the Wizardmon. "I must go. He's crazy and wants everyone
dead. I have to save the world. It was a pleasure meeting you. Bye." Joe
teleported too, knowing Jim's objective, back to the present.
Part 3
This Guy Cannot Fly
Joe reappeared in what looked like a graveyard.
The graveyard.
Joe picked up a newspaper. Still a few years too early. The machine ran
out of power midway.
Joe saw his past self and Sora run from the church. He then saw Bakomon
shove Birdramon and Ikkaumon out of the church.
Joe saw everything play out like it should. But wait! When Joe was
chanting, Bakomon wasn't getting weaker--even with Sora's helmet!
Joe sighed. He'd have to help his past self. "Bakomon lose your power.
Bakomon lose your power. Bakomon lose your--"
"Joe regain your brain." Jim walked up to Joe. "How about a little
combat? Saving your past self won't help if you die in the future!"
Joe, having no choice, picked up his crowbar. Jim drew his broadsword.
They went to it. Clang! Clong! Cling!
Sora thought that she heard a sword fight from behind them, but was too
preoccupied with Bakomon against Ikkaumon and Birdramon that she paid it no
Joe was losing when Bakomon was defeated. The crack opened up in the grou
Right under Joe's feet.
He fell through, seeing the black gears fall down around him. He grabbed
the time machine, and, hoping against hope that it had enough power, hit it.
He vanished.
When he reappeared, he was falling.
Off the cliff.
In the present.
Joe thought quickly. Then, since he was still holding his crowbar, used
it to latch onto the cliff. He though he saw something reappear beneath him,
but he was preoccupied with climbing.
When he reached the top, he saw the other digidestined come looking for
him. He waved, and they saw him. Matt smiled.
"I'm usually in the right place at just the right time. Like, for
instance, the day I met Izzy my scouting assignment was changed at the last
minute. Apparently, some blue haired guy from the future had appeared and
said that my sector had to be sector 46."
AN: Another fic done. Hurrah! The next one will be really long (unless
I can get any new ideas for between this one and the next one). I'll try to
remember to not write in what Jim's badge is. Feedback please! I beg you!