The Mythical Digimon




There was a legend. A legend about six Digimon. No one really ever saw them, although it is stated that they are evil Digimon who have strong attacks, even at the in-training stage! They are :

Tatomon (tay-toe-mon) Attack : Hyper Ray Stage : In-Training

Dinomon (die-nuh-mon) Attack : Lightening Waves Stage : Rookie

Wolfermon (wool-fur-mon) Attack : Threshold Thrower Stage : Champion

Coyetmon (cie-yote-mon) Attack : Lightening Storm Stage : Ultimate

Clawmon (claw-mon) Attack : Scratch Attack Stage : Champion

Toothmon (tooth-mon) Attack : Dagger Tooth Stage : Ultimate

Although they are Digimon, they don’t get very big. They don’t need to. Tatomon, the pack’s lookout, has the Hyper Ray attack. It can take away an enemy’s strength and make it fall asleep. Of course, Tai and his friends didn’t know about this. They didn’t know anything about them. It was only on that fateful day did they realize that they aren’t as safe as they thought they were.

"I wonder where this leads," Tai said. His mini-telescope was out and he was looking out at a forked path ahead. What he didn’t see was a small Digimon walking to the other side of the path. The thing looked like a Gomamon, but it had purple stripes and green fur. It was Tatomon! He was in a hurry to meet up with the pack’s leader, Toothmon. But Tatomon did take notice to Tai. "What is he up to?" But he did know that Tai couldn’t see him, so he didn’t worry. He scrambled into a bush and disappeared. But what Tai did see was rustling in the bushes. He leaned his head forward some more to get a better look. Sora, obviously interested, looked at what his eyes were looking at. She turned to Tai, after not seeing a thing. "What are you looking at?" She asked. "I saw something move in those bushes." Tai turned around. He was wondering what he had seen. Was it real?

Tatomon arrived at the Diner Rock where he was to meet. Clawmon, Toothmon’s ancestor, greeted him. Soon all of the Digimon arrived. Toothmon looked at them. He asked if they had seen any peculiar activity. You see, if the Mythical Digimon ever saw anything strange, they either move out or kill the invaders. Killing is usually their choice. Wolfermon just yawned. He hadn’t seen anything. Neither did Dinomon, Clawmon, or Coyetmon. But Tatomon didn’t answer. Toothmon peered at him. "Did you see anything at all, Tatomon?" His voice was hissy, something that they all didn’t like. Tatomon nodded his head. Dinomon looked at his friend. "What did you see?" Tatomon described how a human was looking straight at him with a mini-telescope. "What?!" Toothmon was enraged! But Tatomon smiled. "Don’t worry. He didn’t see me at all. But I am not sure whether or not he heard and saw the rustling bushes as I went by." Toothmon was not pleased. He walked upon the Leader Stone. He roared and yelled, "We must get these invaders! Our lives depend on it!"

A lone girl wondered around with a kitten-like Digimon. The girl had short brown hair, a pink piece of cloth tied around her neck, and a whistle was worn around her neck. Beside her was Tailmon. The little white Digimon walked up in front of her. "Kari," she asked, "what are you doing?" Kari had recently arrived in the Digiworld. She looked at her Digimon. She sighed and replied, "Trying to find my big brother, Tai. I know he’s around her somewhere." She turned and looked at the forest. All the trees looked alike. "But where?"

Suddenly, a twig snapping was heard. Kari spun around. Tailmon growled and shot in front of her, ready to attack. What came out surprised them. Tatomon was walking of the bushes. Luckily, he didn’t see them. Nor did the other mythical Digimon that came out. "Let’s hide!" Tailmon whispered to Kari. Both dove into some rose bushes. They spied on the group. Toothmon walked up to the group. He growled in disgust. "I know why you guys are here. We are here to get rid of the intruders!!! Is this right?" "Yeah!" Kari looked at Tailmon, shuddered, and asked, "What invaders?" She turned to Toothmon. The evil Digimon was still speaking, but now asking a question to Tatomon.

"What did this human look like?" Tatomon cleared his throat and best described what he had seen. "Well, he had white shoes on. His hair was big, spikey, and brown. He wore goggles on his head. His shirt is blue mainly. Around his neck was a Crest and Tag and he wore white gloves and a digivice." "He must be one of the DigiDestined!" Kari clapped a hand over her mouth. It was Tai that they had seen! Fear raced through her heart, thinking of what horrible things that they would do to Tai if they find him. She couldn’t take it any longer! She got up and prepared to race towards the forest. Tailmon tried to set her back down, though.

As soon as Kari shot up, a rock rolled down. It hit Clawmon’s toe. "Uh oh." Tailmon muttered. Clawmon picked up the rock. "A rock?" Dinomon sniffed a bit then pointed towards the bush that Kari and Tailmon were hiding in. "It came from over there!" Coyetmon just snarled and walked towards the bush. Kari’s mind started racing as she frantically searched for some escape route. None. Her eyes widened with fear as the Digimon came closer and closer. Coyetmon opened his jaws and sliced away part of the bush. "What?!" Toothmon screamed. Kari and Tailmon gasped! Shaking they got up and tried to run. Tatomon ran in front of them. "Hyper Ray!" A beam appeared out of his mouth and hit the girl and her Digimon. With their energy gone, they fainted. Clawmon picked them up with the help of the others

They chained up Tailmon. After that, they tied up Kari and threw her into a cage. Dinomon was guarding her. "She will have quite a bit of explaining to do." Toothmon said and then left. Tai and his friends were getting closer and closer. Finally they had to stop because Joe fell into a river again. "Here Joe." Gomamon swam up to him and carried him back. Joe brushed himself off and thanked the white Digimon. As always, Mimi is worried about her hair. "I really need . . ." But she didn’t finish. Tatomon suddenly showed himself. "Hello." Tentomon told the kids that this Digimon is not a known Digimon to him. The green Digimon looked at the flying bug-like creature. "Sorry, my name is Tatomon." "Tatomon?" Izzy asked, puzzled.

"Yes. Now, since you are the DigiDestined, GIVE ME YOUR TAGS, CRESTS, AND DIGIVICES!!!" Tatomon roared. "Never!" Matt yelled. "Yeah! You ain’t getting them!" Tatomon just laughed. "Huh?" The kids were confused. Why was he laughing. Tatomon took another step towards them. "You see, we caught someone else here a while ago. She is being guarded by Dinomon right now." Tai looked at him. Drawing a deep breath, he stepped right up to the green Digimon. "Tai, be careful." Sora said, as usual. "Who’s this ‘she’?" "A small girl with a Tailmon." He gasped! "Was she wearing a whistle?" "Yes." "Oh, no!" Sora ran up to him with Matt. "Tai, what’s wrong?" Matt asked. Tai just hung his head. Tears formed in his eyes. "Kari." He said softly. "Kari, is it? Your little sister, I assume." Tatomon smiled evilly. Tai just nodded his head. Joe and Izzy looked at eachother. Mimi and Palmon looked at Tai. "Now, if you don’t give me you Tags, Crests, and digivices, then this’ll be the last time you’ll see of her!" Dinomon had carried Kari over and hid. As soon as he signaled, he jumped out. Tai gasped. Kari’s hands were ties around her back with some rope tied around her chest and arms. She was struggling to free herself. "Kari, NOOOO!!!!!!" Tai screamed so loud and so long, that he’d probably be hoarse for a month.

Kari stopped in surprise. She looked at Tai. "Tai?" She said softly. Then a jolt of reality shot through her. "Tai! Tailmon! Somebody get me out of here!" Tai had a look of confusion on his face. Tailmon? Who is or what is Tailmon. He asked Kari who Tailmon is. "She is my Digimon. She’s at the Champion Stage." "Really?" Kari didn’t notice a rustle nearby because she was busy fighting against her binds. "Err!!" She struggled. Tai and his friends couldn’t help. Matt now understood why Tai had said something to him much earlier. ‘I know how you feel, Matt.’ Tai’s voice echoes through Matt’s head. He had no idea that all along, Tai had a little sister T.K.’s age. Suddenly, a growl was heard. "Raaaaarrrrr!!!!" It was Tailmon! Gomamon was surprised. "What the . . .?" Kari stopped and looked to the left. "Tailmon!" The kitten-like Digimon ran up to Tatomon and Dinomon. "Let her go!" They just growled.

Dinomon cried out, "Lightening Waves!!!" A wall and ball of electricity shot out and nearly hit Tailmon. "Hyper Ray!" Tatomon shot out a beam. Mimi was impressed at how fast Tailmon was moving. "She’s cute." She said to Palmon. "For a kitten." Kari cried out, "Tailmon! Digivolve!!" Her digivice glowed. That’s when the others noticed that. She also had a tag and crest. Tentomon looked at the symbol closely. "Her crest," he announced, "is the Crest of Faith." The symbol was in the shape of a leaf with a cross through it. Its color was black. Suddenly, they noticed someone saying, "Tailmon, digivolve to . . . Triceramon!!!!" A huge Triceratops-like Digimon stood before them. She charged at Tatomon, sending him flying back into the forest. She turned to Dinomon. "Lightening Waves!!" No affect. Triceramon lowered her head. "Horn Attack!!!" Several small horns punctured into Dinomon. "Yaahhhh!!!!" He ran off, crying like a baby.

Kari was dropped to the ground. Tai and Joe caught her. Triceramon asked, "Are you alright, Kari?" "Yeah." Triceramon devolved back into Tailmon. Kari was still tied up. Agumon walked over. "I know I can’t help. My Pepper Breath’s too strong." Tailmon looked at him. Then at Kari, Joe, Izzy, Tai, Sora, T.K., Mimi, and Matt. Sighing, she raised her paws. "Fire Paws!!!" Her paws glowed and some fire shot out. It burned the ropes. "Quick! Put out the fire!" Matt called out. Gabumon rushed to Agumon’s side. "Blue-Blaster!" A stream of water put out the fire. Tai picked up Kari. "How’d you get here?" Kari hesitated a moment. Tailmon walked over to her. "I think it’s time you told them." "What?" T.K. asked. "Okay. It all started the day Tai left. I went home and I found a digivice." She went on about that for a while. She was very descriptive of how she got here and how Tailmon came along. Meanwhile, all isn’t well at Diner Rock. "I want that girl or her brother, NOW!!!!!!!" Toothmon sent out Wolfermon and Coyetmon out to find the kids.

" . . . and that’s about it." Kari finished her long story. It was a relief to everyone, except Tai, of course. Kari was his little sister and he did have responsibility over her. "Okay, so your Digimon is Tailmon? And she digivolves into Triceramon?" T.K. asked. He kinda liked having another kid around his age. "Yep." She answered shyly. Tailmon hopped onto her lap, purring. Tentomon, Gabumon, and Biyomon walked up and stopped by their human friends. Gomamon seemed to like Tailmon. Tai and Joe could tell because of how he was looking at her. Joe knelt down. "You like her, don’t ya?" Gomamon looked up and blushed. "Heh heh heh. Well . . ." The white Digimon couldn’t think of anything to say. He was too shy to admit it. "Never mind." Tai was glad that Kari was alright. "I," Kari said, smiling, "thought I’d never see you again. Oh yeah, I forgot, who are your friends?" Tai told her the names of his friends. "Matt, Gabumon, Sora, Biyomon, Joe, Gomamon, T.K., Patamon, Mimi, Palmon, Izzy, Tentomon, and of course, Agumon."

A low growling was heard. By a lone Digimon. She was a mythical Digimon, but she was kind-hearted. She was a psychic Digimon and looked like a small brontosaurus. It was Alimon(oll-ee-mon). She was wandering around when she heard someone coming. Alimon dove into the scrambled bushes. She saw Coyetmon come out. The wolf-like Digimon snarled as he seemed to be waiting for someone. "Where is that Wolfermon? We have to kill that pesty little girl!" "Oh no!" Alimon whispered so softly he couldn’t hear her. Alimon slipped out and ran into the darkness of the woods. She ran along a path. While doing this, Wolfermon arrived. "Well, sorry I’m late." Coyetmon accepted, then smelled something. Wolfermon recognized it. "Alimon! She was here!" The two angry Digimon tracked her down. Alimon was trying to get away. She ran and ran. Until she came to a campsite.

There, she saw eight Digimon and eight kids. One of them was Kari, the one who was in trouble. ‘But I can’t just reveal myself.’ Alimon said to herself. Her blue eyes were shining and glowing. T.K. saw this. "Hey, what’s over there?" Tai grew suspicious. "If it’s Tatomon . . ." He raised a fist and waved it. Gabumon had a great sense of smell and sniffed the air. "No, but the smell is Digimon. But I don’t know it." Alimon gasped and shrunk down, trying not to make a noise or be seen. Then, an itching came up her nose. She tried to hold it in, but was no use. "Aaaa-aaa-aa---AAACHHHOOOO!!!!!!" Alimon sneezed. She fell forward and landed at Tai and Izzy’s feet. "What the?" Izzy and Mimi asked in unison. Tai and Matt frowned. "Who are you?!" They screamed. They obviously didn’t trust nor like this Digimon. Alimon shivered. "My name," she said to the angry boys, "is Alimon." Tai and Matt still glared at her. They thought she was trying to trick them and then give them to some Digimon called Toothmon. They didn’t trust Alimon at all.

Alimon just stared at the two. She knew what they were thinking for she was psychic. "So, you don’t like me because I look suspicious, huh?" She asked. Tai and Matt’s yes widened with surprise. "How’d you know?" "Because I am a psychic Digimon. I can do a lot of things." Tai got angry. "Oh yeah?! Prove it!" He prepared to charge at Alimon. "Tai! No!" Kari tried to warn him. She met Alimon before. Too late. Tai was running towards Alimon. He jumped up and prepared to punch. "Get her, Tai!" Matt yelled. Tai was about to punch Alimon when she just glared at him, concentrating. Her eyes glowed blue. She glared at Tai more and more. Finally she said, "Confusion!" Tai’s body glowed blue. He closed his eyes due to the strain. He felt himself being thrown back. "Yow!" Tai cried as he crashed into the ground. He looked at Alimon. "How did you do that?" He asked, tired.

"I already told you," She answered, "I am a psychic Digimon. You didn’t believe me, so that’s proof for you." Izzy walked towards the two. "So, Alimon, why were you following us?" "Yeah!" Matt screamed. Obviously he was angry at what she did to Tai. The dinosaur-like Digimon walked to a stone and sat down on it. "Well, you see, I was walking around, minding my own business when I saw Coyetmon. I hid and heard everything. I came and found you 16 here. I’ve come to warn you." Joe was sitting next to Gomamon. Gomamon and Palmon asked, "Warn us of what?" "Yeah." Gabumon and Agumon added. Alimon got a sad look on her face. Something was wrong. Very wrong.

"Tai, your little sister Kari is in grave danger." Tai gasped. "D-d-danger?" He asked, his voice shaky. Kari’s eyes widened with fear and she was trembling. Tailmon was comforting her as best as she could. "Yes. When I saw Coyetmon, he said to Wolfermon that they are to kill the little girl. Being psychic, I knew that girl was Kari. So those . . . those brutes are gonna kill Kari soon. So you guys gotta do something quick!" Matt still didn’t trust Alimon. Maybe she was just making it all up. He stomped towards her, a fiery look in his eye. "HOW DO WE KNOW YOU’RE TELLING THE TRUTH???!!!!!!!!" He yelled out loud. Tai got the same look. Soon all of the kids and Digimon glared at her. "Yeah! How do we know?!"

Alimon sighed. She looked around and began to think. She could only think of one thing to do. She concentrated and a light screen appeared in the forest. Her body glowed blue as she stared at the white shield of light. "Show me Wolfermon and Coyetmon." The kids gasped as they saw two Digimon walking around in the forest. "So," Wolfermon looked evilly and slyly at Coyetmon, "what were we supposed to do again?" Coyetmon got angry. He yelled, "We are supposed to find and KILL that little girl. What was her name?" "Kari!" "Yeah! That’s it! We are going to find Kari and kill her! Even if it means doing it with our own two paws!!!!" Coyetmon stood up, but he was four-legged though, and looked at his claws threatenly. The scene faded and Alimon fell to the ground, exhausted. She panted like a dog that ran 100 miles nonstop. Matt’s eyes softened like everyone else’s. "Kari." Tai said softly as he looked at his sister. She was in trouble, and he knew he and the others had to do something. Soon.

Meanwhile, Coyetmon and Wolfermon were making their way through bushes, pines, and trees, mushrooms, and all kinds of foliage. "Well," Wolfermon asked, "I wonder where that Kari could be. Do you?" He turned to Coyetmon. Coyetmon was walking slowly, as if he were inspecting the ground. His bushy tail arched at Wolfermon’s question. He turned to the purple Digimon. "I don’t know. I never even saw her. What does she look like anyway?" "I was told she is wearing a piece of pink cloth tied around her neck. She is wearing a whistle. She has a digivice, of course. Her crest that she wears is the Crest of Faith." Coyetmon’s eyes widened with surprise. "Kari has the Crest of Faith?" Wolfermon was surprised. "Yeah, why?" The wolf-like Digimon glared at him. He knew of something that no one else knew. "She’ll be the one to have a super ultimate Digimon! That . . . that Tailmon of hers will become the legendary giant Digimon called SaberLeomon!" The purple Digimon gasped.

"I’m in danger? Big danger with those Digimon?" Kari was sitting in her brother’s lap. She was terrified of the mythical Digimon. But the 8 kids and 8 Digimon knew nothing about them. So Alimon had to tell them. She told them everything about these Digimon. She said that this particular group of 6 is the only evil mythical Digimon. She tells them that she is also a mythical Digimon. "There are others like me, I just don’t know where they are at the moment. My powers can’t do everything, you know." Matt sighed. Kari whimpered. Tai was worried. Sora wanted to know more. "So . . ." T.K. asked, but was cut off by a horrible growling. "Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!" Biyomon flew over to the source of the sound. "Uh oh!" She knew that this meant danger. She saw two Digimon headed their way. Coyetmon and Wolfermon! "Kari!" The pink Digimon screamed, "Run! It’s Coyetmon and Wolfermon!"

Kari gasped. She sprang up instantly, but too late. The two Digimon lunged towards her. One Digimon took off one way, the other took off in another way. The little girl was confused. So were the others. Gabumon and Tai were the only ones who could make out what was happening. Wolfermon snuck up behind Kari. Tai and Gabumon gasped and cried, "Kari, LOOK OUT!!!!!!!!" She turned around to see a clawed paw swipe up and slash her across the face, flinging her across the forest floor. "Aaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!" She screamed with pain. Agumon tried to protect Kari, but Wolfermon, his claws stained with Kari’s blood, threw him back. Agumon got up. "Pepper Breath!" It missed. Wolfermon got angry. "Threshold Thrower!" A ball of energy shot out of his mouth and hit Agumon on the stomach, sending him flying backwards and crashing in Tai, Gabumon, Tailmon, and Sora. Tai got up and looked towards his sister.

"Kari, noooo!!!!!" Kari lay on the ground, her face bleeding from three deep gashes. She was unconscious clearly. But it only lasted a bit. She slowly opened up her tired eyes and saw Tai. Tears of sorrow flowed down his face. Kari smiled, tears of pain flowing down her face, and whispered weakly, "I’ll be with you, my brother Tai. Goodbye." She closed her eyes. But she wasn’t dead, as Tai thought, but she blacked out again. Her breathing and beating was slowing down. Tai rushed towards her side. He placed his hand on her chest, crying. But then he heard a heart beat. She wasn’t dead! But her face was bleeding freely. Very freely. The blood wouldn’t stop streaming down her small face. Sora and the others were by Tai’s side, looking sadly at the injured and weak Kari. Coyetmon and Wolfermon just laughed. "We won’t have to worry about HER no more! She’ll die soon anyway. So our job is done!"

"Kari." Tai whispered. He held Kari in his arms, trying to wake her up. She was still alive, but was dying. All his friends could do was mourn. Which they did, losing hope of making her better. Suddenly, Alimon, who was hiding from the two Digimon, hopped out. "Alimon?" Wolfermon asked, confused. Coyetmon growled. "Lightening Storm!!!" Every hair on his body stood up, sending sparks into the air and surrounding Coyetmon’s body with electricity. It shot into the air and back towards Alimon. "Confusion!" Alimon’s attack sent Coyetmon’s attack back at him. He cried in pain and he and Wolfermon took off running back towards Diner Rock. Alimon walked up to the limp Kari. She was pale and was losing blood fast. Tai’s hands were getting stained with her blood. "There is something special I can do that I didn’t mention." "What?" Mimi asked tearfully. "Let’s hope this works."

Alimon concentrated hard. Her body glowed blue. As her concentration increased, the glowing changed to green. Soon it was a fiery red. Alimon seemed to be surround by intense red hot flames. "Recover!!" A beam of fiery red fire shot out of Alimon and hit Kari warmly. The kids watched, amazed. Kari’s body glowed red-orange. This continued for a while. The wounds on Kari’s face seemed to be healing. All the blood that was lost was sucked back up into her face and the gashes closed. "Uhhh!!!" Alimon collapsed. She used up too much energy recovering Kari and panted. "Uhhh . . . Tai?" Kari was awake! She was fully recovered, thanks to Alimon. "Kari!" Tai and his friends screamed joyfully. Tai hugged Kari hard, then helped her up. He looked at Alimon. "Thanks." She looked up and smiled. "Your welcome." Meanwhile, Toothmon wasn’t happy. "Well, those kids are in for it now!!! I’ll release my dangerous Digimon, MegaDramon, to deal with them. He’s a super ultimate, so he’ll wipe ‘em out!! Ha ha ha ha!!!!"

An evil dragon-like Digimon, red with blue metallic wings and hands, flew over to Toothmon. Clawmon shook with fear of the creature. "Hmm . . . are you worthy of me?" Toothmon asked. MegaDramon just growled. He answered, "Yes, what is your wish for me to do, master?" Toothmon yawned a bit, then told him about how a little girl named Kari has a champion stage Digimon, Tailmon, and that she has the Crest of Faith. "That little girl has the Crest of Faith?! Don’t worry, I never liked that crest, so I’ll destroy that little girl!" "Good." MegaDramon flew off into the forest. Searching for Kari. His weapon, Nuclear Missile, is highly dangerous. And MegaDramon knew that. He wouldn’t give up until Kari was dead! He wouldn’t! "So, Kari has the Crest of Faith, huh? Well, let’s see how much FAITH she REALLY has!!!!!"

Kari was told everything that happened. The only thing that she remembered was being struck by Wolfermon and fainting. She was also told that her crest is special. "Special?" Tai looked at her, smiling. "Yes, Kari. Your crest is the Crest of Faith." "The Crest of Faith?" The kids nodded their heads. ‘The Crest of Faith?,’ Kari thought. She picked up the tag and looked at the crest. She had no idea that she had the Crest of Faith. She sighed and stood up. Suddenly, out of nowhere, she heard an eerie sound. It sounded like a horde of giant bees chasing a dog. She looked to find the source of the sound. "Kari, what’s wrong?" Palmon asked. "Don’t you hear that? That . . . that sound?" Kari asked, bewildered. One by one, Tai, Mimi, Joe, Sora, Matt, T.K., and Izzy, along with the Digimon, looked from side to side. Just then a shadow loamed over them.

"Well, well," MegaDramon roared, "what do we have here? Some uninvited guests?" The huge dragon-like Digimon flew directly into site. He saw Kari. He flew closer. "So, you are the beholder of the Crest of Faith?" He asked, sneering. "Y-ye-ye-yes." Kari’s voice was shaky. Very shaky. "Then, I must KILL you!!! I have my orders from Toothmon." "No!" Tai screamed and leaped in front of Kari. "Fool! Trying to stop me, eh?" He lifted his metal hand and struck Tai hard. He flew backgrounds and landed painfully into a tree. A big twig landed on his back, pinning him to the ground. "Tai!" Kari yelled, then stared at MegaDramon. Or should I say, glared? For the first time, Kari was actually showing hatred towards someone. She never did this before. "What’s wrong with Kari?" Sora asked. "She’s . . . she’s angry." Joe answered, who had also seen Kari’s angry look. "What did you do that for?!" She yelled at MegaDramon. "Because he was in the way, Kari! Now to finish you off!!" He raised a claw and swiped towards Kari. She screamed and tried to get away, but the metallic claw struck her and she was pinned against a mountain side.

Kari struggled to get away, but it was useless. MegaDramon laughed evilly. Suddenly, the kids turned to see that Tailmon was glowing. "Tailmon, digivolve to . . . Triceramon!!!" The dinosaur-like Digimon ran towards MegaDramon. "Horn Attack!" She shot several small horn-like structures at him. No effect! "Ha! You think that will stop me? Take this!" MegaDramon moved his free hand towards Triceramon. "Nuclear Missile!" A missile shot out of his arm and hit Triceramon. Screaming, she fell to the ground. "Ohhh . . ." Triceramon moaned. "Oh no!" Gomamon and Biyomon yelled, pointing towards MegaDramon. The big Digimon raised his claw to strike and kill Kari. "Kari, NOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Everyone, especially Tai, screamed. Alimon couldn’t help. She was knocked out cold when MegaDramon arrived. Triceramon woke up. She gasped as she saw Kari about to get crushed by MegaDramon. She didn’t want this to happen!

Kari looked at Triceramon through her tired eyes. She yelled as loudly as she could, "Triceramon! I have faith in you! Help me! I have faith in you!!!" Kari’s digivice and Crest of Faith glowed together. "Huh?" MegaDramon asked, confused. "Hey! Her crest is reacting!" Izzy exclaimed. "Yeah!" Tentomon, Agumon, Gabumon, and Palmon said in unison. A beam from the digivice went into the crest and then to Triceramon. The Digimon glowed brightly. "Triceramon, digivolve to . . ." Changes took place. Fire covered her body. When she came out, she was in the form of a four-legged lion-like Digimon. She was golden-yellow with red striped and stone-like feet, claws, and teeth. Her eyes were blue, just like Tailmon’s. "SaberLeomon!!!!" "Whoa! SaberLeomon!" MegaDramon exclaimed. The lion Digimon roared and charged at MegaDramon. She glared at him, then yelled, "Lightening Claw!!" A wave of string-like electricity shot out of her paws. It struck MegaDramon, but it didn’t seem to defeat him. He got up and the two just glared at eachother, growling. SaberLeomon was protecting Kari, who was standing behind her two front paws.

"Wow! Triceramon digivolved!" exclaimed T.K. "Let’s help!" Sora ordered. "Biyomon, digivolve to . . . Birdramon!!!" "Agumon, digivolve to . . . Greymon!!!" "Gabumon, digivolve to . . . Garurumon!!!" "Gomamon, digivolve to . . . Ikkakumon!!!" "Palmon, digivolve to . . . Togemon!!!" "Tentomon, digivolve to . . . Kabuterimon!!!" 6 Champion Digimon took places around Kari, blocking MegaDramon’s attempts to get to her. Tai, who was almost free from the tree, yelled out an order. "Attack all at once!" The Digimon obeyed, all hating MegaDramon as much as Tai did. "Meteor Wing!" "Harpoon Torpedo!" "Nova Blast!" "Needle Spray!" "Howling Blaster!" "Electro Shocker!" "Lightening Claw!" The attacks hit MegaDramon. He yelled out in pain. He seemed weaker. He gave up and turned away, but not before saying, "This isn’t over yet, DigiDestined. You don’t know who you are up against!" With that, MegaDramon disappeared into the forest.

"Tai! You okay?" Kari was standing next to Tai, who was still pinned down. "Yeah." Kari smiled with relief, then gestured the other kids to help her push off the giant twig. SaberLeomon devolved back into Tailmon during this. She went over and stood next to Gomamon and Tentomon and helped with the pushing. They eventually got the thing off of Tai. Tai weakly climbed to his feet, a bit shaky after what happened. Was MegaDramon going to get and tell Toothmon of was happened? Are they safe or are they still in danger? These questions were all Tai could think about for the last few hours. The kids thought that they’ve seen the last of the evil mythical Digimon, but they found out the hard way that they were wrong. Totally wrong. For at that moment, MegaDramon was speaking with Toothmon of what happened. "You didn’t kill them?!" "I tried, Toothmon, but the Crest of Faith glowed and called upon SaberLeomon. Triceramon digivolved to SaberLeomon and all the Digimon attacked me at once. I couldn’t fight any longer." Toothmon was still angry. He growled, then turned around. "Well, I suppose it wasn’t totally your fault. However, do you know what will happen to us if those kids are not destroyed?" MegaDramon just shrugged. "This will!" Toothmon turned to a small Digimon, Betamon, and howled, "Dagger Tooth!!!" Two saber teeth shot from his own saber teeth. The teeth were really missiles for they exploded as soon as they hit the Betamon. Betamon was destroyed. MegaDramon shook with fear.

"That is what will happen to us. Okay?" The dragon shakily nodded his head. Toothmon just snarled. He turned to Tatomon, who was called in. "Tatomon, I’m counting on you to locate those kids and tell me exactly where they are." Tatomon bowed his head and said, "Yes, sir!" With that, he turned away. He soon disappeared into the forest. "Now, I wonder where the DigiDestined could be." Tatomon thought to himself as he sniffed around for the kids’ scent. Before he knew it, it was raining. Not heavily, though. Just sprinkling. So he continued walking and searching. The rain drops dropped onto his furry purple striped coat. Tatomon’s striped seemed to be glowing. Suddenly, just when Tatomon couldn’t walk anymore he came to a clearing. He heard some familiar voices. Very familiar voices.

"What are we going to do?" Joe asked about the 100th time. He was very nervous as he is most of the time. "What are you worried about, Joe?" Tai asked. "What if . . . what if MegaDramon told Toothmon what happened?" While this was going on, Kari was trying to wake up Alimon, who was still passed out. What Kari didn’t know was that she was on top of Alimon. Suddenly, Alimon shook open her eyes wearily and looked around. She felt something heavy on her. She could hear someone’s voice saying, "Come on, Alimon! Get up!" It was Kari. Alimon glared up at her and answered, "I’d love to get up, Kari. But unfortunately you’re STANDING ON ME!!!" Startled, Kari saw that she was, indeed, standing on Alimon’s back. Quickly she hopped off. "Sorry." "That’s okay." Alimon shook herself and walked towards Tai and Joe, wondering what they were talking about. "What if that guy sends out a Digimon to get us?" "Joe, don’t be a worry wart!" Alimon immediately knew what was going on.

"Interesting." Tatomon was hiding and watching the group. "Looks like they are all together with that traitor Alimon! Right in the middle of AeroVDramon turf! Wait till I tell the boss this!" Tatomon got up and carefully as he could, but his sounds couldn’t escape Gomamon’s ears. His ears were among the sharpest in the group. "I hear something." "You think?" Joe asked. "You doubt me?" Gomamon’s head was turned up as if he heard something, which he did. Tatomon growled and backed off, his ears flat against his skull. He turned around and ran as fast as he could. But Patamon, being the closest, had seen him. "Hey guys!" Mimi and T.K. looked at him. "What is it?" Mimi asked. T.K. asked, "Who was it? What was it?" They all had heard something. They just didn’t know what they heard. Patamon landed and sat down. "I saw Tatomon!" "Tatomon?" Tai looked angry. "Yes. He ran back somewhere. Probably back to Toothmon and Clawmon. Alimon just found out something. Something bad. "Hey guys, I just remembered, this is AeroVDramon turf!!" "What?!" Everyone yelled. From the look in Alimon’s eyes, they knew AeroVDramon was bad news.

"Hey! Clawmon!!" Tatomon had returned back to Diner Rock. Clawmon turned to the green Digimon. Dinomon followed, interested in what Tatomon found out. "Where are the kids?!" Toothmon was standing behind Clawmon. Tatomon smiled the most evil smile any of them has ever seen on him. "They are in the middle of AeroVDramon turf!" "AeroVDramon turf? Ha ha ha ha!!!!!!" Toothmon laughed. Clawmon, Dinomon, Wolfermon, and Coyetmon laughed with him. Soon Tatomon joined in. They knew that if they could get AeroVDramon to attack the kids, they would win. Toothmon turned to Clawmon. "Clawmon! You go over to AeroVDramon and tell him to get rid of his invaders, the DigiDestined! Tatomon, you take him to where you saw those kids." "Right!" Not too long after they left they came across vines. But to Clawmon, they were a cinch to remove. "Scratch Attack!" Several small claws shot out of his claws and whipped around like boomerangs. They cut up the vines easily.

"What’s an AeroVDramon?" T.K. asked. Alimon eyed him. Lifting up her foot like a person describing something, she told him that AeroVDramon was a very evil Digimon with sharp horns, teeth, and claws. He also had wings, making him a lethal Digimon. "Oh no!" "Oh yes! And I bet that’s what Tatomon told that . . . that Toothmon!" Tai looked at her curiously. "You don’t seem to like Toothmon much, do you?" Alimon sighed. Everyone was looking at her. She felt uncomfortable. She hadn’t told them everything. So she decided to tell them this something. "Well, you see, I, myself, was once part of the evil mythical Digimon. It wasn’t till later that I departed. I gathered a group of several other good mythical Digimon. I formed an army of 7 of them, with me being the leader. I am still the leader of the good mythical Digimon. But I haven’t been able to defeat Toothmon even with my psychic powers."

Everyone was surprised at this. Alimon is a former evil Digimon? She was once evil, but is now good? This shocked them all. "You used to be evil?" Kari asked. Alimon hung her head. "Yes. There’s someone of the good mythical Digimon who doesn’t think of me as leader and wants to become leader." Mimi bent over to the Digimon. "Who?" "Blastoimon." Who was this Blastoimon(blass-toy-mon)anyway? "Who’s that?" "Blastoimon is a Digimon about my size. He’s a water-type Digimon. His attack is Hydro Tornado." "Hmmm . . . and he’s . . ." "Jealous of me." Alimon finished his sentence. Alimon got up and began circling around, trying to think of a way to get Blastoimon and Triplemon(trip-luh-mon)to come. She didn’t know where they were, so she had to think of some way to contact them. Then she got an idea. "Hey, Patamon, Tentomon, and Biyomon! Come here!" "What?" "I have an idea of how to get to the other good mythical Digimon!"

"Well, where are they?!" Clawmon roared, waving his huge, red claws at Tatomon threateningly. "Everything seems so . . . different. I know that there was . . ." But he couldn’t get the words out. Tatomon and Clawmon have been searching around to find the kids, but they weren’t very successful. All they could see was a bunch of foliage. Suddenly, a twig snapping was heard. The two Digimon turned around and saw a huge blue Digimon with claws, horns, and wings and sharp teeth in the mouth. It was AeroVDramon! The scary Digimon looked at Clawmon and Tatomon. Tatomon wasn’t shaking, but Clawmon was. The smaller Digimon trotted over to AeroVDramon. "Hello, my name is Tatomon. Toothmon wants a request from you." AeroVDramon growled, then asked, "Toothmon? I don’t know him, but if he’s evil, I’ll accept!" Tatomon told him all about how he, Dinomon, Wolfermon, Coyetmon, Clawmon, and Toothmon wanted to kill some kids. "Well, I’ll kill them for ya! Where are they?" Clawmon, shaking, said, "They’re right here. In you turf!" "WHAT!!!?????" The angry AeroVDramon flew off in pursuit of the 8 kids and their Digimon. He never lost a battle, and he isn’t about to lose this one! "I’ll destroy those kids if it’s the last thing I ever do!!!!" AeroVDramon disappeared into the darkness of the woods. "Now," Clawmon laughed evilly, "that Kari and her brother and her friends will pay!" "Yeah!" Tatomon yelled.

Patamon, Biyomon, and Tentomon were confused at what Alimon wanted them to do. "What?" Alimon glared at them briefly, then relaxed. "Since you guys can fly, you’ll have a better chance at finding Blastoimon and Triplemon. Blastoimon looks a little like me, except with claws, sharp teeth, triangular fins on his back, and a horn on his forehead. Triplemon looks like Coyetmon, except he has a different coat pattern and has three tails." Izzy raised his hand. "How will bringing those two mythical Digimon here help?" The psychic Digimon just stared at him. How will she be able to explain this? "You see, the more Digimon there are, the better chance we’ll have at beating Toothmon." "But," A voice was heard. It was Tai. "can’t we just use our own Digimon?" Alimon whacked Tai lightly on the head. "No! You silly boy! That’s the last thing you should do! Toothmon is very powerful. If you use the wrong Digimon at the wrong time, it’ll be disastrous! He could capture your Digimon and you won’t be able to fight at all!" Alimon settled herself down by a tree.

Alimon had just settled herself down by the tree which the group was near and her head was resting on the ground when a loud growling was heard. "You hear that?" She asked, her neck and head perked up. Gomamon’s ears stiffened at the sound. He looked around, trying to find the source of the sound. But it seemed to be coming from all directions. "Oh man!" Joe moaned fearfully. "I hope it isn’t MegaDramon." Sora said. Biyomon flew over. "Alimon!" Alimon shot up instantly. "What?" "I saw a blue and white Digimon headed this way! His wings are reddish and torn. He has a white horn on his nose and gray horns on the back of his head." Alimon gasped and turned to the group. "Run!" She yelled as she darted into the forest. She stopped and ran back. Tai, Sora, Mimi, Kari, T.K., Matt, Izzy, Joe, and the Digimon just stood there, surprised. "Come on! It’s AeroVDramon!!!" Too late. The huge Digimon roared violently as he perched himself in front of Alimon. She shuddered with fear, forgetting about her psychic powers that she had.

Tai rushed over to her. "Alimon! Use Confusion! Do something!" Big mistake. AeroVDramon raised his giant claw and struck Tai hard and he crashed into Matt. "Ooof!!" Matt fell onto his back with Tai on his back on top of Matt’s chest and stomach. "Tai!" Alimon and Kari yelled. Alimon’s eyes glowed blue once again. She concentrated on AeroVDramon. She was filled with hatred and consumed with rage. "Disable!!!" AeroVDramon somehow couldn’t move a muscle. "Aahhh!!" He roared as he frantically tried to attack. Alimon’s attack only lasted a minute. "Confusion!" Alimon threw the Digimon into the tree, but did no good. AeroVDramon growled and hissed, "Dragon Wing!!!!" A blade, wing-shaped, sizzled out of AeroVDramon and swiped Alimon. She fell down, fainted. He then turned to the other kids. None of the Digimon had an advantage over this Digimon. He was too powerful and Tailmon was still weak from the battle with MegaDramon. All seemed lost. Tai closed his eyes along with the others and waited for their fate.

Suddenly, they heard something. But they couldn’t tell what. A dinosaur rushed out and crashed into AeroVDramon, knocking him flat to the ground. "You guys okay?" The strange Digimon asked. Izzy recognized him. "You’re . . . you’re Blastoimon!" Blastoimon nodded his head. "How’d you know?" Kari told him that Alimon told her about him and that she has been helping all of them. "Well, Alimon probably shouldn’t be leader, but I have nothing against her." Blastoimon said this and he turned towards Alimon. She was laying there, not moving but breathing. "She’s fine. Now to deal with this Digimon." Blastoimon growled at AeroVDramon and he growled back. "Dragon Wing!!" The attack struck at him, but he leaped out of the way. Blastoimon lowered his head, aiming his horn at AeroVDramon. "Hydro Tornado!!!" A spiral twister of water, like Biyomon’s Spiral Twister attack, shot out of his horn, spinning as fast as a tornado. It hit AeroVDramon dead on! "Aahhhh!!!" Blastoimon moved up for another attack. "Hydro Tornado!!" Another was shot. The evil Digimon fell down, defeated. The kids cheered. They thought that their problems were over now, but they were just beginning. Soon, they’d have to face Toothmon himself. What will they do and how will they beat him? The answer surely lies in the future.

"Raarrr!!!" Toothmon roared. His roar filled the area with fear. Even Tatomon quivered. "They defeated every Digimon I sic on them." Without thinking, Dinomon trots over to him. "Actually, you only sent out two . . ." But Toothmon’s glare stopped Dinomon. "I also sent out all of you, except Clawmon, to deal with them. But you failed!" Toothmon walked back onto the Leader Stone, his huge clawed feet under his chin, thinking of what to do about the kids. MegaDramon and AeroVDramon didn’t do any good at all. Tatomon, Dinomon, Wolfermon, and Coyetmon didn’t do any good, either. Clawmon wasn’t brave enough; he’d back down if he sees anything bigger than he was. The only Digimon he could think of was . . . himself! "That’s it!" Coyetmon nearly jumped out of his skin upon hearing Toothmon’s sudden words. "What? What?" He asked, shocked. Toothmon smiled evilly and said, "Well, why don’t we all pay a visit to the DigiDestined?" The evil Digimon didn’t quite understand. "You see, I have decided that I should deal with those kids. Alimon still has no power over me. That traitor’s group will never beat me!" The others cheered. They left Diner Rock. Heading towards where the kids were last seen.

Blastoimon took a while before he got Alimon up again. "Hey, Alimon. What happened?" She turned and was surprised to see Blastoimon. "I . . . I don’t know. The last thing I remember is being hit by AeroVDramon." Alimon shook her head. Something didn’t feel right. But what? Something bad was about to happen soon. She could feel it. Blastoimon, Patamon, and Agumon rushed over to her when she suddenly bolted up and looked around like a crazed dog. She sensed something. They knew it. "Alimon!" Tai yelled. "What’s wrong?" Matt asked. Alimon stared at them, her eyes widened with fear and confusion. "It’s . . . it’s Toothmon!" They gasped! They knew Toothmon was bad news. Although none of them has ever seen him. Except Alimon. She was the only one there who actually saw him in person before. "Wh-wh-wha-what about T-t-t-toothmon?" Joe stammered, afraid. "He’s coming here! To kill us all! We gotta get the other good mythical Digimon!" Blastoimon raised his foot up and set it down again. "Leave it to me!"

Blastoimon picked up a small golden whistle on the floor. He blew into it hard. The sound was only heard by the Digimon, who covered their ears because of the loud noise. Soon, the tooting sound left them. Leaving only the sounds of the wind blowing through the trees. Suddenly, out of nowhere, shadows appeared. They seemed to be Digimon. Alimon smiled for they were the good mythical Digimon. Out came several odd looking Digimon. They were :

Manemon (man-uh-mon) Attack : Electric Sunglasses Stage : Champion

Tuftamon (tough-tum-on) Attack : Fog Mist Stage : Rookie

Triplemon (trip-luh-mon) Attack : Firespin Tail Stage : Champion

Blackmon (blak-mon) Attack : Tooth Spike Stage : Ultimate

Aerodramon (air-uh-druh-mon) Attack : Whirlwind Blast Stage : Champion

Elasmomon (ee-laz-moe-mon) Attack : Oceanliner Pump Stage : Ultimate

The Digimon assembled themselves in front of Alimon. She explained, with Blastoimon, that Toothmon was going to attack them. "We need your help." The Digimon just looked at eachother. They all feared and hated Toothmon. Finally, Tuftamon spoke up. "Just who are these kids, anyway?" "They’re the DigiDestined." Triplemon was astounded! He’s heard of the DigiDestined, but he thought they were a myth. But there they were. Flesh and blood. He walked over to them. He looked at Kari and said, "My name is Triplemon." Alimon told them that Triplemon is their best thief. He could steal anything anytime anywhere. But the larger group still had to think of what to do. Time was running out and they had to stage a plan quickly. Before it is too late.

"So, what are we going to do?" Sora asked to Tuftamon, the smallest of the group. He looked up at her. He said, "I don’t know. Alimon usually decides what to do." The cub-like Digimon turned around to look at Alimon. She was discussing something with Tai and Kari. Sora couldn’t tell what was going on. "What?! We can’t quit!" "I have no power over him, Tai." "Make up your minds." Sora heard some of the conversation, but not all. She walked up to Tai. "What’s going on?" "We’re debating whether or not we should fight Toothmon and the evil mythical Digimon." Alimon glared at him. "It’s too dangerous!" Kari got a confused look on her face. "But there are 8 of you and only 6 of them." Alimon stopped and stood still. Her head slowly moved to Kari’s direction. "You don’t get it, do you? The evil mythical Digimon are stronger than the good ones. Plus, I am the only one who saw Toothmon and believe me, he’s not . . ." But she couldn’t finish. She stopped and looked around.

Aerodramon got nervous. Very nervous. She knew that Alimon was sensing something. She was the only one who can sense Toothmon’s presence. Blackmon, the largest of the group, bared his teeth. The sound was coming from the east of them. Blackmon, Manemon, and Triplemon snarled at the source of the sound. "What?" Mimi asked, bewildered. Blackmon yelled, "Tooth Spike!!!" He ran at lightening speed and stabbed away a chunk of bush. Manemon stepped forward. "Electric Sunglasses!!!" He shot a beam of electricity at the bush. Then, Triplemon, his tails spinning faster and faster, screamed, "Firespin Tail!!!" A laser of intense flames shot at the bush. Evil laughter was heard. It wasn’t good. A Digimon walked out. He had a lion’s tail and a bird’s wings. His ears are like Pikachu’s and his neck is long. He had sharp claws and two saber teeth. He had three black horns on his head. He snarled with glee and evilness as he walked towards the group.

"Who—who is that?" Izzy and Mimi asked. Agumon, Gabumon, Patamon, Biyomon, and Tailmon’s mouths had dropped open. Palmon’s eyes were wide along with Gomamon. Tentomon was shaking with fear. Alimon just glared at the Digimon. Kari asked, "Who is that?" Alimon still glared. Finally, she spoke. "Toothmon!" Tai was shocked! "That’s Toothmon?! He isn’t so big!" Toothmon glared at him. "Dagger Tooth!!!!" He shot two tooth-shaped missiles at him. The missiles landed at Tai’s feet and they explode. "Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!" Tai screams as he flings backgrounds and crashes painfully into the ground, battered and bruised, but alive still. "Tai!" The others scream. Toothmon lunged on top of Tai, raising his claw up to strike. "No, help!" Tai yells as he struggled to get free of Toothmon’s grasp. "Yaahhhh!!!" Someone yells. It was Alimon! She skull bashes Toothmon and they fly backwards. Toothmon lands on his back with Alimon on top of him. She growls but soon both of them are rolling. That’s when other evil laughter was heard. From the same bush. From 5 Digimon this time. The other evil mythical Digimon had arrived to fight!

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Dinomon taunts. He looks at Gabumon. Water-types are weak against electric-types. "Lightening Waves!!!" Gabumon is hit hard and he falls down, electricuted. "Gabumon!" Matt yells. A purple Digimon appears in front of T.K. and Izzy. Laughing evilly, Wolfermon shoots his attack at the two. "Threshold Thrower!!!" A ball of energy hits them. They collapse to the ground. "No!" Matt and Mimi yell at the same time. "Tatomon!" Tai glared at the small green Digimon with hatred. Toothmon walked by Tatomon. "Tatomon, weaken up this brat so I can finish him off." The green Digimon nods and turns toward Tai. He just stood there, looking confused. How could an In-Training Digimon weaken someone? Then, he hears "Hyper Ray!". When he looks towards Tatomon, he is struck by a beam. He felt his energy leaving him. His body went almost completely limp as he collapsed into the ground, tired.

Nobody noticed this until Kari screamed. "TAI!!!!" She ran up to her brother. "Kari?" Tai seemed to be awake, but he was tired and weak from Tatomon’s Hyper Ray attack. Agumon looked angry. He glared at Tatomon. "Pepper Breath!!!" "Ya!!!" Tatomon got hit and ran off away from the two, then started attacking the others. Coyetmon smiled evilly as he looked at Sora and Biyomon. "Go away!" The pink Digimon cries. But is answered by his evil laugh. Coyetmon stares at them, then yells, "Lighting Storm!!!!" Electricity is shot at them. "Sora! Biyomon!" Tai, Matt, Mimi, and Joe scream. Izzy and T.K. were too horried to talk. The ray of electricity spun closer and closer to Biyomon and Sora. But then, they heard something. "Confusion!!!" It was Alimon! She stopped Coyetmon’s attack and sent it back at him. "Darn you, Alimon! You traitor, you!!" Suddenly, Toothmon swipes Alimon, sending her flying backwards. She crashes into the ground, all beaten up. Toothmon just smiles with victory and evil glee.

Tai, now recovered from the blow, gets up and looks at what is happening. He saw Alimon in trouble. He had to help. "Hey, you! Toothmon, you can’t catch me!" This made Toothmon furious! He flew over to Tai and slashed at him with his black claws. Alimon looked in awe at this. Then she remembered that Toothmon was too dangerous for anyone to handle. Shaking, Alimon got up and opened her mouth. "Psybeam!!" A glowing red light appears and shoots at Toothmon. It didn’t affect him much. He glared at Alimon. "Don’t you know you have no power over me?" She stared at him. Then at Tai, Sora, and one by one, the other kids and Digimon. "Leave Tai and his friends alone!" Toothmon just laughed. "I don’t think so. Attack all at once!" "Yeah!" Alimon and the others gasped. Tai backed away. T.K. quivered. Everyone else was cowering down. "Hyper Ray!" "Lightening Waves!" "Lightening Storm!" "Threshold Thrower!" "Scratch Attack!" "Dagger Tooth!" Six attacks head towards them. Their hearts race as they frantically search for a way out. But how will they survive this?

‘I gotta do something to help’ thought Alimon as the attacks came closer. Then it came to her. She had once used an attack which blocked another attack. Alimon glared at Toothmon. Snarling, she cried out a command. "Psyshield!!!" A light blue aurora surrounded Tai, Kari, and their friends. The attacks, including Clawmon and Toothmon’s, were blocked! "What was that?" Kari asked, startled. "Alimon, you . . . didn’t tell us you could do that." Matt said breathlessly." Alimon was too tired to answer, though. She used up a lot of energy created a barrier to protect them. "That was a big mistake!" Tai looked up and saw who said that. Toothmon! He was heading towards them. Not wait! Alimon! He was after Alimon! Staring at Toothmon in fear, she laid on the ground, too tired and weak to fight back.

Toothmon lifted his claws and started to punch, kick, throw, and slash Alimon. "Alimon!!!!" Tai, Matt, Kari, Joe, Mimi, Izzy, Sora, and T.K. yelled out. "Aahhh!!!" Alimon screamed as she received painful slashes from Toothmon. "Take that!" The evil Digimon gave one final blow to Alimon’s injured side before she collapsed to the ground. She shook with pain. "You thought you were a match for ME?!" Toothmon howled. Tatomon hopped to his side, sneering at the weak Alimon. "Yeah!" Then he turned to Tai. Walking over to them, he said, "It’s over, Tai!" Tai growled. "No, it isn’t!" A voice called out. Blastoimon! He hopped in front of Alimon and lowered his horn. "Hydro Tornado!!!!" A spiral stream of water spat out and hit Tatomon, sending him flying through the air and crashing into Coyetmon. Blastoimon turned to Alimon.

"You okay?" "No, not really." Alimon tried to climb to her feet, but she fell down. Something was wrong. "She’s terribly injured." Informed Manemon. He was filled with rage! He glared at Toothmon. Manemon cried out, "Electric Sunglasses!!!!" A blast of electricity hit Toothmon, but didn’t have any effect! "Dagger Tooth!" Manemon was sent flying backgrounds and fell on top of Gomamon! "Can’t we help?" Tai asked. Blastoimon sadly shook his head. "Toothmon is just too powerful. Not even Blackmon, our strongest member, is not strong enough to fight him." Blackmon was fighting with Wolfermon. "Threshold Thrower!" Blackmon dodged and called out, "Tooth Spike!!" At lightening speed he stabbed Wolfermon and he fell back. Alimon looked around. She saw what was happening and she didn’t like it. ‘If only I could learn one new attack’ she thought was the fighting continued.

Alimon slowly climbed to her feet. She used Recover on herself, then turned to the others. She walked up to Toothmon. "Toothmon, this has to stop." She said gently but firmly. He just laughed and used Dagger Tooth on her. "Aaaahhh!!!!" She fell back. Angry, she got up. "Psybeam!" Another ray of energy hit Toothmon. It did little damage. Toothmon and Alimon glared at each other. "You’ll regret the day you betrayed us, Alimon!!" "I was lucky to get out of your stupid gang!" Toothmon slashed at her, but Alimon used her agility to dodge his attacks. At the same time, the others were fighting and fighting. Manemon was attacking, with Tuftamon, Coyetmon. Tuftamon used, "Fog Mist!" This shrouded Coyetmon in mist. Then the lion-like Digimon slashed up Coyetmon. He got angry! "Lightening Storm!" Electricity filled Tuftamon’s body. Howling with pain, he fell back onto Manemon. "Electric Sunglasses!" He shot electricity at Coyetmon. But Manemon was a champion and Coyetmon was an ultimate, so the blast had no effect!

"Grrr . . ." said Agumon, who was facing Dinomon. "Pepper Breath!" He shot a fireball at Dinomon. But Dinomon rolled out of the way! He stood up on his hind legs and attacked with Lightening Waves. A wave of electrical power struck Agumon hard and he fell down. "Agumon!" Patamon came forward and tried his Boom Bubble attack. No effect! "Grrr . . . Lightening Waves!!" "Poison Ivy!!!" A voice called out. It was Palmon! She grasped a hold of Dinomon in her vines. Tailmon came over. "Good job, Palmon!" Then she faced Dinomon. "Fire Paws!!" She shot some fire at Dinomon, hitting him dead on. "Ow!" He ran around in circles. At the same time, Gabumon used his Blue Blaster on Tatomon when Dinomon came bursting in and got hit with the Blue Blaster. It didn’t hurt him much, but it did soothe him. "Heehhhhh . . ." Dinomon sighed with relief.

"This ends now, Alimon!" Alimon and Toothmon were at the center of the arena. The two glared at each other. Tai looked at the center and saw them. He knew that the fight was far from over. "And so it does . . ." Alimon answered back. They growled. Then, they used their attacks. "Psybeam!" "Dagger Tooth!" The attacks hit each other in the middle, not coming anywhere near Alimon or Toothmon. They growled and used their attacks again. But just as they were about to, a voice cried out, "No! Stop! Stop now!" Tai? Kari looked at him. Then Sora, Matt, Izzy, Joe, T.K., and Mimi all saw Tai running towards the battling Digimon. "Tai, nooo!!!!!!!" They cried at him. But Tai wouldn’t listen to his friends. "Psybeam!!!" "Dagger Tooth!!!" The attacks headed straight for . . . Tai! Tai screamed as he got hit by the attacks.

He fell down, badly hurt. He looked up and saw Toothmon grinning evilly. Toothmon raised his claws and gave one final blow to Tai before Tai went limp, bleeding and hardly breathing. "Tai!" Kari rushed over to him. "What?" Alimon asked, confused. Then anger filled her up like burning fire!She liked Tai and his friends. She was very angry at Toothmon. Angrier than a swarm of Flymon! She glared at Toothmon while Kari sadly looked at the weak Tai, tears streaming down her face. "That’s it! You’ve gone far enough!" She growled. Alimon started to glow! I mean, really glowing. She was glowing orange-red, which soon become blood-struck red. Consumed with anger, Alimon got a new attack! Her most powerful of all! Alimon opened her mouth and screamed, "NOBLE BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!" A huge fireball, which looked like Tyranomon’s fire attacks, shot out and hit Toothmon. Hard.

"Yowww!!" Toothmon cried as the blast hit him. With that, he shot another Dagger Tooth at Alimon. But at the same time, she had gained another new attack. A very special one at that. Alimon glared at Toothmon. "Metronome!" She moved her head from side to side. "What is she doing?" asked Tatomon. "She’s moving her head," began Wolfermon. Dinomon finished, "this way and that way and this way and that way." Alimon glowed white as she unleashed, "Psywave!!!!" The six Digimon fell down, dazed. Alimon growled. Agumon stepped forward. "Attack all at once!" "Uh oh." Muttured Clawmon and Coyetmon. "Pepper Breath!" "Fire Paws!" "Blue-Blaster!" "Boom Bubble!" "Spiral Twister!" "Poison Ivy!" "Marching Fishes!" "Super Shocker!" "Noble Blast!" The attacks hit the Digimon. "Yaahh!!!" They cried. They didn’t like that one bit! Alimon thought their troubles were over. But no, it wasn’t!

"Ha ha ha ha!!!" An evil laughter rolled through the air. It was Toothmon! "You think that just because, Alimon, that you have two new attacks mean that you can beat me?!" She growled and used her Noble Blast again. The fire sprawled through the air, but Toothmon slashed it! "Dagger Tooth!" "Metronome : Teleport!" Alimon disappeared, the attack missing her by an inch. Alimon reappeared behind Toothmon. "Metronome : Skull Bash!" She lowered her head and rammed into Toothmon. Then they heard, "Tailmon, digivolve to . . . Triceramon!!!" Alimon looked at Kari, who was still mourning over Tai. Kari was glaring at Toothmon, though tears of sorrow stung to her face. Triceramon lowered her horns. "Horn Attack!" Horns stung into Tatomon, Dinomon, Wolfermon, Coyetmon, Clawmon, and Toothmon. But, Coyetmon and Toothmon weren’t affected so easily! "Lightening Storm!" "Lightening Waves!" Coyetmon and Dinomon attacked together.

"Hey . . . aahhhhhhhhh!!!" Triceramon screamed as she staggered back. A wail was heard. A bright light shown through the forest. Kari looked to see her Crest of Faith glowing again! "Triceramon, digivolve to . . . SaberLeomon!!!" SaberLeomon chuckled as she looked down at the six Digimon. "Lightening Claw!" Her attacked wiped out Tatomon, Clawmon, Coyetmon, Wolfermon, and Dinomon, who flew back into the forest. This left only Toothmon. "Dagger Tooth!" Two explosives hit SaberLeomon, but did little damage! Alimon walked up a few steps and told SaberLeomon to attack with her. The two unleashed their attacks together. "Lightening Claw!" "Noble Blast!" Toothmon cried in pain as he flung through the air and crashed deep into the woods. SaberLeomon glowed, then devolved back into Tailmon. The kids came out of hiding. They knew it was safe now. But Sora saw Tai and screamed. Well, sort of.

Tai lay on the ground next to Kari. "Tai." She said softly as she wiped away her tears. "Oh, no." The others said sadly as they rushed over to the siblings. Alimon’s eyes widen as she looked into Tai’s still face. She saw how much blood he lost and how pale he was. She felt his head. It was cold! Well, sort of. It was cool, not warm. Alimon got a tear in her eye as she felt his pulse. She was horrified to know that there was none! "Oh no. No." She lowered her head in dispair. Kari looked at her. "What’s . . . what’s wrong?" She choked. "He’s . . . he’s . . ." But Alimon couldn’t say it. "Gone?" Kari asked. Alimon could only nod her head. While the others cried and sobbed, Alimon had remembered something. She had a more powerful form of Recover. Putting her hands, or front feet, on Tai, surpising Agumon, she said something.

"I can’t use my Recover. It’s too late for that." Matt, Joe, Mimi, and Kari and the others almost started to sob again until Alimon continued, "But, I do have something special. A more powerful form of Recover. But I’ve never used it on a human. So, I’m not sure if it’ll work or not." "Please, Alimon. Try it. Please." Kari and Sora begged. "I’ll try." Alimon concentrated hard as she glowed deep red once again. Opening her eyes, she yelled, "REVIVE!!!!!!!!!!!" Revive? Kari was just as confused as Tailmon and Patamon were. T.K. scratched his head in confusion. Tai suddenly began to glow! Alimon sent as much energy as possible into Tai’s body. Finally, the glowing stops and Alimon fell to the ground. Once again, she used up too much energy. She got up as Kari looked into her brother’s eyes. They shook a little, then opened.

"Wh-wh-what h-happened?" Tai muttured, then was startled to see Kari’s eyes staring down at him. "Kari?" "Tai!" Kari hugged him tight, then thanked Alimon. Elasmomon soared towards them. "Is he okay?" Alimon turned to her. "He’ll be okay." She got up and shook her head. She was tired after reviving Tai. "I guess her Revive does work." Matt said. Alimon smiled. Elasmomon turned to the others, who were stuck under a tree when Alimon and SaberLeomon blasted Toothmon and the evil Digimon away. Elasmomon chuckled, then she cried out, "Oceanliner Pump!!" A blast of water shot out of her mouth, blasting away the tree and freeing the others. "That . . . was a relief." Blastoimon babbled as he wearily stepped forward.

"HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!" Tai, Sora, Kari, and the other kids looked up. Toothmon was flying towards them! No wait. He’s flying above them. ‘What’s he doing?’ Joe wondered. "YOU THINK YOU CAN BEAT ME THAT EASILY???!!!!!" Kari shivered with fear. Toothmon landed on a tree. He smiled evilly at them. "Well, now . . . prepare to face your ultimate destruction!" "Hey! Leave us alone!" Tai and Matt screamed. Toothmon just laughed. He knew that who he was about to send would be more than a match for them. Alimon was confused. She was certain that there were no other evil Mythical Digimon. Unless . . . "Oh no! Not her!" Mimi glared at her. "Well, I never!" "Not you, Mimi. Somebody else." Toothmon roared, "THAT’S RIGHT! I’LL SEND ASHIMON TO DEAL WITH YOU!!!!!!" "Ashimon?" Tai was confused. How will they ever beat this . . . this Ashimon?

The End