The Mythical Digimon 3 : By Kacie
The Final Battle
Okay, let's get this straight. In the beginning, Toothmon and his gang were not known to Tai and his friends. They didn't know that they existed. But one day, Kari and Tailmon have a nasty run-in with them not long after Tai saw Tatomon for the first time. Then, a series of dangerous battles occur. They are joined by Alimon, a mysterious digimon with strong psychic powers. But she was no match for Toothmon. He was a lot stronger than she was. Not even Tuftamon, Manemon, Elasmomon, or the other good mythical digimon could fend off the evil ones. But, luckily, Alimon learned two new attacks : Metronome and Noble Blast, and Tailmon full digivolved into SaberLeomon to save them at the last minute. Then, Ashimon and Fukagarurumon appear. Things get worse when Kari is poisoned. Everyone, except Alimon, go in search of the rare Golden Horsetail. They find it, along with trouble with Tatomon, Wolfermon, Ashimon, and Fukagarurumon. They also find 8 mysterious special digimon whose names have the meanings of one of their crests. For example, Dokyoumon is the Courage Monster and Tai has the Crest of Courage. They bring the Golden Horsetail back to Kari just in the nick of time. Toothmon wasn't very happy, but a new evil shows. This evil is stronger than any of them has ever known. It was Kiramon (key-ruh-mon), the Killer Monster. This guy was a super ultimate, so Toothmon, Coyetmon, and the newly digivolved digimon, AeroAlimon, couldn't fight him. The only way to fight him is to . . . join forces. Here it is. The final chapter in the mythical digimon trilogy. "Kiramon?" Tatomon asked shakily. He huddled over to Dinomon. Toothmon hung his head. "Yep, and he knows I can't fight him." Toothmon turned to Tatomon. Since he had seen the kids more often that he, he sent him out to find them. Tatomon thought that they were going to capture them, but Clawmonstated that they were going to have to join up with the kids if they ever want to win this war with Kiramon. So the green digimon trotted off. But he didn't like this idea. Those kids never trusted him from the start. So hefelt nervous asking them for help. He wandered deeper and deeper, closer and closer to the kids. Where the kids were, they were celebrating. They saved Kari. Tai was overjoyed and hugged Kari tight, so tight that she struggled to free herself. "I'm so glad you're okay!" Tai cried over and over again. Tailmon was hopping happy as she smiled at her friend. Then the sound of rustling bushes was heard. The group noticed that Alimon was missing. AeroAlimon said that she didn't know where she was. Joe said, "That's probably just Alimon." Then they heard some voices. "Come on!" It was Alimon! She was talking to someone. "No! They don't trust me!" "Just tell them what you told me." Alimon appeared, grabbing and pulling on a smaller, less powerful digimon. Tai and Matt stared. Kari feared that it might be . . . Tatomon or Dinomon. Suddenly, Alimon picked up the smaller digimon and pulled him out. It was Tatomon! She said, "Just tell them what you told me, Tatomon. Go on!" She nudged him over to the kids. Tatomon was backing up as best as he could. He had learned that he was no match for them. Shaking, he lowered his head. "WHAT DO YOU WANT???!!!" Both Kari and Tai shouted at him. There was silence for a while.Sora broke it. "Well?" Finally, Tatomon spoke. "You see, there's . . .another evil digimon. He's Kiramon. He's bad news and he will destroy us all! Toothmon told me and the others NOT to attack you, but instead, join you to fight Kiramon." Tatomon hung his head and looked up. "He said it was the only way. Kiramon is a super ultimate and Coyetmon had once said that even the power of WereGreymon, MetalGarurumon, and SaberLeomon is enough to bring him down." Tai just stared at him, shocked. A foe asking him for help? What should he do? "How do we know that you are telling the truth?" Matt asked. "Because . .." But Tatomon couldn't finish. "I said so!" Toothmon appeared. He had followed Tatomon. But he looked . . . different. Instead of that evil look on his face, he seemed afraid and nervous about something. But what? Tai wanted to know. He walked over to the scared Toothmon. Sora told him to come back,but he refused to listen to her. He asked, "Toothmon, why are you so afraid?" Toothmon looked at him gently. Gingerly placing a claw on Tai's shoulder, hesaid, "Tatomon has told you why. It's because of Kiramon." Tai felt nervous. The same digimon that had killed him was now being gentle to him and asking him and his friends for help. 'How can I say no?' Tai thought. He finally agreed. "Okay. We'll help." No sooner did these words leave his mouth did Biyomon asked, "Where is Kiramon, by the way?" Everyone looked this way andthat. But they couldn't see anything. Then they heard, "SO, TOOTHMON???!! YOUTHINK THAT YOU'LL BEAT ME EVEN AFTER THAT YOU'VE JOINED THEDIGIDESTINED???!!!!" It came from Kiramon! He showed himself. He was scary-looking. No wonder Toothmon was so fearful. He shook and ran behind Tai like a scared old dog. "Good, be afraid!" Kiramon laughed evilly. Tatomon ran in front of Kari, the closest to him, and fired a Hyper Ray at him, hoping to weaken him. But it did little effect! 'This is bad' Tatomon thought to himself. He gestured Kari to get on his back and he ran to Tailmon and told her to take over." Tailmon, digivolve to . . . Triceramon!!!" Triceramon charged at Kiramon, but was thrown back. "Crushing Shot!!!" He commanded, and send a strange attack at Triceramon. She jumped out of the way at the last second. She cried, "Horn Attack!!!" Three horns shot out and hit Kiramon. No effect! Before Kari could use her Crest of Faith, Toothmon ran over and cried, "Dagger Tooth!" He shot missiles at Kiramon. It, too, did little effect. Then, Kari's crest glowed. "Triceramon, digivolve to . . . SaberLeomon!!!" SaberLeomon, at super ultimate level, used her Lightening Claw to stall some time. But it didn't last long. Kiramon shot an attack at SaberLeomon. He cried, "Hyper Shot!!!" "Look out!" Tatomon said. "Lightening Claw!" The attack destroyed, luckily, the attack that Kiramon sent out. He thought that that was enough for now. He turned and flew away to his hideout somewhere. Toothmon was still shaken from what happened. "I thought that Toothmon's Dagger Tooth was affective against everything." "It doesn't effect him there!" Izzy said to Matt. Toothmon sighed and looked at Tatomon. Tatomon was talking with Kari. "Ya know? You are kinda cute!" Kari said. Tatomon blushed. Tailmon smiled. Izzy got out his laptop. The group just had to find out a way to beat Kiramon. "Yes! There is a way!" Izzy yelled suddenly in about an hour. The kids gathered around to find out what he had discovered. "You see, it takes not one super ultimate, but FOUR super ultimates to bring down Kiramon!" Toothmon and AeroAlimon looked at each other. "We'll need WereGreymon and MetalGarurumon." "But, Izzy," Mimi said, "that's only 2 super ultimates. Didn't you say 4?" "Yes." Izzy turned to his computer and typed in "Alimon" and clicked "enter". Out popped a picture of Alimon. He scrolled down the list of stages until he came across "super ultimate". He clicked on it. A picture of a strange, Alimon-like digimon popped up. "This is MetalAlimon, AeroAlimon's digivolved form. MetalAlimon has three attacks : Giga Wing, Thrashing Tail, and Metal Claw. She's a vaccine-type." Izzy then cleared the screen. He typed in "Toothmon" this time and clicked "enter". It took a while for the computer to find the right folder. Once it did, a picture of Toothmon appeared. Izzy ignored the former stages and looked until he found "super ultimate". He clicked on the icon. After what seemed like hours of waiting, a picture of a two-legged Toothmon showed up. "What is that?" Gomamon asked, surprised. Izzy, pointing towards the odd picture, said, "That's WereToothmon. He's Toothmon's digivolved form. He, too, has three attacks. They are Mega Tooth,Slashing Wing, and Claw Stab. He is a data-type." This meant that all 4 super ultimates were needed. MetalGarurumon,MetalAlimon, WereGreymon, and WereToothmon had to work together to beat their new enemy! Could they? Toothmon and AeroAlimon sat together, worried. "I hope I can digivolve again." AeroAlimon said, head down. Toothmon smiled. "Of course you will." She smiled back. The two digimon walked back to the fireplace and fell asleep. Clawmon, Dinomon, Wolfermon, and Coyetmon arrived.They saw the two digimon and sang, "Toothmon's got a girlfriend! Toothmon'sgot a girlfriend! Toothmon's got a . . . OW!" Toothmon nailed the four digimon and they fell down. "That's not funny." Tatomon spoke to Tai about something. Just then, a familiar digimon appeared! "Blastoimon?" Indeed it was Blastoimon. He saw the evil mythical digimon by the kids. "Leave them alone!" "No!" Kari cried and jumped in front of Blastoimon. He was puzzled for a while. Toothmon walked up to him. He shivered with fear as Toothmon lifted a claw towards Kari. "NO!!" But to Blastoimon's surprise, Toothmon laid his claw gently on Kari's shoulder and gestured her to go with Tai. He would talk to Blastoimon himself. He turned to the water digimon. "What's your scheme this time, Toothmon?" Blastoimon asked, suspicious.Toothmon set himself down on the ground. "You see, I asked these kids for some help. They agreed." Blastoimon is still suspicious. His eyes narrowed as he frowned at the ultimate digimon. "You are telling the truth, are you?"Toothmon looked at Blastoimon, saying, "Yes I am. Yes." He turned around and sat down. Still, the dinosaur-like digimon believed him. Aiming his horn at Wolfermon, he said, "Hydro Tornado!" A spiral stream of water shot at him! Kari turned around to see this. "No!" She said. "Wolfermon! Look out!" Kari pushed him out of the way, and got hit by the attack. She collapsed to the ground, injured. "Kari!" Wolfermon cried, kneeling by the girl. He gently laid his paw on her head. "Huh?" Blastoimon asked, dumbfouned. Toothmon, Tai ,Sora, T.K., Matt, Izzy, Mimi, Gomamon, Tailmon, and Agumon all saw this. Tentomon, Palmon, Patamon, and Gabumon were talking with Tatomon. Tatomon then turned to see what had happened. "What happened here?!" Patamon asked, then saw Blastoimon. "Hey! It's Blastoimon!" Alimon and AeroAlimon walked up to him. "Alimon?" He asked, turning to the blue-eyed digimon. "AeroAlimon,who's this?" "This is Blastoimon. Blastoimon, I had digivolved. That's not the same Alimon you knew, I'm the one you knew." Blastoimon's mouth dropped.Alimon had digivolved! Kiramon, scratching his head warningly, gazed out into the sun. "Hmmm . .. I'll do away with that . . . Toothmon! So, he thinks he and his new and old friends can beat me, huh? We'll see about that!" He walked into his cave. Hewas greeted by some digimon. It was Ranmon. Ranmon was a female, but very evil, indeed. She smiled evilly as she asked what happened. "They beat me, but not for long!" She hissed. "They beat ya? How?" Kiramon ignored that and walked deeper into the dark cave. "That is not important." Obeying, she followed him. Out came a small Kittenmon. Showing no feeling, Ranmon cried out, "Evil Eye!!!" A black slime shot out and destroyed the Kittenmon!Laughing, Ranmon found Kiramon sitting down, as if he were thinking of something. "What are you doing?" "Thinking." "Thinking about what?" Getting and growling, he hissed, "Thinking about how to get rid of Toothmon, Tatomon, and the other mythical digimon and their friends. But how? How, how, how?!" Ranmon smiled. "Don't worry. Toothmon and AeroAlimon are no match for you. Neither is Coyetmon." Sighing, Kiramon asked, "Didn't anyone tell you?" "Tell me what?" Ranmon was confused. "You see, MetalGarurumon and WereGreymon aren't a match for me, but they will be if AeroAlimon becomes MetalAlimon and Toothmon becomes WereToothmon." "How am I supposed to evolve?" Toothmon asked Izzy. Izzy, holding onto his laptop, was looking through the file of 'WereToothmon', trying to find out how he digivolves. Then he found it! "Okay! Here it is!" Everyone gathered around. Tatomon and Dinomon were shoving each other to see. Wolfermon was next to Kari, purring softly as she petted him gently. Tailmon and Gomamon were next to each other. T.K. and Matt were by Gabumon and Patamon was on T.K.'s head. Tentomon looked curiously at the file Izzy was looking at.Izzy pointed at something. "It says here that a Toothmon digivolving is very rare. He usually has to concentrate very hard and the situation must be bleak. Very, very bleak." Toothmon's mouth dropped with disbelief. Was this how he was supposed to evolve? No way, or could it?! He turned to AeroAlimon.The same thing applied for her, too. He turned back to Izzy. "There's got to be another way to do it!" He exclaimed. "Sorry," Izzy said, "No other way."AeroAlimon barged in. "Just a minute! I digivolved in a different way. I wasn't willing to sacrifice myself and I was still able to digivolved." Izzy suddenly remembered what happened. He wasn't paying attention until he saw AeroAlimon. He couldn't remember how or when she digivolved. "You got a point there, AeroAlimon." Izzy looked through his laptop for 'Alimon' to find out if he missed anything. But he found nothing. Disappointed, he put his laptop away and got up. Alimon, the only one who fell asleep during this, awoke to the sound of someone calling her name. "Tailmon?" Tailmon was looking at her. "Ahh!!" She jumped up into the air and landed on Tailmon. "Get off!" The cat cried. "I'm trying!" Alimon answered, eventually getting up. Tatomon, sighing, plopped himself to Tai. "What's their problem?" He pointed to the feuding Tailmon and Alimon. "I don't know." Tai shrugged his shoulders. Coyetmon, still rubbing his head from the blow from Toothmon earlier, was standing up. Whirling around, he faced Blastoimon.He still didn't trust the evil mythical digimon, so he was glaring at Coyetmon. Coyetmon just shrugged and walked next to Joe and Mimi. They werestaring at something that got his attention. He looked ahead. He saw something. Something, or someone was coming out, and it didn't look good. Notgoo d at all . . . "Grrr . . ." Something hissed. The figure that walked out was a digimon.A digimon belonging to the dragon digimon. The digimon had a short, bumpy snout. The wings were glowing brightly and his scales were brown. Green fins aligned his back. Green claws seem to shoot out of his short, stubby yetstrong legs. His ears flattened to the back of his skull as he growled harshly. Toothmon's body began to shake. Clawmon's ears perked up suddenly ,straight as an arrow. Shaking, Dinomon stated, "That is Dragornmon, the dragon monster. Dragornmon is an ultimate digimon of the data-type. His attacks, Scorching Claw, Scorching Tooth, and Spark Wing, are very affective." Toothmon stepped in front. "I will fight him. Stand Back!" Everyone listened. Blastoimon saw what was happening. 'What is Toothmon doing?' He asked himself. Toothmon charged at Dragornmon, his horns lowered. But the digimon grabbed him and threw him hard to the ground. "Spark Wing!" Dragornmon's wings glowed suddenly, sending thousands of glowing sparks at Toothmon. Yelping in pain, he shot up. Toothmon growled and lowered his head." Dagger Tooth!!" He shot two missiles at the digimon. "Scorching Claw!" Dragornmon swiped his claw down, destroying the attack!
To Be Continued
Original Script For The Mythical Digimon trilogy :