The Mythical Digimon 2 : Alimon’s Dark Secret


"Who is this Ashimon?" Tai asked. Alimon just shuddered. Mimi looked and her and said, "She or he isn’t evil, I don’t think. You said that there were no other evil . . ." "Well, I was wrong!" Alimon suddenly blurted out. She quickly relaxed, surprised at her anger. "Wrong?" Tai asked, cocking his eyebrow in suspicion. Sighing, she said, "Ashimon is an evil two-legged half mythical digimon. She is not a purebred mythical digimon, so that’s why I didn’t count her." By the way, Ashimon is pronounced (ash-ee-mon). "Ashimon is a girl?" Alimon glared at Matt. "Yes, she is. I don’t like her one bit. But I’m a champion digimon and she’s an ultimate. Which means I can’t fight her nor Fukagarurumon(foo-kuh-gar-roo-roo-mon)." Gabumon heard this and seemed offended. "Hey! Don’t call me Fukagarurumon!" Alimon giggled. "No, no, no, little Gabumon. Fukagarurumon is an evil digimon, who’s also part mythical digimon. The word ‘fuka’ means ‘bad’." At this, Gabumon relaxed. A bit.

Alimon seems to be hiding something from the kids. She wouldn’t answer any questions about Ashimon. Tai and Kari thought that Alimon had told them everything. But now they seem to be thinking about her differently. They don’t completely trust Alimon anymore. Alimon knew this, but she couldn’t tell the truth. The truth that Ashimon was her evolved form. Could she? Tai frowned and asked, "Why do you feel nervous talking about Ashimon, Alimon?" "You don’t want to know." With that, Alimon turned and walked away. She sat by the river that was nearby. She watched as the water roughly washed against the rocks. The moon was out now and the stars sparkled brightly. Alimon laid down on her side and went to sleep. She just couldn’t reveal her secret. Her dark secret.

"What do you think is making Alimon act like this?" Joe asked. The kids and digimon had gathered together when Alimon left to the river. The fire crackled as Kari sat by Tai, saying, "Maybe she’s . . . hiding something from us." Tai agreed. He also thought that Alimon was hiding something from them. "She wouldn’t even tell us what Ashimon digivolved from." Matt had said this. T.K. and Patamon sat on a rock nearby to Matt. Sora seemed a little suspicious, too. "She only told us a few things like what their attacks were." "What were they again?" Mimi asked. Izzy answered, "Fukagarurumon’s attack is Storm Blaster and Ashimon’s attack is Cloud of Destruction." Izzy had his laptop computer. He was trying to look up Ashimon, but none of them had seen her. So it was useless. Disappointed, he put his computer away. What they didn’t know was that Ashimon was closer than they thought.

She was hiding in a bush nearby. "So, Alimon hadn’t told them, eh?" Ashimon laughed to herself. "Well, they all will find out soon enough." Fukagarurumon arrived soon after she said these words. Fukagarurumon looked like Garurumon, except gray with black stripes. "So, did Alimon tell them that you were her digivolved form?" The evil digimon sat down like a dog, his tail arched up. She looked at him, smiling slyly. "Nope, she hasn’t. They all seem to be turning against her." "Why?" "They feel like she’s hiding something. She is. Well," Ashimon answered, "soon, Alimon’s dark secret will be revealed!" With that, both digimon turned and walked away. They had a plan. They wouldn’t attack the kids and digimon just yet. Alimon sensed something and woke up. She saw Ashimon and Fukagarurumon leave. "Oh, no!" She yelled quietly. She ran to the others to warn them.

"Well, still, something’s wrong. Alimon has never acted like this before." Izzy said to Mimi. "Yeah, something is defiantly wrong. But what?" Kari asked. Suddenly they all heard a twig snapping. Tai spun around and demanded, "Who’s there?" He saw nobody. ‘Strange’ Tai thought as he turned and walked back to Kari. Then he heard it again. He was quick this time. "Tatomon, I know that’s you! Come out and fight!" But what came out wasn’t Tatomon. It was Alimon! "Sorry, but I’m not Tatomon. Do I look like him to you, huh?" Tai, embarrassed, fell to the ground in japanese style. The other kids laughed. Sora approached the dinosaur digimon. "Hey, Alimon. Can we ask you a little question?" "Sure. Spill it." Then, together, Tai, Sora, Mimi, Izzy, T.K., Matt, Joe, and Kari all asked, "Why are you acting so strange and nervous all of a sudden? Are you hiding something from us or what?" Alimon fell to the ground, shocked. Could she tell them the secret? No, she couldn’t let them know the truth.

‘Hey! I got to warn them!’ Alimon thought and stood back up, facing Tai. "You guys know Ashimon and Fukagarurumon?" "Yes." "Well, they’re . . . they’re HERE!!!!!" Kari gasped as she turned around. Tailmon cried, "A-a-ashimon?" What stood before the Digidestined was a digimon on two legs. Her hair was like a spiky mohak like Gomamon’s. Her tail was wolf-like and she had sharp teeth and claws. She smiled evilly as she walked towards them. "So, Alimon, have you told them yet?" "Tell us what?" Matt frowned as he glared at Alimon. She babbled, "W-w-w-w-w-what are you talking about? Heh heh heh." Ashimon seemed to be annoyed. "Your dark little secret, Alimon." Ashimon was now right in front of Alimon. "Why don’t you tell them, huh? They will find out sooner or later anyway." Alimon seemed to be unwilling. Tai realized that this was some secret if she didn’t want to tell them. ‘Maybe Alimon is still evil’ he thought. Ashimon grew impatient. She roared, "Tell them NOW!!!!" "NO!!!"

"Okay, then. You’ve asked for it!" She opened her mouth and aimed it at Alimon. "Cloud of Destruction!!!!" A gray cloud-like stuff came out and hit Alimon. She coughed and wheezed. Suddenly the ‘cloud’ exploded, sending her flying across the area, crashing into Palmon and Gomamon. "Okay, I’ll tell them." Alimon turned to them. The kids and digimon were waiting. They didn’t like Alimon keeping secrets from them. Not at all. So she drew in a deep breath. "Are you sure you want to know?" Tai growled, "Yes!" Matt joined. "Of course." Alimon seemed as nervous as ever. "You see . . . Ashimon is my . . ." She couldn’t say it. She whispered something under her breath. Sora asked her what she said. She spoke up this time, but her face looked as if she had done something wrong. "Ashimon is my digivolved form." They were all shocked at this. How could Alimon become a monster like Ashimon? No wonder she was acting so nervous. The secret is out.

"Please," Joe said as he stepped in front of Tai and Sora, "tell me that I heard you wrong." "You didn’t. I digivolve to Ashimon. I have heard that I digivolve to something else, too. I can’t seem to remember the name, though." Alimon sat down. She glared at Ashimon. Ashimon whistled. A Garurumon-like digimon trotted over. "Meet Fukagarurumon." The evil digimon smiled evilly and slyly as he looked at the children. Agumon and Gabumon jumped in front. "Pepper Breath!" "Blue-Blaster!" A fireball and a jet stream of water sailed through the air. But just as they were closing in, Fukagarurumon raised his paw and swiped down. The attacks were destroyed! "Uh oh." Agumon said as he, with Gabumon, started to back off. "Grrr . . . Storm Blaster!!!" A dark form of Howling Blaster shot out and knocked the two rookie digimon backgrounds, hitting the ground hard. Alimon, enraged, let loose a Noble Blast at Fukagarurumon. Big mistake. Ashimon used her Cloud of Destruction and destroyed the fireball-like attack. "You’ll pay for that, Alimon!"

"Oh, no she won’t!" Tai yelled. "Agumon, digivolve to . . . Greymon!!!" Greymon used his Nova Blast to knock Fukagarurumon back. But it didn’t do much good. "Greymon!" Tai yelled. Kari cried out, "Digivolve again!" Fukagarurumon unleashed a Storm Blaster on Greymon, knocking him down. Tai’s crest of courage glowed and, "Greymon, digivolve to . . . MetalGreymon!!!" "Impressive." Ashimon said. "Giga Blaster!" Two missiles shot out of his metal chest. They came towards Ashimon and . . . "Cloud of Destruction!!!" The attack destroyed the Giga Blaster! Tired, MetalGreymon devolved back into Koromon. Tai rushed over to his friend. "Koromon! Are you okay?" "Yes," Koromon answered, "I think so." Ashimon laughed evilly. She said that that was a very touching moment. Fukagarurumon growled and walked over to her.

"Aren’t we going to attack them?" Ashimon looked at him. "Not now. We’ll wait." With that, both digimon disappeared into the darkness. That was some encounter. The kids met Ashimon and Fukagarurumon. Now Izzy was able to look up Ashimon to find out more about her. The kids gathered around as Izzy started to tell them information on these three digimon. They wanted to find out about Alimon. "It says here," Izzy said, "that Ashimon is a reptile digimon, a virus type. Her attack is Cloud of Destruction. She only can digivolve from Alimon." Alimon hung her head at this. "Fukagarurumon is a mammal digimon, a data type. His attack is, of course, Storm Blaster" Gabumon growled. He wanted to digivolve to Garurumon and defeat Fukagarurumon with Howling Blaster. "And finally, here’s Alimon. She’s a dinosaur digimon. I still don’t believe this, but Alimon is a virus-type. She has many attacks : Revive, Recover, Psybeam, Psyshield, Metronome, Noble Blast, Teleport, Confusion, and Disable." Tai looked in awe at Alimon. She was a virus-type digimon! The same as Devimon, Etemon, Myotismon, Gazimon, and Flymon! Izzy concluded, "It seems that Alimon also becomes a vaccine-type digimon called AeroAlimon, whose attack is Holy Wing."

Then Izzy continued, "AeroAlimon seems to have two other attacks : Lasso Tail and Holy Blast." But Tai couldn’t stop thinking about was Izzy said about Alimon. She was a virus-type? It couldn’t be. She was too nice. Alimon looked at him, feeling guilty for some reason. Biyomon noticed this and asked Alimon why she hadn’t told them she was a virus type digimon. She answered, "Because if I told you, you wouldn’t believe that Kari was in danger until it was too late." With that, Alimon sat down beside Kari and Tailmon. Izzy said that for Alimon to digivolve to AeroAlimon, her friends have to be in grave danger and she must be willing to fight to the death. "That’s the only way for her to digivolve." Matt spoke up. "Are you sure about that? There could be another way for her to digivolve, isn’t there?" Izzy shook his head, no.

Everyone went to sleep for the rest of the night. Tai and Kari couldn’t sleep well. So they stayed up still. Their digimon, Agumon and Tailmon, lay sleeping beside them. "Couldn’t sleep?" Tai asked as he looked at his younger sister. Kari nodded. "I still can’t believe that Alimon is a virus-type digimon. Hey, Tai, what is a virus-type digimon anyway?" Tai looked at her, confused for a minute, then said, "A virus-type digimon is an evil digimon. I can’t understand, either. I, too, can’t believe that Alimon is a virus-type." A yawn was heard. Kari and Tai looked to their right to see a small, dinosaur-like digimon. It was only Alimon. She had trouble sleeping, too, and wanted to know why the two siblings couldn’t sleep. There was a long silence between then until Tai asked, "Hey, Alimon? If you’re good, how can you be a virus-type digimon?" Alimon seemed to be confused. "I told you that I once worked for Toothmon. I used to be evil. Does that answer your question?" Kari answered, "Yes, it sure does, Alimon."

Tai yawned. "Well, good night." Alimon smiled as Tai and Kari settled down and went to sleep. Tired as well, Alimon nestled beside the siblings. ‘I wonder if I should tell them there is another way for me to digivolve?’ she thought to herself as she soothed into a deep sleep. The fire died down into ash. A low laugh was heard. Alimon shot up, not waking anyone. She looked ahead to see Ashimon. She has returned! "Ashimon! What are you doing here?!" Ashimon just laughed. She looked at the food that they’ve eaten. They had had fish for dinner. Alimon seemed to be confused. What was Ashimon laughing for? What had she done? Determined, Alimon asked her why she was laughing. Before turning and running off, she said, "I poisoned the herbs that went on those fish!"

Alimon gasped! The only one who had some herbs was . . . Kari! She quickly looked at the small girl. She looked sick. She shivered even though she was laying between Tailmon and Tai. Alimon rushed to Kari’s side and placed a foot on her forehead. It was hot! Screaming, she pulled her foot away. Now what? Kari was sick and Alimon couldn’t use her Recover because the poison was too effective. Tai shook his eyes and woke up. She saw Alimon next to Kari, who was shaking uncontrollably. Frightened and worried for Kari, he asked, "What is wrong with her?" Alimon sadly looked at him. She knew she had to tell. "She was poisoned and I don’t know if there’s a cure for it." Tai gasped! Looking at Kari, Tai felt tears come to his eyes. Kari was very sick and there was nothing he could do about it. He slowly, with Alimon, cried themselves to sleep.

The next day, the kids found Tai, Tailmon, Agumon, and Alimon next to Kari, sad looks on their faces. Sora and Mimi walked up to them. "What’s wrong?" Mimi asked. "Yeah." Sora added. Tai looked at them, tears streaming down his face. "Ashimon poisoned Kari and Alimon doesn’t know of a cure. She claims that she is unable to use her psychic powers for this type of poison." Sora gasped and looked at Mimi. Mimi’s eyes were wide as she looked at Kari, who was indeed very sick. The girls turned around and told the others the bad news. T.K. cried, "No, it can’t be true!" Agumon sadly said, "It’s true. Kari’s sick and Alimon told us she only has a few days to live." Then he continued to sob. They knew it was hopeless. Izzy, concerned, said, "I can probably figure out what type of poison that was and find a cure." Tai smiled at Izzy. Alimon knew that Izzy would find out what was the cure. But will they find it before it was too late?

Just then, Alimon let out a moan. She acted sick although she wasn’t poisoned. Was she? Tai looked at her with concern. "What’s wrong, Alimon?" Alimon looked at him with wide eyes. They seem to answer. Mimi gasped, "Oh, no! She was poisoned, too!" Alimon looked at her angrily, then wearily sulked to her feet, dizzy and sick. "No . . . I’m not . . . sick. K-k-kari . . . and I are . . . connected telepathically now." With that, she closed her eyes and went to sleep next to the poisoned Kari. "Now Alimon’s down. And she’s the only one here who can block any attack!" Joe moaned. Now what? Izzy took out his computer. But Matt was confused about Alimon and Kari being connected telepathically. "It could have to do with her using Recover on Kari not too long ago." Tai suggested, then wiped away a tear. He was really worried about Kari. Matt could tell from the look in Tai’s eyes as he looked at Kari.

"Prodigious!" They heard Izzy say. Tentomon asked, "What is it, Izzy?" He pointed to the computer. There was a picture of a small grass. But instead of being green it was yellow. "This is the Golden Horsetail. It cures any type of poison. Even the Death Herb, the poison Ashimon used on the herbs which Kari ate." Tai once again looked at Kari, tears of sorrow going down his face and dropping to the ground. Agumon placed a claw gently on Tai’s back, telling him she’ll be all right. Tai smiled at his digimon pal, but he was still worried for Kari. After all, he was her brother and he had to look after her. Izzy continued, "Someone will have to stay here . . ." "I’ll do it!" All attention turned to Tai. Matt protested, "No, I’ll do it. You can go find the Golden Horsetail." Tai glared at his friend. "No! I said I’ll do it!" Then a moan was heard. Alimon slowly climbed to her feet. She was fighting the poison. She said weakly, "No. You guys go ahead. I’ll look after her as best . . . as I can." A concerned Gabumon walked over to her. "You’re weak. I don’t think you can do it."

Alimon glared at him for a second. "I can do it. Don’t worry." Then, she laid her body protectively over Kari’s weak body, shielding her as best as she could. Alimon went to sleep. Matt looked at Tai. "It’s settled. Alimon will stay with Kari." The group reluctantly left the two poisoned comrades behind in search of the Golden Horsetail. Izzy was chosen as the guide since he knew where to find this rare horsetail. Tai was walking slowly. He was deeply worried about Kari. Matt looked at him, telling him to focus on finding the antidote for her. Still, no matter how much they tried, no one could cheer up Tai. Tears of sorrow dropped onto the ground, filtering into it. Because of his depression, Izzy was leader as well as guide. "Will you get over it, Tai?" Sora asked him. Tai looked at her. "Sora, Kari’s my sister." "I know. But you can’t keep blaming yourself. Don’t worry, we’ll get that Golden Horsetail before it’s too late." Tai smiled a bit. He continued walking between Sora and Agumon. ‘I really hope she’s right.’ Tai thought.

Toothmon was waiting at Stone Cliff. Since the battle, the evil mythical digimon relocated. Seeing Ashimon, he smiled. "Did you do it?" Ashimon smiled evilly. She said that she had done the job. Toothmon roared with laughter. Dinomon hopped over, saying, "Yes! Now we can kill those kids!" Fukagarurumon patted her on the back. But Ashimon shook her head. "Only one, as I found out, was poisoned. It was Kari. Also, Alimon and Kari are connected telepathically, so she’s down, too." "WHAT?!!! ONLY ONE?!!!!!!" Toothmon wasn’t happy. He sighed and called to Clawmon. The red-clawed digimon walked over to him. "Clawmon, get rid of Alimon and Kari before those kids return!" He nodded and ran down the cliff. Evil laughter was heard from Stone Cliff. It filled the forest with terror. "Huh? What was that?" Tai asked. Matt looked at him. "You just were hearing things, Tai." But Tai was certain he heard something. It sounded like . . . like . . . Toothmon and the other evil mythical digimon!

Kari struggled to open her eyes and stared into Alimon’s gentle blue eyes. "How are you feeling?" She asked, smiling. Alimon had been fighting the poison to the point she could control the symptoms almost completely. Kari rubbed her head. "My head hurts and I feel hot. Where’s Tai?" The digimon placed her leg around her and told her that they’ve gone to find the Golden Horsetail. "Why didn’t they wait for me?!" Kari shot up and tried to run, but collapsed to the ground. Alimon walked over to the girl and told her, "Settle down, now. You have been poisoned." With that, she rubbed her head in the same place where Kari had hit herself. Kari seemed confused. "What happened?" "Nothing. You see, you and I are connected telepathically now." Kari was surprised. Alimon gave her some Soothing Grass, with helped Kari go to sleep. She needed to rest.

"Do you think Kari is . . . okay?" Tai asked, still remembering what happened the last time they’ve encountered the evil mythical digimon. What they didn’t know was that Alimon had mind told Izzy some special information that may help them. "Keep your eyes peeled." He told the group. Sora asked, "Why?" Izzy started to explain about some special digimon. Two or three in one area. "In this area, we should find the first three. They are Dokyoumon, Shinwamon, and Sukimon. They’re not mythical digimon, but three of eight special digimon who . . . it’s hard to explain." Izzy told them as much as he could, or what he knew, about these digimon. The name Dokyoumon(dock-you-mon) means "courage monster". The name Shinwamon(shin-way-mon) means "friendship monster and Sukimon(sue-key-mon) means "love monster. Mimi was interested and asked him what they’re attacks were. "Dokyoumon’s attack is Blast of Courage, Shinwamon’s attack is Line of Friendship, and Sukimon’s attack is Love Glare."

Suddenly, a twig snapping was heard. Alimon looked up. She saw a familiar shape. Kari was still asleep and was resting beside Alimon. She looked around, then she knew who it was. "Clawmon!" Clawmon laughed evilly. He walked towards them. Alimon was weaker than usual due to the connection between her and Kari. "Wh-what do you want?" The evil digimon sneered and answered, "I was ordered to kill you and your little friend!" "No!!!" Alimon didn’t want this to happen! She just didn’t want it to! "Scratch Attack!!!" The shower of blade-claws filled the area and headed straight for them! Alimon was too weak to use Confusion, so she stared helplessly. That’s when something amazing happened. "Line of Friendship!!!" A line-like attack of blue sailed through the air and destroyed the attack. It knocked Clawmon back, who ran away to try again later. "I-is that you?" Out of the shadows emerged a strange winged digimon with two horns on his head. He smiled. "Yes, it is I. So pleased to meet you." "It is you! You are Shinwamon, right? The friendship monster?"

Meanwhile, Toothmon had sent out Coyetmon to deal with the others. The group came to a clearing. They decided to rest, but Tai wanted to continue. He was determined to save Kari, no matter what it took. Agumon walked over to him. "Come on, we’ve got to rest." "But Kari . . ." His dinosaur digimon buddy told him that she’ll be fine. Just then, an evil laugh was heard. Matt demanded, "Who are you?!" "Don’t you know me?" Tailmon knew that voice anywhere! "Coyetmon?" The wolf digimon hopped out, smiling evilly at them. He said that they will never be able to save their friends. Before Tai could say something, Coyetmon called upon Lightening Storm on them. Someone yelled, "Tai noooo!!!!!!" Tai was right in the way! Just then, a feathered flying digimon with a heart-shaped head appeared. "Love Glare!!!" A ray of pink flashed and . . . poof! No more Lightening Storm! Turning to Tai, she said, "Hello. I am Sukimon. The love monster." Coyetmon was not yet finished. He whistled and out popped an evil digimon. It was Gimon(gee-mon). The distrust monster! He opened his mouth and yelled, "Metallic Distrust!!!"

And another voice was heard. "Blast of Courage!!!" An orange blast wiped out the attack. Out stepped a wolf-like digimon, like Triplemon and Coyetmon. Before glaring at Coyetmon, he introduced himself as Dokyoumon, the courage monster. Coyetmon growled lowly at the two digimon. Dokyoumon and Sukimon fired their attacks again. Gimon tried to fight with Metallic Distrust, but was unsuccessful. So he and Coyetmon gave up. Coyetmon said, "We’ll go after your sick friends, then." He, with Gimon, ran off after the other two. Tai fell to his knees. "Oh no!" Sukimon flew down. "Don’t worry." T.K. said, "Why?" "Shinwamon’s there. He’ll protect them with Line of Friendship. So don’t worry." Tai realized that these were the very digimon that Alimon told them to find to make things easier. There was still a few more others, though, and they were almost completely separated from eachother. Tai wondered how and when they’ll find the Golden Horsetail and save Kari. He also wondered if they would have to fight Toothmon again.

At this time, Shinwamon had introduced himself to Alimon and Kari. Kari had woken up and almost screamed at the site of him, but Alimon told her he was a friend, not a foe. Believing her, she said ‘hello’ to Shinwamon. Shinwamon smiled warmly, then asked Alimon what was going on. "Well, Kari here got sick. The rest of the DigiDestined . . ." Shinwamon was shocked. "Did you just say ‘DigiDestined?" "Yes." That did it! Shinwamon has gone frantic! He and the others were the original DigiDestined’s digimon. Kari was surprised. "You’re kidding, right?" Shinwamon looked at her. He shook his head, no. He wasn’t joking. "You see, I was supposed to be Matt’s digimon, but for some reason, I wasn’t. I still don’t know. Most of us had accepted this, except Gimon. He’s dangerous. So look out for him." The flying digimon sighed at looked at the two youngsters. Kari once again became drowsy. So was Alimon. They laid down and went to sleep. Shinwamon looked at them. Not knowing what else to do, he laid down next to them. He wondered where the others were. Where were they?

Tai stared with awe at Dokyoumon and Sukimon. They looked at him, then at the other kids. "So, you are the DigiDestined?" Nods greeted them. "Then, we’ve been waiting a long time for ya!" Sukimon walked right up to Sora while Dokyoumon trotted over to Tai. Agumon said angrily, "What do you mean by that?" "Yeah!" Biyomon added, angry. Sukimon smiled. "You see, we were these kids original digimon. Which means Tai was supposed to have Dokyoumon, Sora and me, Sukimon, Matt and Shinwamon, T.K. and Kitaimon(kee-tie-mon), Kari and Ranpumon(ran-poo-mon), Mimi and Magkoromon(mag-core-uh-mon), Joe and Kakujitsumon(kock-you-jit-zoo-mon), and Izzy and Jinchimon(jin-chee-mon)." Agumon and Biyomon stared with disbelief at them. "Where are the others?" Biyomon asked. Dokyoumon answered, "Well, we’ve been separated by some dark digimon with saber teeth and black horns."

"Not him again!" Tai yelled angrily. His eyes bore a fiery look as he glared into nothing. Sukimon was surprised. She flew over to him and asked what was wrong. He told her that that the digimon that had the special digimon was Toothmon. He had attack them earlier. "He tried to kill Kari and killed me." The wolf digimon was confused. "If you were killed, then how could you still be here?" Tai looked at his original digimon partner. "Alimon." Dokyoumon growled with hatred. "Alimon caused trouble for us all! I never will like her because she is evil, evil, evil!" Matt ran over to him. "She’s changed. She saved us all from Toothmon. She recovered Kari of her wounds and brought Tai back from the brink of death. She’s good now." Sukimon and Dokyoumon were very shocked at this. Alimon has had a change of heart? Impossible! Or could it?

Shinwamon finally recognized that the digimon laying next to Kari and Tailmon was none other than Alimon, the most dangerous mythical digimon of all! He shivered with fear, not sure of why Alimon was with them or what she was going to do to them. Alimon suddenly looked towards him. Smiling, she walked right up to him. Shinwamon backed away, saying, "Stay away from me." "Why?" She asked. He glared at her. "So, Alimon, what are you going to do this young soul, huh?" Alimon seemed offended. "Nothing! Really." Shinwamon wasn’t convinced. The two digimon growled at eachother. Kari shook her eyes open to see two snarling digimon. Alimon and Shinwamon! Fighting the weakness and dizziness, she got up and screamed, "No!!!" But she fell backwards, crashing into the tree she lay by. A hard thing fell out. It was headed straight for Kari’s little head!

Shinwamon stopped and looked at Kari in horror. Then he heard, "Kari, lookout!!" ‘Alimon?’ he thought to himself. Alimon raced towards the girl, leaped up, and whacked the thing out of the way. Landing next to her, she asked, "You okay?" Kari nodded her head, shaken up. After she got up, Kari asked, "What were you guys fighting about?" Shinwamon told her Alimon was an evil digimon. "I know that! But she had a change of heart. She saved us from Toothmon. He even called her ‘traitor’." Shinwamon was now convinced. But how could he explain this to the others? He wondered what they are going to think when they find out that the most evil of the mythical digimon, Alimon, has switched sides. Then he asked, "Why is she here, anyway?" Tailmon, who has woken up, answered this. "Ashimon is here. Ashimon is Alimon’s digivolved form. The only way to stop her is if Alimon digivolved to AeroAlimon."

Sukimon, looking right into Sora’s eyes, asked, "Are you sure that Alimon’s our friend now?" "Yes, I’m sure. She saved our lives." Then they heard a voice. A scary and eerie voice. A familiar voice. Tai turned around to see a digimon about as tall as he was. "Toothmon, what are you doing here?" The evil digimon smiled evilly, telling them that he is going to send all of his evil digimon to kill their sick friend or to destroy the Golden Horsetail. "No!" Tai screamed. He raced up to Toothmon and tried to punch him. But he got struck hard and fell backwards. Groaning and wincing, the injured Tai looked up at a sneering Toothmon. "Tai!" Agumon cried. "Blast of Courage!" Dokyoumon blasted his attack at Toothmon. It didn’t hurt him much, but he did back down. He had only come to warn them, not to fight. The kids weren’t satisfied. "We’ve go to find that Golden Horsetail as soon as we can! Let’s hurry!" Izzy said. The group continued their quest. But will they ever get back in time?

"Why’d you do that, Alimon?" Shinwamon looked at her with glowing yellow-green eyes. "Because I just had to. I agreed to watch over her." Shinwamon let out a sigh and walked around the two like a vulture. ‘What should I do with her?’ he asked in his thoughts. He didn’t know if he could trust Alimon. Or Kari, for that matter. "Are you two telling me the whole truth and nothing BUT the truth?" He asked, almost mocking. Kari glared at him and said weakly, "Yes, we are!" She collapsed to the ground again. She was getting weaker and weaker every minute it seems. ‘They better hurry up!’ Alimon thought as she rushed to Kari’s side. Shinwamon trotted over. "How is she?" He asked, concerned. Alimon looked at him. Although she didn’t like him very much, she told him that Kari was okay, but not for long. "She was poisoned with what?!" He almost yelled. Alimon slowly nodded her head. "Kari just didn’t get sick, she was poisoned! She got poisoned with Death Herb. The others have gone to look for the Golden Horsetail." Shinwamon’s expression changed as he started to believe them. Kari did look like she was poisoned. He looked at the shivering child, full of pity.

"Which way? Which way?" Tai cried to Izzy as he desperately looked left to right. He was in a great hurry. Izzy looked at his computer map he had taken with them. Tailmon and Agumon grabbed Tai, trying to settle him down. The computer-whiz kid said, "This way!" He pointed north. The path they had been on had three different ways. The group continued north. At Stone Cliff, Toothmon was enjoying what was going on. He had sent Tatomon out to get Kari and Alimon. What he didn’t know was that one of the special digimon, Shinwamon, was there already. He had sent Tatomon because he could kill them with a few blasts of Hyper Ray. "They’ll all die soon. I just know it!" Toothmon laughed. He turned to Dinomon and snarled. Dinomon stopped laughing, looking at him with fear-filled eyes. "WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT???!!!!" Toothmon roared. The others grew silent. Toothmon turned to Ashimon and Fukagarurumon. "You two! Destroy the Golden Horsetail, now!" The two half-mythical evil digimon nodded and took off. Fukagarurumon was, of course, in the lead. They ran towards the forest, in the direction of Tai, Izzy, Sora, Matt, T.K., Joe, and their digimon!

"I just hope we will make it in time." Tai said, tears streaming down his face. He didn’t want Kari to die. He just didn’t want it to happen. It just couldn’t happen! Not to Kari! Sora looked at him and sighed. She turned to Izzy and asked, "Where is the Golden Horsetail located at?" "It should be," He answered, "located at some place called Secret Valley." Tailmon’s ears perked at this. She looked at Izzy with a strange look on her face. "You are kidding, right? That’s where . . . never mind." Tai stared at Tailmon. "That’s where what?" The cat digimon sighed as everyone, including Joe and Gomamon, were staring at her with wide, angry eyes. "You see, that’s where Kari landed when she had arrived in Digiworld. That’s where she had met Alimon. That’s why Kari tried to warn you about attacking her not too long ago. She had met Alimon before you guys." They were shocked at this. Tai’s little sister, Kari, knew Alimon before them?

At the same time, Shinwamon walked over to Kari. He looked at her small, trembling body and gently placed a wing claw on her. "She doesn’t have much time left. She will no longer wake up until the antidote is brought here." He said to Alimon in concern. Alimon felt tears well up in her eyes. For a strange reason, she had grown immune to the poison, so it didn’t bug her anymore. She just had to do something. She had to tell Tai and his friends that Kari didn’t have much time left. But how? She had to watch over Kari. Unless . . . "Hey, Shinwamon?" She turned to the pterosaur like digimon. He looked at her in response. "Could you do me a favor?" "Anything. Name it." Without hesitation, Alimon asked him to watch over Kari for her. She had to go warn Tai and the others about her condition. Shinwamon agreed, but didn’t think it was a good idea. What if many evil digimon attacked and only he could protect her? Alimon quickly ran off. She knew just where to find them. But she had to tell them she was coming. And she knew the perfect way. Alimon began concentrating hard. She started to glow light blue.

Tai began to hear something. In his mind. The others were hearing it, too. Who was it? "Tai, you don’t have much time left. I’m coming." The voice said. Joe, trembling, asked, "Who is this?" T.K. was whimpering in fear while Matt, Gabumon, and Patamon were doing their best to comfort him. "Don’t worry little T.K., you don’t have to be afraid." The strange voice said. It continued, "It’s me, Alimon. I am speaking to you in thoughts." Tai and Matt were angry because she was supposed to be protecting Kari. Alimon thought-spoke, "Don’t worry, Shinwamon has agreed to take my place. I’m coming to warn you again." Tai asked Alimon what it was. She thought-spoke to him, saying that if he wanted to save Kari, he’ll have to hurry. "She is in the late stage of the poison. Meaning that she won’t wake up at all until given the Golden Horsetail." Tears of despair filled Tai’s eyes and fell to the ground. Mimi asked, "Then why are you coming?" Alimon laughed slightly and thought-spoke, "Because you’ll need my help. Only I know where the exact location in Secret Valley the Golden Horsetail is located at." Tai was sad, but happy that Alimon was going to help them. Little did they know that Fukagarurumon and Ashimon weren’t too far behind.

"So, they haven’t arrived yet?" Fukagarurumon asked. Ashimon answered, "Nope, they are still looking. We’ll get there before they do!" The two evil digimon began to run. Then, ahead they saw Tai and Sora. "Look out!" cried Ashimon. "Oh no!" Fukagarurumon cried out. Tai and Sora turned around to see two evil digimon sliding . . . right towards them! Tai told them to stop. But they couldn’t. They crashed into Tai and Sora. "Ooohhh . . ." Groaned Tai and Ashimon as they climbed to their feet and brushed themselves off. Ashimon shook her head and lunged at Tai. Agumon and Sora called out, "TAI!!!!!" Tai was thrown to the ground. Landing painfully in the ground, he punched Ashimon. Not much effect. Angry, she kicked Tai, sending him flying backwards. He painfully rose to his feet.

Just then, "NOBLE BLAST!!!!!!!" A blast of fire shot out of . . . Alimon! It hit Ashimon, making her fall to the ground. Alimon hopped out and stood in front of Tai, blocking Fukagarurumon and Ashimon. They were both ultimates, so she didn’t stand a chance. Neither did the other digimon. They hadn’t eaten since last night, so they couldn’t digivolve. They were so depressed at what happened that they couldn’t eat. "Cloud of Destruction!" "Storm Blaster!" The two evil digimon shot out their attacks. They hit Alimon. She fell back. "Alimon!" Tai screamed and raced towards her. "Storm Blaster!" Fukagarurumon shot an attack at him. "Aah!" Tai screamed as he fell to the ground. Alimon got up and looked tearfully at the fallen kid. She then glared at Ashimon, who was smiling with delight and satisfaction. "That was easy enough!" Fukagarurumon said evilly. Tears of sorrow flowed down Alimon and she glared at them. "Look at her eyes!" Izzy said. Matt continued, "She has fire in her eyes!" Alimon did look as if a flame of fire was in her eyes. That’s how mad she was!

"Grrrr . . ." Alimon growled as she lowered her head. "Noble Blast!" No effect! Rage filled her body. She let out a roar and began to . . . glow! T.K. stared in awe as Patamon said, "She’s . . . she’s digivolving!" The kids’ and digimon’s eyes showed a sign of pure surprise as Alimon glowed a bright yellow. All was quiet. Then, they heard something. Someone was saying something. It was Alimon! "Alimon, digivolve to . . . AeroAlimon!!!" The glowing stopped. In front of their astonished eyes stood a two-legged digimon. It looked like Alimon, but she was bigger, stood on two legs mainly, and had big wings. AeroAlimon glared with rage at Ashimon. "Alimon digivolved to AeroAlimon!" Agumon cried. "Yeah." Gomamon said, still in shock. AeroAlimon flew up high. "Holy Wing!!!" AeroAlimon shot sickle-shaped blue-pink lights at Ashimon. It hit her dead on. "Yahh!!!" It did a lot of effect. The flying dino wasn’t done yet. She flew in again. Full of rage and hatred, AeroAlimon opened her mouth. "Holy Blast!!!" A big beam of pink and red shot out and hit Fukagarurumon this time, sending him flying backwards and crashing into tree.

Angrily, Ashimon rose to her feet. "Cloud of Destruction!" A dark cloud shrouded AeroAlimon, but she evaded the attack! She flew low to the ground. Frowning, she landed on her two hind legs, arms ready to punch. AeroAlimon roared and lowered down on all fours. She charged at Ashimon. Ashimon just snarled. Suddenly, she leapt up and landed on AeroAlimon’s back! Ashimon grabbed her neck and started to squeeze it tight, trying to choke her. She struggled to free herself, but it was useless. Tai looked up and saw two digimon fighting. When he saw what was happening, he let out a cry. "Nooooo!!!!!!!!!" "What?" AeroAlimon, startled, looked to see Tai, slowly rising to his feet despite his severe wounds. Sora and Agumon rushed to his side and helped him back to the group. This gave the winged dinosaur some trust within herself. Glaring at Ashimon, she smiled. Ashimon was confused, but then, AeroAlimon raised her tail. "Lasso Tail!!!" Her tail acted as a whip as it wrapped itself around Ashimon. AeroAlimon then threw her aside, which she loves to call the Seismic Throw.

"Grrr . . ." Fukagarurumon was now up. He charged at AeroAlimon. The wolf-like digimon charged at her at full speed. He head butted her, sending her falling to the ground. Filled with fury, she climbed to her fight. "That’s it!" AeroAlimon flew up high again. "Holy Wing!!!" The attack was super charged this time. Glowing streams of blue and pink swooped through the sky. They formed one big sickle-shape light laser that struck Fukagarurumon, making him fall to the ground, limp. Ashimon roared with anger and started to sink her teeth into AeroAlimon’s left arm. "Aah!" She cried out in pain. She could feel the sharp teeth penetrating through her skin. Blood slowly began to run down her arm. "Lasso Tail!" AeroAlimon grabbed Ashimon and rose her up. "Holy Blast!" She shot a beam at her, making Ashimon faint. The two evil digimon growled and rose to their feet. "We’ll be back! Just you wait!" With that, they fled back into the forest. Full of joy, Tai and his friends rushed over to AeroAlimon. She smiled at them, then looked with concern at Tai. She asked, "Are you okay, Tai?" Tai smiled weakly. "Yes, I think so."

Back at the forest clearing, Kari lay unconscious, shaking violently and whimpering. Shinwamon sat by her side, depressed. He knew that Ranpumon could help, but she wasn’t around. She is very rare to see and doesn’t come out very often. ‘Oh, well,’ thought Shinwamon as he looked at Kari’s shivering small body, ‘I guess I’ll have to wait.’ Sighing, he placed his claw gently on Kari’s head, stroking her hair lovingly. He picked her up and set her near the fire he had made. He pulled out a blanket and wrapped it around her body and laid next to her. Shinwamon smiled faintly and sadly as he looked over at Kari. A small voice was heard. "Hello!" Out popped . . . Kitaimon. The small ball-like digimon flew over to Shinwamon. "How come you’re not with us?" He asked eagerly. Shinwamon told him, "This small girl is sick. I’m taking care of her." This was enough to convince Kitaimon. He wasn’t very easy to convince at times. He is one hyper digimon. Kitaimon went over to the small girl and curled up beside her, as if he had grown attached to her already. Smiling, Shinwamon walked over to them and started singing. He was a very talented singer.

But his singing was cut short by a fierce snarl. Out popped a small green digimon. They hadn’t seen him before. It was Tatomon. Tatomon snarled again. He looked, a sneer on his face, at the limp Kari. He started towards her. Kitaimon hollered, "What are you doing?!" Tatomon looked back. "I was told to kill that girl by Toothmon!" Kitaimon and Shinwamon gasped and glared at the green digimon. Shinwamon was about to use Line of Friendship, but his smaller friend said that he wanted to do it. Kitaimon flew over to Tatomon. The evil digimon had opened his mouth and commanded, "Hyper Ray!" He shot a beam at Kari! It hit her dead on. Kitaimon crashed into him after a few seconds of contact with Hyper Ray. Kari was a little more weak that before, but not by much. Kitaimon growled. "Ray of Hope!!!" He shot a yellow beam at Tatomon. It sent him flying backwards and back into the forest. Kitaimon and Shinwamon rushed over to Kari. She was barely breathing! This worried them. The kids’ time was running short.

AeroAlimon said, "Now that I am AeroAlimon, I will no longer have psychic powers." This disappointed the group. But they knew that to replace that ability, she had gained flying capability. The injured Tai had got onto AeroAlimon’s back because he couldn’t really walk on his own. The flying dinosaur was happy to let him ride on her. Her wings nestled by her side like a bird. She was now walking on four legs so that Tai could lay down and get some rest. During most of their walking Tai was asleep. With AeroAlimon leading them, they were making perfect progress. Mimi was complaining about the walking, Joe was scared that an evil digimon might show up, and Izzy was trying to figure out more about the special digimon. "I still don’t now much about these special digimon" Izzy stated, after looking through his laptop computer inside and out. "Maybe you should look harder, Izzy," Tentomon suggested, hovering over his human partner.

Toothmon was enraged when he saw Ashimon, Fukagarurumon, and Tatomon return, hurt and beaten. Tatomon claimed that he was beaten by Kitaimon. "One of the special digimon?! I don’t believe it!" Toothmon looked over at Fukagarurumon. Looking at the dark Garurumon, he asked, "What may I ask did this to you?" His voice was soft. "Well, you see, Alimon beat us." "But," Toothmon said, "she is a champion digimon and you are an ultimate. How can she possibly beat you?" Ashimon, who had been quiet for a while, spoke up. "You see, Alimon . . . digivolved." Fukagarurumon nodded his head. "That’s right. Alimon digivolved into AeroAlimon." Toothmon was very angry at this. But he did know that that traitor digimon has lost her psychic powers, so he did have an advantage, as always. Both he and AeroAlimon could fly. He looked at Wolfermon, who had been laying on the ground, restless. When his name was called he nearly jumped out of his fur! "Wolfermon!" The digimon looked at him. Toothmon told him to attack and kill Kari. Tatomon had weakened her up some more, so it’ll be easier. Then he turned to Coyetmon, sitting on a rock near the ledge. "Coyetmon!" The wolf digimon looked at him and was told to find the other kids and deal with them. Then, smiling, Toothmon looked at Ashimon and Fukagarurumon. He had something special for them.

AeroAlimon knew that something was wrong. But without her psychic powers, it was useless in finding out. The kids had, fortunately, ran into a small digimon. The small digimon was kind and did have some psychic powers. "Who is this?" Tai asked wearily, pointing to a small digimon with long ears, small feet, and fins on her back. AeroAlimon smiled. "That’s DemiAlimon (dem-ee-oll-ee-mon). She is a good digimon. Her main attack is Bubble Bomb." DemiAlimon smiled. Palmon asked her if she could find out about Kari’s condition. "She is a small girl who was poisoned. We want to know about her condition." DemiAlimon had been nearby when she saw it happen. She didn’t know if she should tell them. She didn’t want to put them down with depression. Especially Tai. DemiAlimon uneasily babbled, "Well, I . . . uh . . . I . . ." But she couldn’t say it. Sora knew that something was wrong. Dokyoumon sat by Tai, who was still weak, letting him lean on him. Sukimon knew that Tai loved Kari, so she went over to DemiAlimon. Clearing her throat with her feather wings, she asked, "Can you tell me what is going on with her?"

With a sad look on her face, DemiAlimon said, "Tatomon attacked them. Kari got hit by a Hyper Ray and was weakened. She was rescued by Kitaimon and Shinwamon, fortunately. But she is now laying unconscious next to a small fire, wrapped in a blanket and shivering. Her condition is now much worse than before." At these words, tears welled up in DemiAlimon, Tai, Tailmon, and AeroAlimon’s eyes. They had little time left. They just had to hurry. But how? Determined, Tai told AeroAlimon to go as fast as she can. That turned out to be a big mistake. She was faster than Fukagarurumon! In order to help, DemiAlimon went with them. She wanted to help as much as they did. Just as they were passing through Forest Shelter, they heard an eerie voice. One that Matt knew instantly. "Coyetmon!" The evil digimon popped out. Dokyoumon ran in front of Tai and the still weak Agumon. Agumon fired, "Pepper Breath!" The fireball barely did anything. The good wolf digimon opened his mouth. "Blast of Courage!" The attack was sent towards Coyetmon. Coyetmon fired a Lightening Storm at the attack. AeroAlimon, seeing an opportunity, flew up high. "Holy Blast!" She shot a pinkish beam at Coyetmon.

The blast shot into Coyetmon, sending him flying backwards. But he got up. Biyomon, who had gotten something to eat, yelled, "Biyomon, digivolve to . .

. Birdramon!!!" She flew up high above Coyetmon. "Meteor Wing!" Several fireballs fell from her wings. They hit Coyetmon on the back, but did no effect! "Lightening Storm!!!" Electricity ran through Birdramon’s body, making her fall to the ground. "Birdramon!" Sora yelled, and her Crest of Love glowed. "Birdramon, digivolve to . . . Garudamon!!!" The two legged digimon bird flew towards Coyetmon, anger in her eyes. "Garudamon?" He asked, confused. Then he shot a Lightening Storm at her, but missed! "Wing Blade!!!" A big firebird was shot out of Garudamon’s body and towards him. It hit him, but didn’t destroy him! He was injured badly enough to make him quit. "You’ll pay for this!" With that, he took off into the woods. Garudamon glowed, and devolved back into Yocomon.

Meanwhile, Toothmon was planning something evil. He walked over to some special box. He pulled out a needle and filled it with potion. ‘This will teach them!’ He thought evilly to himself. Ashimon and Fukagarurumon were waiting nearby. They wondered what he wanted to do. She looked at her friend. "What do you think he’s going to do to us?" Fukagarurumon shrugged and shook his head. "I don’t know, and I don’t even want to know." "Silence!" Toothmon roared as he held the needle in his clawed hand. The potion which he had put in was an untitled one. He just called it Strength Giver potion. Not a decent name, but it’ll have to do. "Now, which one is first?" He wondered out loud as he stood in front of Ashimon. She quivered and tried to back away, but was grabbed by her neck. "You first!" He growled as he started the needle towards her arm. "No!!!" She screamed as she struggled to get free. "Ashimon." Fukagarurumon said softly as he watched this. The sharp needle penetrated through Ashimon’s skin and something injected into her veins and through her blood stream. For a while, she lay shivering on the floor, fighting what ever was inside. Then, it came. Power! Like she has never had before! True power, greater than before!

Tai knew something was wrong. But he also knew that he just had to save Kari. So he kept on walking. DemiAlimon and AeroAlimon led the way, for they knew where to find the extremely rare Golden Horsetail. But what they didn’t know was that an evil digimon was hot on their trail. Wolfermon hunched to the ground as he slipped from tree to tree, staying out of site and following them. "This will be too easy!" He laughed to himself. Gabumon smelled something and Gomamon heard something. The two digimon pointed towards a tree. Right where Wolfermon was! Determined, he fired a Threshold Thrower at them. The ball of energy smashed into Matt, making him fall to the ground. Luckily, Wolfermon didn’t fire a strong one. Just a weak one, so Matt wasn’t hurt, just stunned. "Matt! You okay?" T.K. asked, worried and shocked. "Yeah, I’m okay." He answered as he got up. Agumon frowned. "No doubt about it. That was Wolfermon!" Tai growled something under his breath as he looked towards the tree. AeroAlimon flew up to see if she could see him. She saw him, running in the direction of . . . Secret Valley! She flew back down again.

"What did . . . you see?" Tai asked. AeroAlimon said, "Wolfermon! He’s heading straight for Secret Valley! If he gets there before us, then Kari is doomed!" "Doomed?!" Tai cried. The others ran over to them. Angry at Toothmon, he got up. "We’ve gotta get to Secret Valley . . . before he does!" He yelled unexpectedly. At this time, Ashimon was injected by something that gave her more power. The same was done to Fukagarurumon. The two, now stronger, evil digimon looked at Toothmon, with glowing eyes that were filled with rage, hatred, and a thirst for blood. "What are going to do now?" He asked evilly. Ashimon hissed, "Kill those kids!" Toothmon just smiled. He knew that this was going to work. "Go get them! Now!" The two evil digimon ran to find the kids. They were more powerful than before, so it’ll be harder to beat them.

The kids were getting closer and closer into Secret Valley. Suddenly, the group stopped. There in front of them, was the most beautiful scene that anything of them seen before. Pink, yellow, white, purple, red, green, and blue flowers were scattered everywhere like a rainbow. Rivers flowed through the mountains. Small lakes were everywhere. "It’s so beautiful!" Sora gasped. "Yeah." Mimi added. DemiAlimon nudged the dazed girls from their daydream and reminded them that they had to help Kari. The entrance to Secret Valley was quite difficult. Tai asked eagerly, "How do we get in?" AeroAlimon explained that Secret Valley was secret because there is only one way to get in. She pointed towards a small, twisting tunnel at the side. It was impossible for anyone very big to get in, so it was basically a safe valley. The group walked towards the opening, unaware that three pairs of glowing eyes were watching them. Revenge were in them, that’s for sure.

Those glowing eyes belonged to Ashimon, Fukagarurumon, and Wolfermon. "We’ll get there before they do." Ashimon, now super strong, said with delight. But her partner seemed to disagree. "You sure about that?" "Yes, I’m sure." Wolfermon had met up with them. He hadn’t become stronger, but he could still battle with Garurumon, Togemon, Ikkakumon, Greymon, Tailmon, Birdramon, Kabuterimon, and Angemon since he is a champion digimon. He defeated Agumon with Threshold Thrower previously and he could do it again. But how would it work on Greymon, Agumon’s digivolved form? He didn’t know, but he would soon find out for himself! "Where are those kids, anyhow?" Wolfermon spoke up. The two digimon looked at him. They pointed towards the twisting tunnel at the side of the mountain. It was pretty narrow. The group saw the kids and digimon, including Tai, Sora, Palmon, and AeroAlimon. "What a minute! Who is that?" Fukagarurumon howled as he pointed towards a small unknown digital monster walking with the kids.

"That’s . . . that’s . . . DemiAlimon!" Ashimon cried with rage. "She will digivolve to Alimon, then into either Ashimon or AeroAlimon!" This angered the three and they ran up to the tunnel. It was narrower than they had expected. Wolfermon went onto his knees as he tried to crawl through. But it was useless. Not even he, the smallest of the three, could fit through. Ashimon just smiled. She told them to back up. They obeyed her and she walked right up in front of the tunnel entrance. "Cloud of Destruction!" A cloud appeared. But instead of being gray as usual, it was black! The black stuff floated gently around the entrance. Then . . . KABOOM!!!!!! The entrance exploded! When the mist disappeared, the entrance was nothing but a big hole! Ashimon smiled and walked into it no problem. Fukagarurumon and Wolfermon looked at eachother, mouths open, shrugged their shoulders, and walked in after her.

KABOOM!!!!!! Tai heard a huge explosion from behind. "You guys hear that?" Matt turned around to see smoke coming from the entrance. DemiAlimon gasped, "Oh, no!" Tailmon and Gabumon sniffed the smoke. It smelled familiar. AeroAlimon also had a great sense of smell, so she sniffed the air. "This smoke is no ordinary smoke. It’s Ashimon’s smoke! But it seems stronger than it used to be." "ASHIMON???!!!!" The others screamed. As the thick smoke cleared, the group saw . . . Ashimon and Fukagarurumon and Wolfermon! But they, minus Wolfermon, were stronger as they noticed. Luckily, they had found a Golden Horsetail just before the explosion. Yocomon had picked it up and handed it to Sora, who held it in her pocket. Now they had to face this group before able to reach home. "So, you think you’re going to save Kari, do you?" Before anyone could say anything, a sound was heard. "Knowledge Wave!!!" An attack knocked the three down. Flying above them was Jinchimon! He had arrived just in time. And he wasn’t alone. With him were the other special digimon, except Shinwamon and Kitaimon, of course. Dokyoumon and Sukimon were very happy.

There, standing in front of them, was Magkoromon, Kakujitsumon, and the rarest one of all, Ranpumon! They had come to help them. And just in time, too! "Where are Shinwamon and Kitaimon?" Magkoromon asked, after noticing that they were missing. Dokyoumon explained that they had stayed behind to help a very sick Kari. Just then, . . . "Storm Blaster!!!" A powerful attack was sent from Fukagarurumon. It hit Jinchimon hard! He fell down, fainted. "One down, Twenty more to go! This will be too easy!" Fukagarurumon laughed evilly as he moved in for another attack. Ranpumon took this chance and flew behind Ashimon. "Touch of Light!" The attack did some damage, but was returned with Cloud of Destruction. "Yah!!!" She flew backwards and into the forest. Another was defeated! Mimi got angry. "That’s it! Get her, Palmon!" "Palmon, digivolve to . . . Togemon!!" Mimi’s Crest of Sincerity glowed. "Needle Spray!" Several needles hit Ashimon and Fukagarurumon, but not a lot! Wolfermon fired, "Threshold Thrower, knocking Togemon down.

The Crest of Sincerity glowed even brighter! Togemon glowed brightly. "Togemon, digivolve to . . . Lilimon!!!" A beautiful, fairy-like digimon with a flower on her head and green wings appeared after the glowing stopped. She glared at Wolfermon, who was backing up, afraid. "Flower Cannon!" The attack sent Wolfermon running away. The glowing started again and Lilimon became Tanemon again. This angered Ashimon and Fukagarurumon. "Cloud of Destruction!" "Storm Blaster!" The attacked sailed through the air. AeroAlimon flew up high. "Holy Wing!" Sickle shaped attacks hit their attacks, destroying them in midair! The kids watched in awe at the fight. DemiAlimon wanted to join in. She began to glow! The kids turned to her. "DemiAlimon, digivolve to . . . Alimon!" Alimon looked up to see AeroAlimon attacking the digimon. She helped by using Disable to freeze them. AeroAlimon used Holy Blast on Ashimon. Suddenly, Alimon released Psywave! Big mistake! They all went flying in different directions! AeroAlimon glared at Alimon for a sec, then turned to Ashimon. The two digimon got up, glaring at eachother.

Ashimon ran to AeroAlimon, hoping to throw her to the ground. But she had other plans. She flew up high into the air. "Holy Blast!!!" A beam shot through the air and hit Ashimon. Fukagarurumon fired a Storm Blaster, but missed! "Holy Blast!!!" This attack hit him hard and he went flying backwards into the forest, defeated. Now only Ashimon remained. Backing up, she cried, "Cloud of Destruction!!" Ashimon shot a black, explosive cloud at AeroAlimon. But she cried out, "Holy Wing!!!" Then she used Lasso Tail to grab Ashimon’s leg. They flew up high, high, high. Then, AeroAlimon flipped Ashimon hard, sending her flying to the ground. AeroAlimon flew close to where Ashimon crashed back-first into the ground. She used Holy Wing and shot several sickles of blue at her. They hit her dead on and . . . she disappeared! Just like that! Tai, Sora, and the others celebrated their victory, then remembered that they had to get back. They ran as fast as they could back to the clearing to where Kari, Kitaimon, and Shinwamon were.

"Kari?" Shinwamon walked over to the weak girl. She lay unmoving on the ground next to the fire. She had stopped shivering because Kitaimon was by her side. Shinwamon put his claw on Kari’s heart. It was still beating, but faintly. Time was running out. "She won’t last long." Shinwamon said solemnly. Kitaimon felt tears come to his eyes, then his ears perked to a sound. Alimon came out of the bushes. Then AeroAlimon. AeroAlimon explained that she had digivolved and that this isn’t the same Alimon as before. Kitaimon and Shinwamon were confused. Tai, Sora, Tailmon, Agumon, and the others came out. Tai asked, "I-I-s Kari o-o-okay???" Tai looked sadly at his sister. She was motionless, but breathing. Shinwamon shook his head. "She’s nearly dead." Sora quickly pulled out the Golden Horsetail. She handed it to Tai, telling him to give it to her quickly. Tai rushed over to Kari. He lifted her up in his arms. He forced the yellow grass into her mouth. She chewed and swallowed automatically. Izzy walked over with Mimi, Joe, Matt, Tailmon, and T.K. "She ate as much as she could. Now all we can do is . . . wait." Kari didn’t do anything. She was just as still as ever. Tai began to cry, losing hope. Suddenly, Tai felt something stir. Kari was moving!

"Mmmmm . . ., Tai?" Kari said, opening her eyes then closing them again. Hope filled him. He asked hopefully, "Kari?" But Kari was again still and not talking. She didn’t reply. His friends hung their heads in despair. Especially Tailmon, Kari’s digimon partner. Tai hung his head, too. Then he heard, "Well, hello there, Tai!" "Kari?" Tai saw Kari’s eyes opened. She got up, smiling at him and looking as healthy as ever! "How do you feel?" Matt asked, concerned. "Much better, thank you!" Kari climbed to her feet. Everyone hugged her tight. And I mean, very tight. Kari pulled herself out of their hug and asked what happened. She had forgotten almost everything that had happened. "You almost died, Kari." Sora told her. Gabumon nodded. "That’s right!" Tailmon added, "We saved you!" Tears of joy formed into Kari’s eyes and she leaped at Tai, hugging him. Tai hugged her back. Meanwhile, things were not so good at Stone Cliff.

"Defeated?!" Toothmon growled at Dinomon and Tatomon. Wolfermon returned. Clawmon wasn’t very happy, neither. Just then, "Rrrooarrrrr!!!!!!!" Toothmon, Wolfermon, Tatomon, Dinomon, Clawmon, and Coyetmon all shuddered at this. There in front of them was a scary looking digimon. "I’m Kiramon!" He said in a hissy voice. Toothmon demanded, "What are you doing here?!" Kiramon laughed evilly. "I have come to destroy you and your enemies!" "What?!" Tatomon cried. He didn’t want to die. "Don’t even," Kiramon added, "to try and fight me. I’m a super ultimate digimon!" With that, he ran off, plotting to strike. Toothmon shuddered with fear. For once, he was afraid. He knew that he and his comrades couldn’t fight this guy. ‘What will I do?’ Toothmon asked. Wolfermon and Coyetmon told Toothmon in order to beat Kiramon, they must join forces with Tai and his friends. "But, they will never believe us." Toothmon said. Clawmon totally agreed. But, what other choice did they have? It was either join up with those kids, or die. And they weren’t going to die.

To be continued...