One Against One by DKG80
AN: Although I am killing the digidestined again, this is not like my
first story. No more hints (unless you ask me nicely) but I have another
very important announcement to make:
After this trilogy and conclusion, if I write any more stories, they will
most likely be at least after the digidestined have finished college. Thus,
this and two more in this time period. Unless I change my mind.
Disclaimer: I don't own digimon. *Breaks down in tears.*
Part 1
Thinking Thoughts
The five digidestined entered a thick and overgrown forest. It ws
difficult to move until Walter brought out a sharp knife from his cloak and
began to cut down the vines.
Tai was confused. Way back during the time of Insanity, Puppetmon hd
been the only dark master there. Why? Or was he? Was Machinedramon
misinformed? Was he just lying? For what reason? Can he, Tai, stop asking
questions to himself?
Joe was edgy. He knew that his evil brother was back. They had tried to
murder each other a lot. But he had a feeling that this one was for keeps.
He wasn't kidding anyone. As long as they were egual in strenght, he would
be at a disadvantage. Jim had a sword that could attack point first or
sideways with little effort. Joe had a crowbar that needed to be swung hard
to do damage, and needed to be side first.
Joe's advantage was being smarter. Jim did go to cllege, but Joe got As
mostly, while Jim pulled Cs. He could acurately guess where Jim would go.
They rarely ever connected. Their different advantages prevented that.
But Joe knew that one connection could mean death.
T.K. felt brave. Very brave. He was a vampire and had a few special
powers, plus the Hat of Fate. He doubted failure.
Julia felt lost. She had lost the person that she'd loved, the person
that had trusted her. She felt like crying, but she very rarely cried.
And Walter? He was sad too, but he was looking on the bright side. They
had defeated another evil.
Suddenly, they noticed that their digimon were missing.
Suddenly, they saw a house in front of them. They walked in. They heard
noise from upstairs. They followed the noise and ended up in Puppetmon's
bedroom. He was there.
Along with Jim.
Jim swung his sword at them. "Who wants to die like Piedmon? Anyone?
How about you--brother."
Part 2
Killing Kidos
Joe grabbed his crowbar and advanced on Jim. Jim swung. Joe parried.
Joe swung. Jim parried. Jim--well, you get the idea.
Clang! Clang! The bedroom rang with the sound of battle. Tai ducked as
a bedpost flew by him.
The weapons and the Kidos were blurs, moving around the room. Puppetmon
dodged them. He hit a shelf. A remote control fell off. T.K. grabbed it.
Puppetmon attacked, starting another fight.
Suddenly, Jim dodged Joe, ran in close, and stabbed him. Joe collapsed,
bleeding profusely.
Jim leaned on his sword like a walking stick. He said. "Anyone else?"
Walter grabbed a blaster from his lab coat and zapped Puppetmon to
shreds. T.K. hit a button on the remote.
Which caused Puppetmon's house to split apart as the ground broke up.
Jim was right over a crack, and fell in. He grabbed, with one hand, onto
the edge, his sword clanging down below.
Joe staggered up, staggered to the pit, and dropped on Jim.
They both fell in.
The digidestined fled the house as it fell in. The forest vanished.
They were now by the castle of vampires. They had been walking uphill before
they saw Puppetmon's house.
A vampire stuck his head out. "Master T.K., you and your friends should
see this."
Part 3
Fighting Fear
They walked into a lab and saw a consol. Four handprints were lit, six
were dark. Above it was the word FEAR.
The vampire said. "This is the evil of fear. To defeat it, you must
place your hands on the handprint. Whatever you fear most will attack you.
You must all defeat it to defeat the evil of fear. Oh, and you'll want these
later." He handed Tai and T.K. their crests.
They all agreed to place their hands on the handprints.
They all vanished.
Walter appeared back in his lab. On Earth.
"What's so scary about this? It's my lab!" Said Walter. He looked and
saw some of his notes. And gasped.
He couldn't understand them. He couldn't think.
His worst fear. Being stupid.
Julia was in a building. It was strangely familiar. It was where
Piedmon had destroyed her jewel!
She seemed to have trouble focusing. She looked down.
And saw that she was wearing a necklace with an emerald.
As the hypnotic thoughts flooded her mind, she fell to the ground. I
can't kill Izzy! I love him! Oh no! She thought, forgetting that Izzy was
Her worst fear. Being hypnotized.
T.K. was back in his house. At home. Surronded by candy.
Suddenly, Matt appeared in the living room. T.K. jumped up and ran
behind a couch.
Matt stared at him, looking over the couch. "I thought that you cared
about me, brother. I never ever thought that you'd kill me. Do you realize
what I have to do?"
As Matt drew a knife, T.K. shook.
His worst fear. His brother.
Tai ws in the tube. Suddenly, Sora stood up. She stared at Tai.
Tai ran to her. "Oh Sora! Thank--"
Sora turned. "We're through."
Tai gasped. "But-but why?"
Sora stared. "You could have saved me. You could have gone with me.
Instead you ran to my house and did nothing to protect the one you thought
you loved.
Tai's worst fear. Guilt.
Walter felt like panicking. He had never been strong, so intelligence
was all that he had. He now had nothing.
Wait. When I ws building my crest gun and laser cannon, I felt stupid
and panicky too. But I managed to pull it off. I can't let a ittle mental
block get in my way. I have to beat this! He thought.
He grabbed his notes. He took the parts that he could understand, and
used them to help him understand other parts. Pretty soon, the mental block
went away.
Walter grabbed his crest gun. Then he vanished.
Julia suddenly had a breakthrough.
I must do this. I must take action. I can't kill Izzy. I CAN'T be
She overpowered the emerald. It disintigrated.
She vanished.
T.K. suddenly thought.
I can't let a meanie like Matt win! Even though he's my brother, I have
to win!
T.K. stood up and spoke. "Matt, you are not acting like my brother. My
brother is nice. Caring. Forgiving. You are none of the above."
As he spoke, Matt disintigrated.
T.K. vanished.
Tai stood up tall.
"Imposter. It was not my fault. You are not Sora. That statement
proves that you are not Sora, for Sora would never do this. She would know
that it was not my fault. And she'd never hold me accountable, just like,
while I'm sad Sora died, I'm not mad that she went to check on Walter. It's
who she is. Not who you are."
Sora vanished. So did Tai.
They all appeared back in the vampire lab. Suddenly, they were outside.
A digimon stood tall.
"I am Acopolymon! I am almost the ultimate evil. Can you beat me?"
Walter set up his crest gun, his mind made up. He inserted his crest.
Tai stared. "is that thing perfected? Will it kill you?"
"Self-sacrifice." Was the reply.
T.K. gasped.
Julia took off her crest. She inserted it. "One crest can't do it alone."
T.K. added his. "Three crests in. Let's kill him."
Tai started to take off his crest, but Julia stopped him.
"Tai, if this doesn't work, someone must be there to make a backup plan."
She said quickly.
Julia and T.K. stood on either side of Walter, who fired at Acopolymon.
A great energy hit and destroyed Acopolymon.
T.K., Julia, and Walter turned into dust.
A shadow started to descend over Tai.
AN: Well, the conclusion will be great. Please send mail. If I can, I
might even be able to fit in a request for it.