Space Outtakes





Hey everyone! I decided on an outake session. This is going to be as

funny as possible, and it will be in script format. Asterisk stand for an

action. It won't be at all like my first three, which were a bit more

serious. I'm going to try covering at least three areas of

literature--humor, plain fiction, and romance. So, if you don't like one of

my fics because of the writing style, you might love the next one.

Bye the way, if you are confused about the title, it means that since

Vernemon is the big bad wolf, and he controls all space, this is the space

series. I am also planning on doing a thought series, a matter series, and a

time series! Without further ado, on with the outakes!

Okay, there is some further ado. I do not own pokemon. No wait, that

was an outake. I do not own digimon. Okay, now on with the show!

Wait. One more thing. Jim, Walter, and Julia will all show up later.

So don't kill yourself wondering who the last two are and where Jim is (for

those of you who forgot, Jim is Joe's brother). Now the show!



...One day, the prophet Gatomon came to town.

Gatomon: "One of you shall fall off a cliff because of your stupidity-."

Director: "No! Cut! That isn't your line."

Gatomon: "It isn't?"

Director: "No! You tell them about how one will turn to good andâ€""

Nicemyotismon: "Actually, I decided to stay evil."

Director: *Buries face in hands.*


Myotismon: "You are a stranger, the traitor, and really really cute! I love


Nicemyotismon: *Kisses Myotismon."

Director: "No! Cut!"

Tai: (from offstage) "She's supposed to be my sister? This isn't in the


Matt: "Well, you do act that stupid."

Tai: *Tackles Matt. *

DIrector: *Rolls his eyes. *


*Door blows off it's hinges.*

*Wizardmon troops come racing in.*

Captain: "Oh, we're saving you? Retreat troops!"

Matt: "Hey!"

Director: "Arggh!"


Izzy: "Here you go. A potion to turn you into any digimon!"

Nicemyotismon: *Tries one and turns into Myotismon.*

*Troops come racing into room.*

*Troops attack general.*

Director: "Cut! This isn't in the script!"

Matt: "This part is a documentary. It doesn't have a script. We just tape

whatever comes up!"

Director: "No."


*Kids run into Genni*

Genni: "Hello kids! While you were away, I opened up a toothpick company and

made millions! Want some stock?"

Izzy: "I built a time machine and made it so that you never made that

company. Remember the explosion?"

Genni: "NOOOOOOO!"

Director: "CUTTTT!"


Digivolve into champions!


Tai: "Dum dum dum..."

Mimi: "There is no dum dum dum in this part."

Kari: I like ice cream better than Dum-dums anyway.

Joe: "What a dip."

Izzy: "I like fruit."

Joe: "He's gone bananas."

Sora: "Nuts for me!"

T.K.: "She's nuts."

Director: "Be quiet and take it from the top!"


Kari: "If I tell Tai that I'm Mytosimon's sister..."

Tai: "You're Myotismon's sister? Go get her, Agumon!"

*Realizes that Agumon isn't there. *

Kari: *Takes out tape player. * "Tell me everything you know about the

presents that everyone got me for my birthday!"

Tai: "No!"

Kari: *Inserts headphones into Tai's ear, turns the tape player on.*

Tape player: "I love you, you love me..."


In lobby...

Mimi: "It sounds like the general is torturing Tai up there. Should we help


All: "No!"


*Izzy figures out that they're insane.*

Izzy: "This is your fault!" *Attempts to strangle Kari.*



T.K.: "But who's to go in?"

Joe: "Not me! I'm scared! I'd rather go hot air ballooning!"

Mimi: "He's full of hot air."

Director: "We...Can...Do...This...Right."

All: "No!"


Joe: "Wait. Why am I killing myself for Izzy and Kari anyway?"

Kari: "If you don't, I'll kill you anyway."

Joe: "Good point."


*Power goes out while Joe, Izzy, and Kari are lost in the maze of passages in

the insanity realm.*

Joe: "Hey! I'm lost!"

Director: "Why's the power out?"

Izzy: "Okay Joe, I hacked into the power plant and killed the power. Now,

hand over your cell phone, video camera, and credit card, or I'll teleport

out of here and leave you!"

Director: "CUT!"


Director: "Go! Part two in this series is a piece of cake!"

Matt: "You know Mimi, you are so cute!"

Mimi: "I love you too!"

*They kiss.*

Joe: "Hey!"

*Joe and Matt get in a fight.*

*Matt sees that an additional video camera is on.*

Jim: "Hello everyone! It's a lovely day to tape embarrassing scenes isn't


Matt: "I'll pay you $300.00 to not turn that in to a T.V. station."

Jim: "I could make millions if I turned it in."



Sora: "Hey look! A chest!"

Inside are free tickets to the superbowl.

*Boys come out.*

Tai: "Hey Sora, can I have one?"

Matt, Joe, and Izzy: "Mimi, can I have one?"

Girls: "Well, first dig the potatoes, then clean our rooms..."

Joe: "Why is this so familiar?"



Tai: "I want your blood! Wait, am I getting paid extra to act like an idiot?"

Matt: "Tai, you are an idiot."

*Get into a fight.*

Walter: "Hmmm. Fascinating. This plays right into my theory that some

people actually cannot stop themselves from provoking others."

Sora: "You haven't been introduced yet! You're somewhere in part nine or


Julia: "I'm on first! I'm in part four! Or five, or something."

Walter: "I am not on that late! I'm on in part -- oh, wait, I'm not supposed

to say."

Director: "Cut!" *Cries.*

Sora: "What's wrong?"

Director: "You're all so dumb!"

Sora: "Biyomon, come and kill this guy, okay?"


Matt: "Hey, how come Tai beats me?"

Tai: "Because I'm smarter, stronger, and dudeisher."

Matt: "Try dudisher."


*Joe is sentry*

Walter: *Takes aim with a laser cannon.*

Joe: "Er, you don't try to kill me until-"

Walter: "Shhhh! We don't want the viewers to hear the whole plot!"

Joe: "We don't?"

Director: "CUT!"


*Izzy, Kari, and Mimi walk into set studio. Izzy turns on video camera.*

Izzy: "Hi, this is the smartest person in the world, Izzy, speaking. My

might is total and all who resist shall-"

Kari: "Julia, would you mind using your hyp-"

Julia: "Shush!"

Director: "Cut!"


*Joe breaks his leg.*

Joe: "Ow! I really dipped down to the ground."

Kari: "Now who's the dip?"

Izzy: "The double dip?"

Joe: "Don't be so drippy."


*Mimi receives a psychic vampire call*

Mimi: "Hello? Which vampire are you?"

Vampire: "I'm a telemarketer. Do you want ten million dollars?"

Mimi: "Yes."

Vampire: "Okay. Send a document forfeiting all of your rights to Pie D



*Sora sees Biyomon come into her room in the realm of the dead.*

Sora: "You were alive? You didn't save me? I'll kill you!"

*Throttles Biyomon.*

*Biyomon warp-digivolves to Griffmon.*

Sora: "I'll be quiet."


Joe: "We're dead. Hey, all of us little people and digimon are getting drunk

and watching Mimi joust with the other vampires. Want to watch?"

Director: "Please. Let's just get this over and done with, okay?"


*Joe and Sora walk out of the room into the main hall.*

*Joe bows.*

Joe: "Master, the lady is here."

Izzy (from offstage). "Gee, Julia, you sure started early!"

Julia: "I know."



*Tai's shaking Sora's still body.*

Tai: "Sora, please be all right! I love you!"

Sora: "Tai, this is a play. And besides, you know that Matt is much cuter

then you. I only pretend to love you because of the script. Hey, that

reminds me--Matt, are we still on that date for pizza?"

Tai: "NOOOOO!"


Hat of Fate: "T.K., do you wish to exchange your life for your brother's?"

T.K.: "I wouldn't exchange a piece of candy for his life!"

Matt: "Hey!"

Director: "Cut!"


Metaletemon: "Hey, I'm not stupid! I majored in high school physics! I know

that I won't be shocked!"

Izzy: "I thought that you majored in gum chewing."

Metaletemon: "Close!"

Director: *Lets out a cry of anguish.*


Vernemon: "Hey, I can control all space! Why can't I just throw these kids

into the far reaches of the universe?"

Director: "Because you aren't being paid to do that."


Kari: *Paints herself with glow-in-the-dark paint.*

Kari: "I need to be light."

Joe: "Now who's the dip?"

Kari: *Throws Joe into a pool that is outside the window.*

Kari: "You're a drippy dip."


Director: (In his house.) Man, that was tough. I will never do that again!"

Sora: "I'm stupid huh? Well, I know enough to pull a trigger!"

Sora: *Points gun at director. *


DId you like it? DId you like it? E-mail me at with fan mail,

hate mail, or anything else!