Hello, I am glad that you have come to visit my homepage.
My online name is Gent. I was born and raised in Western
Kentucky and reside in Western Kentucky.
time. I graduated from high school in Western Kentucky
and after graduation decided to enlist in the United States Navy.

I attended bootcamp in Great Lakes, Illinois. After some
classroom instruction and much rigorous physical training,
I was selected as Honorman for my Company. I felt very honored
as this selection was made by my fellow shipmates, who had
trained along side me, and was based on attitude, cooperation,
and overall contribution to the good of the company.

After graduation from boot camp, I attended training in
Aviation Electronics. I made my first cruise aboard the
USS SARATOAGA (CVA-60). To see a picture of the USS Ronald
Reagan, click here.

I subsequently made cruises aboard the USS KITTY HAWK and
the USS INDEPENDENCE, both Aircraft Carriers. I served my
country two different times aboard the USS KITTY HAWK in
Vietnam. Although it was extremely demanding of me physically
and professionally, I am proud that I served my country.

After completing my time in Vietnam, I purchased a bracelet
to help support our POW/MIAs. Engraved in it is the name
Lt. Lewis I. Williams. I believe that he was an A-6A
attached to Attack Squadron Eighty Five (VA-85).
If he or any of his relatives ever view this Page, please
E-mail me by clicking on my E-mail link at the bottom of this
page. UPDATE:See my Memorial Day Page for the rest of this
I have also been associated with the A-1 SKYRAIDER
and one trainer, the T-2B jet trainer.


While still in the Navy I learned to fly on a dirt strip
in Chesapeake, Virginia, and earned a private pilot's
license. Although I had lot's of fun learning to fly, I
was most pleased to carry my father up and show him our
old farm from the air. He was killed instantly in an
accident approximately 4 years later.

I spent 22 years in the Navy and retired as a Chief
Petty Officer in Aviation Electronics. I was a navy
instructor for approximately 7 1/2 years. Prior to
retirement I attended night school on air conditioning,
heat and refrigeration.I worked in my own business for
a few years after retirement. Then my wonderful wife
and I decided to move to western Kentucky not far from
where I grew up. I served with the Boy Scouts of America
as a Cubmaster of a small pack of about 50 boys. They won
many awards during my tenure of which I am proud.

We then decided to open a small business. I trained
with Sharp Electronis Corp. on VCR and camcorder repair.
My wife had a ladies apparel specialty shop. We ran those
businesses until final retirement. We have since opted
for a smaller house and yard in order to have more time
for retirement.

Since then, I have attended H&R Block's tax course and have
worked and trained seven seasons, doing tax returns
for others.

We both have now become interested in computers and are
trying to learn to build web pages. I wish to thank a
nephew of mine who helped me with my first page, and a
FRIEND who got me interested in trying to begin
with. Thank You.

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~ Please view my other pages ~

Loretta Lynn Ranch

Merry Christmas

Flag Day

Memorial Day

July Fourth

This Ole' House


My Links

My Awards



