Vivian Chow
 Time Album Cover 
English Translation

The beautiful and well acquainted face has separated for a long one year and twenty four days (as of the release date of this album, 1996). Where did she go? People say that she is tired. People say that she giving time to herself. When you see Vivian again, all problems will be solved and all rumors will self explain.


People say that composing a music is like pregnant for ten months. I say that composing a music is like knitting a warm sweater. I have to choose color, size and style. I carefully stitch one thread with one needle at a time to complete a sweater. Vivian

The producer listened to the new songs over long distance calls. Long FAXes were constantly received from far places. Everybody knows that she still cares.

When I was wearing jeans and hiding in the sound recording room, my friends said that I was like a crazy woman who does not want to stop. At that time, to me, for a person to be able to stroll on the street and watch a movie are a kind of simple happiness. Vivian

At another place that do not have any spot light, she is still working hard. She lives seriously. Her life is just like many other woman. Her strength, her weakness, her dark night, her day, her as a whole, and part of her are those things that you do not know about Vivian Chow.

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