Electromagnet Polarity


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An electromagnet’s polarity is determined by the direction flow of the electron current in the coil.

If you wrap the fingers of your left hand around the coil so that the fingers are pointing in the direction of the current flow as shown in Fig 6

The thumb of your left hand will point to the magnets north pole (Left hand rule)

Electromagnet's Polarity

Fig 6

Electromagnetic Induction

A magnet may be used to magnetise another material as shown in fig 7.

The permanent magnet is surrounded by its magnetic field but the mild steel bar has no magnetism of its own. By placing the soft iron bar near to or touching the permanent magnet it also becomes a magnet.

This is true for any material capable of being magnetised and is known as induced magnetism.

The soft iron bar will lose its magnetism when removed from the influence of the magnetic field

Permanent Magnet field
Fig 7

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