Alright! Our Get together 

photos in Redondo Beach California, 12/9/2001


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Ate Joyce And Vie

 The Gang! Mercy, Margie, Vie and Terry

Ate Joyce, Terry, Vie, Giselle, Margie and Mercy

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Vie with Milton Family

  This is really comfortable couch, Vie, Terry and Lee

The very happy Filipina

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Ops here's another gang. Mr. Milton With Giselle Terry and Lee.   Giselle Terry and Lee .

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Oh I know this  guys,  Lee Terry and of course the host Mercy.

See Hello! You're in Vies camera hehehehe*

Alan and Milton's daughter. She is cute.
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Yo guys look over here!

The Daughton, Oh my god!

The singers Margie and Mercy.

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Another singer.

 Kuya Bruce, Ate Joyce Mercy and Margie

Oh my god Alan's singing.

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Ate joy Bruce and Lee.

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Aha another Oh my god.. hehehe .


Geselle Oldest son Kyle

Marge (jane) and Vie

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Vie and Gesille having fun.

Terry and Mercy singing lovely song.

well well.. From left to right..1st line. Ate Joyce Terry Vie. Gesille Ian (the baby) Marge and the host Mercy.

 The Carpenter singer heheheehehe.*

Our host. Del and Mercy.*

The Daughter and Father...Milton

 The new generation of Milton and Daughton..  and... Kessy the star.(puppy)

 Tarzan, naku nakalabas sa Disneyland.  hehehehe



Jane.. wow legs