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Image of shellindocom.gif

A group of efnet hax0r that i've join from the very begining of my cyberworld life, thanks to every one that have support me, and teach me a lot of cyberworld.

An elite DALnet crew that i've in now worked for, and thanks to anyone here that have gimme chance.

This is one of the best shell provider that i've try. Good connection, nice vhost specially design for Indonesian people with a good pricing. This is Indonesian best shell provider.

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September 23, 2001
I have finish the SPECIAL page, this page is special for #pemadam_camp on Dalnet the ppl are so cool and so kind, specially when i'm lonely and boring.

September 20, 2001
My Gallery have been finish, i've put up some picture of mine well i hope i have more picture :)

September 04, 2001
Today is my birthday, the most terrible one in my lifetime, i'm broke up, i hope i could get a pan of pizza for dinner, still hoping, and i decided to load up this site today, even not finished yet. Oh yeah the best thing is my ex still remember this day. The only good thing happen today.

September 03, 2001

I put some banner advertise of my friends bussines. His shell is the one i remember. Thanks for the personal vhost and psybnc i got.

September 01, 2001
I have rebuild my homepage, hope you like it more. Gimme your oppinion about this - (c)2001
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