The Symbol of the Order

The Holy Order of Our Lady of Debauchery
Virtual Cathedral

Front Doors

(Best viewed in 800x600, if you care.)

Welcome! This Virtual Cathedral is the home of the Holy Order of Our Lady of Debauchery on the Internet. We have the Rectory, where you can find information about our services and offerings to the Membership; the Parish Center, where the classrooms, kitchen, and gathering space are located; and of course the actual Cathedral, with the Narthex information table and the Sanctuary itself . . .

Click here to go in.

Available Spaces:
The Narthex: Info & Bulletin
The Sanctuary: Inspiration
The Rectory: Office & Library
The Parish Center: Classrooms & Gathering Space

Of course, if you want to go to our rooms directly, here is the list:

[This site restored, but buggy; fixes are ongoing.
Suggestions, complaints and improvements are welcome;
mail the Grand Inquisitor. Thanks.]

Email the Mother Superior ][ Email the Grand Inquisitor

Copyright© 10/98 Rev. LJF Wolffe for the Holy Order of Our Lady of Debauchery