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According to historical records and archeological evidence, gambling has existed throughout the ages and culture of most civilizations.

Anthropologists agree that data collected in the 20th century lends solid implications that gambling took place within a large portion of the greatest societies to have ever existed.
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gambling artifacts have been recovered from ancient China (2300 B.C.), India, Egypt and Rome.
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A set of ivory dice dating from before 1500 BC were salvaged from Thebes, while specific writings mentioning gambling were found on a tablet in the Pyramid of Cheops.

As early as the 14th century, we have some of the first findings of gambling becoming outlawed
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King Henry VIII of England outlawed gambling when he discovered that his soldiers were spending more time gambling than working on drills and marksmanship.
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The idea of blackjack and poker sprouted from the practice of shuffling paper money in China around 900 A.D.

Shuffling paper money in China evolved into card playing, which was consequently brought to Europe via the Mameluke Empire.

Being followers of Islam, the Mameluke people did not have their playing cards decorated with human forms
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The gambling casinos of today have come a long way since their early beginnings.
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Dice have been tossed on this earth for more than 2,000 years, manifesting into all kinds of games along their journey.
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The Queen of today's decks did not appear on the scene until the 1500's
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craps was originally played in the private gambling parlors by only the elite and upper class citizens of 18th and 19th century England.
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When America became an independent country in 1776, the newly formed, needy government used gambling as a way to cultivate large sums of money for its early activities.

The history of roulette is an interesting story as well.

Roulette, which means "small wheel" in French, was modernized into the game we know today by Francois and Louis Blanc.
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craps has achieved the most lasting fame and popularity.
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"craps" - a derivation of the word "crabs", meaning "pair of ones"

The origins of the roulette wheel itself are a little more ambiguous.

When gambling got out of control in the raucous days of the western frontier, Nevada actually made it illegal from 1850 to 1910.
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Allergies and allergic disorders are among the most common of medical conditions, affecting more than 20 percent of all Americans.

Allergies occur when the immune system overreacts to otherwise harmless foreign substances, called allergens.

When an allergen enters the body, the immune system signals special cells - "mast cells" to release a substance called histamine.
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Allergens can also trigger wheezing, breathing problems and asthma in some people.

In the most severe case, allergens such as bee stings, penicillin and certain foods can induce a life-threatening collapse known as anaphylactic shock.

Hayfever or allergic rhinitis is the allergic response to pollen from trees, grasses or weeds, and the severity usually depends on the season.

Because the pollen allergens are airborne, the nose and eyes are affected most, giving hayfever sufferers the classic symptoms of runny nose, congestion, sneezing and itchy, watery eyes.

Antihistamines are probably the most common allergy medicines.
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Antihistamines work by blocking the effects of histamine, which causes the swelling and itching response to an allergen.
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Blocking histamine’s effects reduces allergy symptoms. Many over-the-counter antihistamines cause drowsiness and carry warnings against driving or operating machinery while taking them.
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There are newer non-sedating antihistamines available to help manage allergy symptoms without drowsiness.

Antihistamine Nasal Sprays are used to treat the nasal symptoms of allergies.

Some over-the-counter products should not be used by people with certain medical conditions.

Ask your doctor to write the reason for the medication directly on the prescription form. This will help you keep track of why you are taking the medicine.

Today's medicines are more complex and powerful than ever before.

Ask your health care provider before taking any new medication.

Medication Use and Trends Today's medications are more powerful and complex than ever before.

Refill your prescriptions while you still have at least a 5-7 day supply of medications left.

A national survey found that 85 percent of Americans are concerned about at least one medication-related issue.

In general, older adults are concerned about both side effects and drug interactions.

Drug interactions and adverse efforts are an increasing concern among consumers.
Verify your understanding of proper medication use and effects by repeating medication information to health professionals.