Alternatives to Unhealthy Behaviours
* Sing

* Scream at siblings

* Play a CD

* Drive while playing a CD

* Paint, SING, DANCE do anything creative!

* Dance and sing to extra cheesy songs from Dirty Dancing, Grease

* Chat on IM to b/friend

* Have a long, hot extremely bubbly bath

* Go for a walk.

* Go down to the beach and watch the water

* Play saxophone really loudly

* Go and visit mum at work

* Take stereo up to the bathroom and have a long bath with favourite choones

* Watch a goodtime chic flick

* Phone somebody like the Samaritans

* Play FreeCell!

* SHOP!!!

* Crossword puzzles.....

* Go for a long walk through the canyon

* Smashing bottles into a bottle bank

* Playing LOUD music

* lighting a few candles and playing soft music

* Go to the

* washing hair and putting on favourite outfit

* Recognise and acknowledge the choices you have NOW

* Carry tokens to remind you of peaceful comforting things/people

* Create and use mental safe places (beach, cabin in the woods, peaceful mountain)

* Get out on your own, get away from the stress

*Help someone around you (reach out on a bulletin board, newsgroup, phone list etc.)

* Pay attention to the changes needed to make you feel safe

* "I'm aware" Repeat five things you see, smell, touch, taste in your present surroundings to help ground you in the present

* Pay attention to your breathing (breath slowly, in through your nose and out through your mouth)


* Ask yourself inside, what YOU need

* Journal

* Touch something familiar/safe

* Make a phone list of people you can call for support. Allow yourself to use it

* Learn HALT signals (hungry, angry, lonely, tired)

* Identify what is causing you pain

* Accept where you are in the process. Beating yourself up, only makes it worse.

* Take a break from mental processing, "you're thinking too much!"

* Tear up paper (old phonebooks, newspapers, etc.)

* Throw ice cubes at the bathtub wall, at a tree, etc.

* Give yourself permission to.... (Keep it safe)

* Lose the "should-could-have to" words. Try... "What if"

* Put memories in air tight containers with air tight lids

* Connect with others around you. Call a therapist or friend.

* Notice "choices" versus "dilemmas"

* Keep in touch with others who are fighting the same fight

* Check in with yourself and others frequently (try not to isolate)

* Take a bath or a shower

* Write a poem

* Leave the room

* Leave the premises

* Write a letter, NOT mailed, to the person or problem upsetting you

* Play a musical instrument

* Plan regular activities for your most difficult time of day

* Call a hotline or support group

* Listen to a comedy tape or video

* Reality check old messages (Those you supply and those you hear others tell you)

* Pull weeds in a garden

* Hugging pillows

* Listening to that song that makes you cry.

* Make up the most unrealistic future possible in your mind- jetpacks, whatever.

* Take a lot of time to add details. It passes time =)

* Write a rambling e-mail to someone who you know won't freak out easily.

* Read some quotes. I find some quite inspiring.

* Hold ice against your wrists, our wherever you were planning to injure, till it hurts.

* Admit defeat. Go to bed. You'll almost certainly feel better when you get up.

* Keep a diary of stars for days of staying safe.

* Do physical exercise. Jogging, cart wheeling, walking the dog/fish etc.

* Snap an elastic band on your wrist.
Learning to stop unhealthy behaviours can be hard at any time, but sometimes having a list of alternatives can help.
Copyright 2002 Breaking Free
Who I am