Phone Numbers and Addresses |
Eating Disorders Association Phone: Adults: 01603 621414 Youth: 01603 765050 Fax: 01603 664 915 Email: Web: Description: Offer help and support for those with anorexia nervosa & bulimia nervosa to sufferers, their families, friends and professionals Opening Times: Main Number: Mon-Fri: 9am- 6.30pm Youth: Mon-Fri: 4pm-6pm |
British Association for Counselling Phone: 01788 550899 Address: 1 Regent Place Rugby CV21 2P |
Bristol Crisis Service for Women Phone: 0117 925 1119 Web: Description: For any woman in distress, particularly focusing on self injury. Area served is national. Opening Times: Fri & Sat 9pm-12.30am |
First Steps to Freedom Phone: 01926 851608 Fax: 0870 164 0567 Email: Web: Description: Anxiety support covering phobias, panic, obsessive & compulsive disorders, eating disorders & tranquilliser withdrawal Opening Times: Daily: 10am-10pm |
Samaritans (Putney Branch) Address: 106 Felsham Road London, SW15 1DQ Phone: 020 8789 9121 (Emergency) 020 8789 2743 Minicom: 020 8780 2521 Email: Web: Description: Provides a crisis telephone line for all who are suicidal, despairing or in distress. Listens to people who are having a personal crisis, feeling lonely, depressed. Opening Times: Helpline 24 hrs personal interviews 9.30am - 10.30pm |
Depression Alliance Phone: 020 7633 0557 Fax: 020 7633 0559 Email: Web: Description: Information and support for people with depression living in the UK. |
ChildLine Phone: 0800 1111 Web: Description: ChildLine is the UK's free, 24-hour helpline for children and young people in trouble or danger. Opening Times: 24 hours |
Cruse Bereavement Line Phone: 0870 167 1677 or 0345 585565 Description: Helpline for bereaved people, those caring for bereaved people and professionals. Deals with widows' pensions and benefits Opening Times: Mon-Fri: 9.30am-5pm |
Careline Phone: 020 8514 1177 Description: General counselling helpline Opening Times: Mon-Fri: 10am-4pm & 7pm-10pm |
National Drugs Helpline Phone: 0800 776600 (Other Languages also available) Description: Helpline for anyone concerned about drug misuse, offering information on all aspects of the issue Opening Times: 24 hours |
Mental Health Foundation Email: Web: Description: The Mental Health Foundation - the UK's leading charity concerned with both mental health and learning disabilities. |
If you have any useful helplines that are not already put up, then feel free to email me with the details.... |