How do we know when we are ready for recovery? There is no clear cut point that when you pass it, you will suddenly become overcome with the urge to start. Most often, you never realise what you really want, until you actually start making those few first steps. Maybe you are unsure of where to go from here, you don't particularly want to recover, but the again living how you are isn't exactly appealing as a career. So where next? Do you wait until someone tells you what to do? Ultimately it is your decision, you can spend months or even years in Inpatient Treatment, but at the end of the day not want to recover. If you are in this situation, what are you so scared of? It is ok to admit you are scared, fear is a major part in eating disorders. Fear of the unknown... Many of you have been like this for a long long time, you have never known anything other than your behaviours. Stopping them is like a whole new world to you. What do you do when you are faced with difficult situations and you can't run for the cupboards, or the toliet, or the exercise bike? Scary thoughy huh? That actually means FACING your problems, head on, that is the best way to do it. Give the ED a great big kick in the ass! Maybe you think you can deal with all of that, but the main issue is weight... You are terrified of weight gain... "What if I start eating and I gain xxx amount of pounds in two days???" Well I can tell you that yes, if you have restricted/ or binged/ purged for a long time, then you will most likely gain weight during the first few weeks/ months of eating. That is natural, your body used to keeping food in your stomach, and it will cling on to it for dear life. But the weight gain (unless you are severley emaciated) will not be THAT substantial. Most of us have a set weight, that whatever we do, it always evens out as. So when you reach that weight, you will stay there. You wont balloon into a gigantic submarine! It is physically impossible. But one thing I will tell you, is that the longer you do this, the longer it will take for your body to reach that stage where the metabolism is "normal" and you won't lose/ gain weight. So the best time to start, is now basically. Why does weight gain scare you so much? Are you scared that people will not like you anymore, and that you will become an "outcast" from society because you put on xx pounds? Well if the people are THAT shallow that all they judge you on is your weight, then to be honest they are not worth knowing. TRUE friends will stick by you whatever you weigh, or whatever you do. There are no BUTS or exceptions, that is it. You are worth a hell of a lot more than your weight. It may take a long mtime to believe that, and accept it, but it is true. Do you judge your friends on their weight? So why is it so different for you? The answer is, its not. You are making it that way, it is not your friends, it is you. Back to my original question, how do you know when you are ready? I dont think anyone really knows. But if you are already asking yourself this question, then I think you are. You are ready to make the first of many steps towards recovery. Maybe the word "recovery" scares you, it says too much, that you are just simply not ready for. Well fair enough, but that doesnt mean you have to live within the grips of the ED forever. If you are asking yourself that question, then my advice would be to ask for help.. now. Make an appointment to see your doctor/ teacher/ boss/ aunt/ uncle.. anyone that you trust! Even if you arent sure. Talking things over will help to clear your mind a bit more, and hopefully you will be able to work out what you REALLY want. No-one can do that for you, so dont be scared of people taking over and controlling you. It wont be easy by any means, it will be a long, hard struggle. If you are willing to take that route, then you are already part of the way there! Every single one of you CAN do this. Please dont fall victim to the ED, like so many have, what will that prove? That you can die? Oh big wow, I am sure so many people will be impressed... really... the REAL impressive thing would be to recover, or at least start recovery. Because that is indeed MUCH harder than letting yourself live in the ED for the rest of your life. No-one can force you to recover, it has to be your own choice, and there will be many slip-ups along the way. Start now, and see where that takes you. It has to take you somewhere, every path leads to a place. Don't expect miracles, but always have hope. While you have that, anything is possible. I cannot answer the question. You have to decide for yourself. When are you willing to fight for yourself? If you are not sure, then just do it. Take yourself to the doctors, get help NOW while you still can. You deserve help, you deserve to live. No matter how much you hate yourself, you are not the horrible person you believe yourself to be. Every person has their own unique and special characteristics that make them who they are. Never give up, you can ALL do this. |
Recovery... How Do You Know When You Are Ready? |