~ some thoughts ~
Some say that suicide is the cowards way out. Personally I disagree… it takes a lot of courage to pick up that bottle of pills, that gun, that razor blade etc. However it is courage that I would rather not have. Those who have read my story will know that I attempted suicide in December 2000… and that I know what it is like to want to “get away from it all.”

The niggling thing with suicide… is that it is permanent. Once you’ve done it, that’s it. You don’t get a second chance… In five months time you won’t get someone asking you whether or not you’d like to come back again. It is the end of your life ~ to be quite simple.

Life is 100% fatal… there is no disputing that fact. Invariably we will all die at some point, some sooner than others. The time we have is actually rather short compared to time itself. Cutting it short, to me, seems a waste of time! At this point in time, I don’t really want to die. The thought of dying actually scares me quite a bit… vastly due to the whole permanent thing. I can understand wanting to get away from life… but there’s a difference between that, and killing yourself. The difference is sometimes hard to comprehend, because in the time of actually wanting to kill yourself, they seem exactly the same.

Most people who attempt suicide, don’t usually want to die… funnily enough! They just want to stop everything. Maybe a situation has arisen at home, which they believe they are unable to deal with… maybe a death in the family, maybe abuse… dealing with it can be extremely difficult and painful, but not impossible. Wanting to get away from dealing with it is understandable, sometimes it’s necessary to take a break! But going to the extremes of attempting to take one’s own life is excessive. Situations CAN be resolved eventually… people CAN get help… but only if they ask for it!

Situations can be like a pack of dominoes… something happens, which leads to the rest of them all falling down. However what is stopping you stopping this domino from crashing into the other? Not much! Our lives are dictated by our choices, invariably things will happen beyond our control, but it is up to us how we deal with them. If you reach for the bottle of pills every time you break up with your girlfriend/boyfriend then how on earth are you going to live your life?

Your life will not fall apart because of one event. At the time I know it seems like it will, but it won’t.

Suicide just isn’t the answer to anything. It creates problems instead of solving them, and usually it is down to the friends and family to deal with them. Suicide doesn’t just affect you, it affects everyone around you, whether you’d like to admit it or not. Maybe you don’t believe anyone likes or loves you, but self-pity won’t help you there either.

There is a way out that doesn’t involve pelting bullets through your brain.

If you are thinking about suicide, then please think about WHY you wish to take your own life. More so think about the consequences…  who will it affect? How will it help you or anyone else?

Please reach out and ask for help… there ARE people who are willing to listen to you, either friends/family or those at the end of telephones (hotlines). Obviously if you are in that kind of state where you are close to taking your own life, then you won’t sit down and calmly rationalize everything in your head, I realize that… but if you are reading this page then you obviously are not completely sure in your head that you want to do this. There is a list of links and hotlines at the end of this page, which you can reach by clicking on the words.

You are worth MORE than this…
Who I am
Copyright 2004 Breaking Free