Suicide Links
If you are thinking about suicide, then I definately recommend this website. It has some amazing pages, and has helped me many times. Includes info on how to choose a competant counsellor, as well as talking to a therapist online.
Suicidal Hotlines
An extensive list of suicidal hotlines that may well be useful to you if you need help... or are thinking about suicide. First page is mostly US numbers, but if you scroll down you can go to an international page, which will list numbers for people living within the UK for example.
Depression and Suicide
Good list of more links to depression and suicide websites. Information on both problems, and some interesting approaches to it.
Really good website, with a very caring approach to suicide. Some great imformation, and definately worth reading as it helps you to understand what you are feeling. Lots of links as well which are worth looking at, as it belongs to many webrings. On the whole one of the most understanding sites I've ever been to.
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Copyright 2004 Breaking Free