Suicide |
For whatever reason you have decided to click on this page. Maybe you are thinking of suicide, maybe you know of someone who is thinking of it... maybe someone you know has committed suicide and you are looking for reasons. Whichever reason it is, I hope this page manages to help you in some way. Suicide, intentional self-killing, a person who intentionally kills his/herself. That is the dictionary definition. What does the word "suicide" mean to you? An easy way out perhaps? Maybe you are scared of the word, maybe you know someone who has taken their life, in an act of desperation. How did that make you feel? Hurt? Angry? Upset? Guilty? Numb? How do you think other people would feel if you went the same way? “Oh no but that’s different, no-one really cares about me. My family/ friends wouldn’t care if I died.” Think about that for a moment. Imagine your mother/father/brother/sister’s face if they walked in, and found you lying on the floor, in a heap of blood. Or with vomit all over the place from the overdose. Do you think their immediate reaction would be, “Oh look at that mess. I am so glad he/ she is dead, but I mean how selfish is it to die and leave all this to be cleaned up?” I really doubt that would go through anybody’s minds. People DO care about you, it might just be very hard to believe it because you have convinced yourself that no-one does. I mean if you truly believe that there is not one single person in this world that cares about you, then it would be way easier to kill yourself wouldn’t it? Because then you could just do it, and get it over with, feeling no guilt or anything. Well wouldn’t that be great huh? If every did that? No-one said life would be easy. You have probably heard that a thousand times, but that doesn’t lessen its meaning. Life isn’t about having a good time. It isn’t about one thing at all… it is, as they say, what you make of it. If you want to spend your life focusing on all the stuff that has gone wrong, then no-one can change it for you. I am not saying, be positive all the time, be happy all the time, because that is impossible. But to take your own life is a bit drastic! What has happened that made you want to go down this route? (Assuming you are reading this because you are thinking of suicide) Have you been a victim of rape/ abuse? Do you blame yourself? Don’t you think, that by killing yourself is letting the other person win? “The best revenge is a good life.” Read that quote, how much does it apply to you? If you are thinking, “Oh stuff it, I cant live like this anymore, he/she has hurt me so much, I cant handle anything.” Are you mad at this person? By committing suicide, you are allowing them to get away with it, showing them that you are weaker. When in fact, by overcoming your struggles, makes you such a STRONGER person! Believe it or not, things get better over time. If you feel like there is no way out, you are wrong. There is help available for you, but people are not mind readers, you have to ask for it. If at this moment in time you are feeling very desperate, then please call a hotline. You can find a list of hotlines in the UK no my hotline page. Or else use a phone book, there is always a list of emergency numbers in there. Or just admit yourself to hospital; tell someone you are feeling like this. They might put you into a psych ward for a while, just until you are feeling better. You are not the only person feeling like it, believe me. There are trained people out there who can help you, but only if you let yourself be helped. Because essentially, if you go ahead and commit suicide, that’s it, there are no second chances. You cant suddenly decide ten years down the line, that actually you made a mistake, and would like to go back to your life again. It is the final act, the end of your life. You wouldn’t ever be able to feel anything ever again, even the good things, like being loved. You don’t think you would ever feel good things even if you stayed alive? Well that’s not true, it is up to you though. If you are determined to live… or should I say exist, without being happy, then so be it. But you cant expect miracles. If you want to feel happy, then what is stopping you? “No-one can make you feel bad without your consent” Think about it, if you wanted to feel good, then you could be. Click on this link, for a great page that you should read! And click on this link for helplines |