Oscar's-N-Mojo's Info Links
Hi my name is oscar,I live with my wife mojo and my mommy.We are normal gray cockatiels and I am not telling my mom my age but mojo is 15 months old. Our mommy is writing this page for us.We have been keeping her very busy with our antics and so she figured out if she had a lot to learn about us cockatiels that there would be alot of other people out there also who wants to know about us.We hope you enjoy our pages. Note: Since this sight was made in the year 2000 alot has happened. I became a daddy to a boy called junior he lives in my mommies boys bedroom. We decided we were too manly to stay around each other. Junior made Mojo and myself grandparents with his lutino wife Sunny. They had a little girl and she found a good home. They are still happily married. I had a sad day in September of 2004 when my beloved Mojo passed away. I loved her so much and cried for her. Mommy took care of me real good and paid alot of attention to me. I now am dating a pretty girl named Robin, She is cinnamon I think. She still thinks I don't like her but I do. I hope you keep coming back to this sight as my mommy is gonna add more information and she is gonna put pictures of all of us too.

birds-n-ways chat tiel town chat female reproductive system reproductive disorders in the female hen
urgenital system the avian respriatory system respriatory disorders pt.1 respriatory disorders pt.2
lungs (human article)bird related the avian digestive tract digestive tract disorders internal papilloma disease
giardia in cockatiels psittacosis Chlamydia Psittaci conjunctivitis
bordetella avium in cockatiels candida asper gillosis more aspergillosis
liver disease summary of avian diseases medical update (avian diseases) avian immune system
first aid for bleeding first aid for cockatiels misc. articles cpr for birds
summer heat love sick caring for a sick or injured bird illnesses and emergencies
firs t aid kit symptons and illnesses bird health vitamin defincicies
poopology the scoop on poop feeces samples beak and feather disease
over the counter medications advise from a breeder cockatiel breeding Inbreeding
incompatability eeg binding incessant egg laying why fertile eggs dont hatch
coping with infertility diseases transmitted to eggs incubation and hatching artificial incubation
candeling eggs candled egg pictures early cockatiel mortality hand feeding chicks
cockatiel crop problems slow crop sour crop weaning
caring for babies from day 1 expected weight gains in chicks genetic calculator genetics
visal sexing mutations mutations misting your cockatiels
blood feather emergencies feather anatomy more feather anatomy fea ther disorders
feather picking moulting< /A> nails and wings clipping cockatiel wings,nails and beaks
page2(info links continued)



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