The Intelligent Gamer's Guide To The Greatest Free Game On The Net
This was going to be a full H&DD site, with in-depth discussion of techniques and tactics and workarounds for the various bugs; but then I gave up on the idea. I didn't have the time to work on it; I didn't have time to play games at all. Somebody had given me a copy of H&D2 for Christmas that year and I didn't even have time to get into that.
However, I'd already written up the walkthroughs, and it seemed a shame to let them go to waste. Especially since there are lots of people out there playing the great old game, now that it's available as a free download (if you don't know where, try here), and they probably need some help - because none of the existing online walkthroughs, frankly, is worth a damn.
(This is not altogether the fault of the authors of the walkthroughs; they seem to have been written for the original versions of H&D and the Devil's Bridge add-on, and these have been altered significantly in the Deluxe edition found in the free download version. Still, some of the advice is simply wrong no matter what version you're playing.)
And I had put a good deal into this project. I ran all the missions in the H&D Deluxe download game repeatedly, at all levels of difficulty; some of the more complex ones I ran several times at Hard level in order to try out different possible approaches.
As I say, it didn't seem right to let all that go to waste, especially if it could help somebody.
So I went ahead and started this site and put up the walkthroughs. I posted them as text-only; I did have some screenshots for illustrative purposes but a program glitch dumped about half of them and by then I'd taken H&D off my hard drive.
Later in the year, though, I had occasion to reinstall H&D and run it a little, as part of some tests and experiments while trying to resolve some display driver issues. In the process I found myself getting, if not quite hooked again, at least developing some renewed interest.
And I checked the stats for this site, for the first time since creating it, and discovered that a surprising number of people had been accessing it. So there must be more demand for this information than I'd realized.
OK, then; as it happened I had a little slack time. I started running the game again, working my way through the missions at Hard level, and this time taking screenshots, as well as noting some changes in procedure - in a couple of cases I came up with innovative new tactics which made difficult missions considerably better.
So I began editing the pages, inserting the pictures and revising the walkthrough texts; and I think it turned out pretty well. Those who feel otherwise are cordially invited to bite me.
Subsequently I moved on to Hidden & Dangerous 2; and so this site is now a historic rather than current item. I don't expect that there will be any further updates.
I'm assuming you have a basic knowledge of how to use the various movement functions, map commands etc., and that you understand what I mean by, for example, "use third person view to look around corners." Sorry, but this isn't going to be a comprehensive manual of the game.
One important note: I did go ahead and write up the instructions on how to decensor the game - how to get the German markings and signs and so on to show up - and if you haven't done that, I strongly recommend you read and follow these instructions, though if you manage to do something bad to your game or your computer in the process, don't come whingeing to me about it.
If you are curious about what sort of grown man plays with childish soldier games and then writes about them, you can check out my main website here but be warned, I am not interested in getting critical emails or complaints about the incompleteness of this site. It's not as if I got paid to do this.
If you've got Hidden & Dangerous 2, or are thinking of getting it and want to know more about it, you can check my parallel Hidden & Dangerous 2 site here for walkthroughs and general information and opinions.
OK, here we go:
The Walkthroughs: