The Danube
Things get tougher in this campaign. Not at first - it starts off dead easy - but later on, oh boy. You'll see.
Historically this one is bullshit. The SAS never operated in the Balkans. British and American special operatives did work with the partisans in Yugoslavia - where they spent most of their time trying to keep them from killing each other in their endless internal battles - but this was the job of the OSS and the SOE, which were entirely separate organizations not even in the same chain of command as the SAS. As for blowing up dams along the Danube, maybe in their dreams.
MISSION: To disrupt shipping along the strategic Danube waterway, in cooperation with the local partisans - who, needless to say, are never seen.
PERSONNEL: Again, you'll need some good men, quick and sure shots, but again, don't waste your best. Actually, as you'll see, the first two missions can be run solo - in fact I recommend it - and the third practically so; while the last mission is such a bloody mess that, frankly, any men you assign to it should be expendable. (Yet they can't be losers or geeks; in fact they have to be damn good shooters. Tough decision time I'm afraid.)
EQUIPMENT: Stens or MP-40s for everybody, and a fair bit of ammo because there won't be as many opportunities for scavenging. A couple of sniper rifles, preferably the Mauser since it has a little bit better effective range - with lots of ammo, because there are no resupply chances before your big sniping mission. Lots of ammo as in a couple hundred rounds; if you don't have that much Mauser ammo on hand then you'll have to take an Enfield instead. A Bren with several hundred rounds of ammo. You'll also need a good supply of grenades, both Mills and potato masher.
Special items: four knives and four explosive charges. Don't forget these, they're absolute necessities. Take some extra explosive charges too, another half-dozen or so, if you just enjoy blowing things up and who doesn't?
Off we go.