

Strictly in terms of action, this is a hell of a good campaign. It's got some really interesting missions, and while they're pretty demanding, they're not too hopelessly difficult. In fact on the whole this campaign isn't as tough as the previous one.

I admit to being a little put off by the premise of this campaign. Allied commandos certainly did carry out a heroic mission behind enemy lines in Norway to destroy scientific facilities involved in the Nazis' attempts to build an atomic bomb; but they weren't SAS. They weren't even British; they were Norwegian. It seems rather disrespectful of their memory to falsify it in this way.

However, at least nothing is said about Telemark, so the idea must be that this was a separate operation. All right. I guess.

As for blowing up U-boat bases - as the Duke of Wellington said, if you'll believe that you'll believe anything.

In any case, the SAS did not operate in Norway during the war, though they were landed there immediately after the German surrender to disarm the occupation troops.

But, as Letterman says, if you'll just buy the premise you'll love the bit.

MISSION: This one actually goes through some changes in mission profile. You start out with the goal of disrupting the German nuclear program by destroying some research and industrial facilities, but then the campaign switches over to an attack on a fortified U-boat base.

PERSONNEL: It's time to start bringing out some of your heavier hitters, if you haven't already done so. You won't need any specialist snipers, but you'll need some top gun hands for some of these missions. At the same time, some of the missions are relatively easy, so it's a good idea to include a few non-stars so you can save your best men for the hardest jobs. Strength isn't terribly important - there's a little looting to be done, but no occasion to carry things like antitank mines or bazookas - but be sure and take at least one or two high-endurance boys for the nasty spots. Read through the walkthroughs for the various missions to give you an idea what kind of personnel you'll need.

EQUIPMENT: If you scavenged carefully at the end of that last mission, you should have a shiny new MP-44 for each man, and a couple hundred rounds of ammo apiece. This is not enough, though, so for the first couple of missions you'll need to have something else as well, until you can ghoul up a better supply of 7.92mm. Kurz. Throw in a couple of MP-40s or Stens and enough ammo for a couple of missions; and lots and lots of Mills grenades and potato mashers - when you've got everything else, just load up the rest of the way with grenades.

You'll also want a couple of Enfield sniper rifles and about a hundred rounds of ammo; and three light machine guns, either Brens or, if you've got any by now, German MG-34s.

You will have to have at least five explosive charges. And finally, and this is absolutely vital, you must include two radio sets.

Better take some wool undies, too, and a fur-lined jockstrap if you can get one. You're going where it's cold, son.