With The SAS Boys In The Frozen North
This one is easy. Not idiotically so, not easy enough to be boring, but easy. Only a couple of points where you're at any serious risk. Not the most exciting mission in the game either but what the hell.
MISSION: You're supposed to place these two radio transmitters next to this factory on the coast of Norway. These will send a homing signal to the Royal Navy which is waiting offshore and which will then shell the place into rubble. Presumably the Luftwaffe has been grounded due to bad weather. As usual the premise is silly but the mission is fun.
CONDITIONS: Snowing. Heavy overcast. Very poor visibility.
THE OPPOSITION: Usual twenty-some-odd guards. Mostly in guard towers, of which there are a lot. A few walking patrols in various areas. No armored vehicles, no mines, most of the tower machine guns pointing outward.
PERSONNEL: Any four good men can pull this one off. It's pretty undemanding. All they need is to be strong enough to handle a machine gun, and good enough shots to use one effectively. Sgt. Ranking has always worked well for me on this one. Whintson is always a good choice, and Atkins is a crack shot with anything.
EQUIPMENT: First the radios. You absolutely have to have the two radios. Put them in first so you don't forget. You'll look a right berk if you run through the whole mission and then discover that you forgot to include the radios.
Three machine guns. Those three MGs you picked up after that last mission will be perfect. If you didn't find all three then use Brens instead. Your own character should have a rifle, an MP or a Sten, and several potato mashers. One of the machine gunners should carry a Sten too, but the others won't need them. Leave the MP-44s behind for now; you don't have enough ammo to go wasting it on a mission this simple-headed.
AT THE START: You're all standing on this snowy bank above the sea, where you just got out of a boat remarkably similar to the one you left behind in Yugoslavia.
PROCEDURE: Pull up the map. Send the three machine gunners up the slope to the flat area on the west side of the nearest wooden building. Give them all commands to lie down and use the machine gun. Assign Guard commands for two of them to cover the area off to the northwest where the raised wharf forms a corner next to those big fuel tanks. Give the third a Guard pointing toward the guard tower to the southwest, by the corner of the main factory.
Let them all get into place and check and make sure they're where they're supposed to be, doing what they're supposed to do. Now move up the slope and to your left until you can see the nearest guard tower. Using the rifle, kill him and then continue to move to your left until you can see along the inside of the wire fence. There's a sentry patrolling down that way, near the gate. When you see him shoot him.
Go up the bank and past the nearest wooden building and stop by the end of the second one. Check around the corner. Depending on what your men have been up to, there may or may not be a couple of guards standing by the front of the building, near the truck with the snowplow. If there are, grenade them. There probably won't be though.
Crouch down and ease over behind that nearest snowbank. Take the rifle and shoot the guard in the next tower. Now just hunker down behind that snowbank and wait.
By now your machine gunners should have been doing a little shooting. (The map will show you the results.) At some point when they have shot enough people, a trigger will be tripped and two men will appear in front of the building. You're hidden from them by the snowbank but you can watch them in third person. One of them will turn and start to run toward the nearest guard tower. Your machine gunner will cut him down. The other one will stand irresolutely by the door, looking around and pointing his MP here and there. Lob a potato masher over the snowbank and relieve his stress.
By this time there should be three bodies on the corner of the wharf by the fuel tanks, two dead tower guards and a gate sentry near you, one stiff by the door of the building on the other side of your snowbank, and one somewhere in the middle area, wherever your gunner dumped him. You might wait a little longer just to make sure.
Now and then it happens that the two guards never do come out of that house. The trigger doesn't go off or something. If that happens, you will have to adjust the following part as I'll explain in a moment.
Move two of your machine gunners over to the west side of that ramp thing, by the big snowbank beside the railroad tracks, and have them lie down and Guard facing south, covering the area between the factory buildings and the barracks compound.
If the two guards didn't come out of the building yet, then take your other machine gunner - the one with the Sten - and bring him around to where you've been waiting by that snowbank. Move him up on top of the snowbank, lying down or crouching, and give him Guard on the door of that house. When the next bit of action starts the two guards should finally make their appearance and he can bushwhack them.
Run around the ramp and over to that corner area where there should by now be a pile of bodies. Move along westward on the north side of the big fuel tanks. Stop when you reach the one on the end; don't go past it yet.
Wait and listen for firing. Your gunners should be having a little machine gun party pretty soon. Give them time to clear the area (use the map to see if it's all done) and if you had to leave a man to cover that house, check through him to see if he got them. If he's done, then have him switch to his MP or Sten and come over and join you. You probably won't need him but he might as well have something useful to do.
Get down by that last fuel tank and look around the corner to the south and study the movements of the three sentries who walk along by the railroad tracks. Don't get in a hurry to shoot. Understand how they move. Wait till they come around again and then shoot the first one. Not the second one, not the last one, the first one. If he gets by you just wait and let them come around again. If you shoot the last one the others are liable to come after you.
I like to use the MP for this rather than the rifle. Sometimes you can get the first two sentries with one good burst. Anyway stay there and keep whacking them until all three are definitely dead.
Switch back to the rifle. Ahead of you (to the west), at the corner of the compound, is a tower with a very keen guard. Unlike the others, he's got a rifle, so he can nail you just as far out as you can nail him. So be careful. Move forward in small slow increments. When you see a snowbank appear in your scope you're getting closer. Keep going till you can see the tower and then bust him.
Crouch down and run to the end of that snowbank in front of the tower. Don't go all the way around it yet. Have a look and you'll see that there's a sentry patroling down by the gate. Keep the snowbank between you and him and shoot the guard in the next tower. Then come around the end of the snowbank and wait for the guard to reappear and get him too.
You may as well bring up your backup man now. Station him over there by the tower for the time being.
Walk along the fence and then over to that little brown building near the gate and shoot the next tower guard. Next to the little brown building is a much bigger one, with smoke coming out of its chimneys. Go over beside that and around to the southwest corner of the building and look southeast and shoot the guard out of the tower over by the factory building. Go back to the fence and move along it some more; there's one tower left on this side, down at the far corner. Get that guard too and you've secured three sides of the perimeter.
Go to the southwest corner and bring up your backup man. Now look east. Just beyond that long brown building - the building nearest you - is a tower, and in it is a particularly nasty guard. Furthermore, there is at least one little son of a bitch on the ground somewhere near this end of the factory, and when you shoot the tower gunner sometimes he'll climb up into the tower and take his place.
So walk very slowly forward in the direction of that tower (check your map if you're unsure of the direction) until you can just barely see the gunner, and shoot him. Then move a little closer, keeping your sights on the ladder. Leave yourself there and bring up your backup man and station him beside the end of the barracks watching that tower ladder.
Switch to the MP and get down in a crouch and go past the end of the building and behind the snowbanks. If the wandering guard hasn't made a try for the tower yet he probably isn't going to. So he's out there somewhere. Stalk him, using the snowbanks for cover and third-person view, and kill him. A potato masher or two will do wonders for his personality; there's no need to expose yourself to risk trying to shoot him and it's fun to watch him fly through the air when you get him with a blast.
You're probably safe down here now, but just in case move the backup man underneath the tower, or up into it, and leave him in case somebody else comes wandering down this way. It's been known to happen.
Step back toward the south fence and shoot the tower guard to the east. Move on eastward to get the tower gunner at the corner of the factory. You may have to go all the way to the end of the building to get a clear shot at him. Don't. Don't go past the end of that building. Peek around the corner. There may be a man standing over by the nearest gate, waiting for you to show yourself. Since there is also a row of explosive barrels right there, it's no place to get into a shootout.
Your machine gunners could get him - should have gotten him by now - but maybe it's a little too far. You could go back around the other end of the building and work your way up and snipe him, but that's a lot of trouble. The easiest way to dispose of him is to switch to one of the machine gunners and take him over long enough to move him forward a little way and cut that guard down. It'll be a long shot up the fence but just crank a long burst into the area and you should get him. Go back to your own position and peek around the corner again to make sure he's down.
With that guard and the tower gunner dead, you now own the place. There is one more tower guard over at the southeast corner but no particular reason to kill him unless you just want to; he's unlikely to come down and bother you. Still you might want to go whack him just for safety's sake.
Over near where you first came in, by the east gate, is a parked Kubelwagen. Bring in the machine gunners and the three of you get in and drive west along the slushy road by the tracks - being careful not to go too fast in this shit visibility - to the western gate. You can't go through because the bar is down, but you can turn left and use the railroad gate and then come back up onto the road. Drive out along the road till you hit an invisible barrier. Get out of the Kubelwagen. Pause and bring up your remaining man and have him get in the car.
Now it's time to plant the radio transmitters. Back into the compound, and don't get lost; just follow the curving set of tracks is the easiest way. Walk up between the two big factory buildings; and if you'll look at the building on the north side you'll see there's a kind of alcove or notch in the brick wall. Place one of the transmitters here. You should get a #1 completion message at this point.
Run around the west end of the building and find an area where there is a parked truck and a bunch of barrels. Set the other radio up in the corner near the barrels. You should get another completion message.
Now get your ass out of there. The radio transmitters have a five-minute delay; then the shit is going to hit the fan. But five minutes, hell, that's more than enough time, so don't panic. Just run back the way you came, following the curving set of railroad tracks and if you get disoriented just pull up the map. (Remember, the timers stop running when the map is open.) Run on out the gate and get in the Kubelwagen with the others. Mission completed.
Too easy? That's OK. The next one more than makes up for it.