A pretty silly mission if you let yourself think about it, but exciting and difficult enough to be enjoyable in a weird sort of way. The chief requirement is not skills or reactions so much as great patience. If you can keep your cool and think about your moves and not get in too much of a hurry, you can pull this off.
The Secret Underground Laboratory where the Fiendish Nazi Scientists are carrying out their Mysterious Experiments. Woo-ee-oo.
Look around the place, see what's going on, take photographs of designated objects, set explosives to blow the place up. There is no requirement as such that you have to kill everybody on the premises, but the way it works out you have to in order to carry out the mission.
This character should be your man with the highest stealth rating. This is extremely important; it could mean the difference between success or failure.
Your man will carry a silenced Sten in his hands and an MP-40 over his shoulder. Don't carry more than one or two spare Sten clips; if you do this right you won't have to reload it.
Alternatively, instead of the silenced Sten you can do it with the knife. This requires fast movement and good control; if you're still getting the hang of moving your character around, you might do better to stay with the Sten.
You won't need a backpack; you'd only have to dump it anyway. Hang a large first-aid kit on your belt; you can get hit bad on this one and no buddies along to bandage you up. Carry a knife and fill the rest of your belt pouches with MP-40 clips. You don't need a compass.
If anybody's got a German helmet (picked up in the previous mission) wear that. Otherwise don't wear anything on your head. It'll just slow you down at a critical point.
The mission calls for placing several explosive charges. Don't take any along; when the time comes they will be supplied, in a convenient if not exactly plausible way. And finally, you do have to take the camera.
At the start you're standing on the stairs looking down. Start moving; there's only one way you can go from here. Don't try to turn back, it won't let you.
At the bottom you'll come to a double doorway. Open the doors and you'll find yourself entering a kind of anteroom, with a small glass-windowed office or cubicle on the right. A guard is sitting at a desk, asleep and snoring loudly. Hit the deck before he wakes up and take up position lying flat against the front wall of his office, covering the door with the silenced Sten. You don't have much time and you mustn't let him see you. Don't shoot him through the glass; he's locked in and he's got something you have to have.
You'll hear him awaken and get up and move to the door and unlock it. As soon as he comes through the office door, shoot him and make sure he's dead.
Or, if you're using the knife rather than the Sten, jump up fast and stab him from behind. There is an undeniable rush, of a rather sadistic sort, to doing it this way, but you'll have to be really quick.
Moving fast now, go through the deceased and take his keys (note that there are two). Reload if necessary, if you're using the Sten; if you used the knife, sheath it and get the MP-40 ready. By this time an alarm may be going off. There's a switch inside the guard room but don't waste time trying to turn it off just now. Move to the double doors and unlock them, staying over to one side and keeping your gun ready.
The doors open onto a big central room. It's possible there may be a man crouching there - probably over to your right - covering the door, so be ready to shoot him the instant the doors open.
If he's not there, if the big room is empty, then hustle on through. On the far side, through a big window, you can see a man in a white coat doing something. Ignore him; ignore everything for now except the big double doors to your right. Run to them and open them and run through; don't screw around, move your ass.
On the other side of the double doors is a smaller room full of some sort of mysterious consoles. Never mind them; the sole item of concern is the guard who's somewhere in the room. (Unless you already got him out in the big anteroom, in which case you're OK.) He's probably somewhere to your right, past the consoles; he might even be right in your face as you come through the door. If he's not in sight find him - keep going around the room, around the consoles, counterclockwise, and be ready to shoot - but kill him as quickly as you can. This is the first make-or-fail point in the mission; if you don't get this son of a bitch fast, he'll get you and it'll be all over. Frankly, it's very possible you're going to have to do a few restarts before you get past this point.
At this point an alarm may go off. Ignore it for now and run into the big room to the right. At the far end you will see an unarmed German raising his hands. Congratulations; you got yourself a surrender monkey.
And be damn glad of it, because he's the key to your success - or rather his outfit is. Check to make sure nobody's coming after you, then run over and capture the geek and take his clothes. Don't bother with his cap or anything else, just get into his uniform and then toss the Sten, if you brought it, and hole up behind some boxes or something and watch your Stealth-O-Meter begin to climb. When it reaches the top, you're ready to begin kicking ass and taking names. Walk back out and take the helmet from the guard you shot.
I'd advise you to save now.
From this point on there are all sorts of ways you can proceed. But what you don't do is run around shooting at everything you see. Remember, the minute you shoot - or shoot at - a German, your disguise goes to zero, and it takes a little while to build back up again. Same if you take a picture; keep that in mind when it comes time for photography. And remember, too, that your disguise will start to deteriorate the longer you let anybody look at you.
So the trick is to pick them off one at a time, in as much isolation as you can manage. Find yourself a German, make sure nobody else can see you, have your escape route planned, then shoot him and run like hell and hide somewhere until your disguise is back up. Ideally you hole up somewhere they won't follow, but if that's not possible then get somewhere you can cover the approaches. Actually you'll probably get a few extras just because they came after you somewhere you had covered.
So it's not a bad idea just to walk around the place a little at first and find out where everybody is. This seems scary but it's really safe enough as long as you limit your exposure; if somebody gets a look at you, get out of sight and watch the meter climb back up before proceeding.
One other thing you need to know: the alarm will go off every now and then. It will go off just about any time you fire a shot, or occasionally for no apparent reason. It doesn't make much difference - the bad guys know there's something going on, alarm shmalarm - but it'll just about drive you crazy. There are switches on the walls that you can use to turn it off. About half the time it'll start back up almost immediately. There is no solution. Live with it.
You want to clean out the top floor first, and you may as well begin with the northwest wing, since that's where you are. (You probably didn't bring a compass - no reason you should - but just keep in mind that the northwest wing is where you shot the guard and captured the surrender monkey, and the southeast wing is on the other side of the big room where you came in.)
So go on through the console room - you'll notice a red explosives marker on a table; a British voice will make a comment on it (get used to your character talking to himself, it's pretty annoying) - through the small door in back and down a short corridor, and hang a left and go up the steps to a closed door. Through the glass window in the upper part of the door, you'll see a couple of tech geeks in white coats talking in German. (Oddly enough.) Aim through the window and shoot one of them and then scuttle back along the wall into the corner, covering the door. A moment later the other one will come through, crouched way down and clutching a pistol. Shoot him too and wait for your credibility to recharge before proceeding.
Go on into the office or lab or whatever it's supposed to be. Take note of the explosives marker there; you want to be making mental notes of where to put the charges when the time comes. Go over to the door on the other side of the room and you'll find it overlooks a great big room with steel walkways and all. Down on the ground level, at the far end, there will probably be a man in a white lab coat. You might as well shoot him while you've got the chance.
Let your disguise refresh again and it's time to clean out the other wing. This is harder, because there are more guards down at that end, but not by all that much. There are two sets of double doors on the far side of the big central room where you came in, each opening onto a long corridor and each corridor patrolled by a not very alert guard. Try the one on the left first. Go through the doors, close them behind you, and look for the guard; he'll probably be right there. You can shoot him, or if you brought a knife you can try coming up behind him and stabbing him although this is a bit risky.
Whatever you do to him, stay out of sight until your disguise refreshes. Don't run into one of the side rooms to hide, because some of them are occupied. Stay in the hallway and you'll probably be all right.
Off the left side of the corridor is an office with aircraft plans on easels. Another white-coat is in there too. Shoot him. While you're waiting for the disguise to recover, walk around stepping up to the various plans. One set will show a white action box. Use your interact key to take a picture. Now you've accomplished one-third of one of your objectives.
Prowl around the rooms off the corridor a bit more, making sure there aren't any other Germans hanging around. Don't, however, go into the room down at the end, where two more white-coats are fiddling around. Leave them alone for now and go back to the central room and take the other set of double doors and shoot the guard patrolling that corridor. Wait to recharge and then run on down to the end and to the right and around through the doorway into a big room full of machinery and ladders and walkways and stuff. There's a guard in there, possibly over by a ladder; shoot him. (If there's a white-coat in the room, wait till he leaves.)
Recharge and go back into the corridor and this time take the doorway to the left at the southeast end, where you'll find a good-sized room full of work tables covered with model airplanes. A couple of tech weenies are at the tables. Shoot the one nearest to the middle of the room. The other one will cower and and beg you not to shoot, though you can't capture him; shoot him anyway, because these jokers have a way of changing their minds later and shooting you in the back.
Go over to the table in the middle and there's a wooden model of a Messerschmitt 262 jet fighter. Photograph it. You're making progress.
By this time you should have the top floor cleared, with one important exception. There is a detachment of two guards and an officer which will come through the northwest wing and go out into the entry room - where you shot the desk guard at the beginning - and close the doors and wait for you to come charging through. You may get a chance at one or more of them before they take their station; they sometimes prowl around the northwest wing a bit first. If not, if you're not sure where they are, just make sure your stealth is up to full and go over and open the double doors where you came in. Chances are they'll be right there, looking at you. Move away very quickly - don't bother closing the door, it'll close itself - and leave them there for now.
At this point you might want to walk around scavenging ammo to replace what you've shot off. Not many of the guards carry MP-40s but there are enough for your needs.
The bottom floor is a lot harder to clear, because of the way it's laid out; it's a riskier proposition than the top floor, and so I advise saving before moving downstairs.
There are three ways of getting access to the bottom floor: the stairways on either end of the wings, or the central one. The central one is unavailable with those three goons guarding the doorway (unless you got lucky and nailed them first) and the way the rooms are laid out at the southeast end makes it hard to get around. So your main line of attack will be via the stairs at the northwest end.
Go down the stairs and you'll see a guard in the corridor. Shoot him and run back up the stairs. Wait to recover and go back down. See if the corridor is clear (if not then clear it, and run away again) and if so, check out what's on your right.
This is supposed to be a wind tunnel. Never mind, that's what it's supposed to be and that's all we need to know. It's the last thing you have to photograph, but don't try to photograph it yet or you'll get shot.
Instead, walk up to the white-coated geek fiddling with it and shoot him. Then immediately drop flat on the floor, out of sight, and scurry toward the doorway where you just came in. Lie there covering the door with your weapon. In a few seconds a German will come through the door and you can shoot him. Probably there'll be another one and maybe another one after that. If you're lucky you can pile up quite a few stiffs before they stop coming.
If they don't show up after a reasonable wait, then just say well, shit, and get up and go looking for more trouble. Walk across the corridor and through the largish room and into the little side room where you'll see various weapons laid out on tables. A suspicious-looking man is in there holding a pistol, but not pointing it at you. Shoot him before he changes his mind, and get over to the left of the door and flat up against the wall and cover the door. You might have time to get your disguise working again before somebody shows up and then you might not; but if not, you can gun anybody who comes through the door.
Once things quiet down again and your disguise is again valid, look around the little room. There's a German backpack; take it. There's also a lot of explosive charges lying on a table. Yeah, right...load four of them into the backpack. There are five places to set charges but you can get mission completion with only four; and the only way you can carry the fifth one is to dump your medical kit, and you need that for future missions in this campaign. How you will need it, so hang onto it.
There's also an ammo resupply box. Use it if you need to.
Now you still have to clean out the rest of the downstairs. Basically you just have to prowl around and shoot people, using the shoot-and-hide technique you used upstairs, only somewhat more so. Be very thorough; you don't want to leave anybody alive. There's one down in the power room, next to an explosive marker. There are a couple of others skulking in the rooms down toward the southeast end.
When you're quite sure you've got the bottom floor cleared, there remain only those bastards up by the upper-floor entrance. The simplest way to deal with them is just to go up the stairs, open the door, and shoot them all. You'll have to do some pretty fast shooting, but they're not expecting you and your disguise gives you the element of surprise.
Now do a final check of both floors for survivors. There's one white-coat who tends to hide behind some barrels down near the southeast end of the top floor. While you're checking, study the places you have to lay the explosives and memorize where they are.
When you're certain you've got the place to yourself, go down and photograph that wind tunnel - there's a white box that will appear when you find the right spot - and now there's nothing left to do but set the charges.
There are two explosive points on the bottom floor but you only have to do one of them. Set a charge in the power room, where you killed that guy. Now run back down the corridor to the central room and up the central stairway to the top floor and down through the northwest wing, the way you came in. Set a charge in the upstairs lab where you shot those two tech weenies in the beginning. Run back down the steps and set one there in the console room. Make a quick swing by where you left the silenced Sten and pick it up; waste not, want not, and you've got plenty of time.
The last charge goes down in that big room off the southeast wing. When it's set, head for the stairs and back up the way you came in.
You won't make it all the way, but it's OK. About halfway up, while the charges are still ticking and the timers are still showing a couple of minutes or more, you'll go to a cut scene that shows you coming out the door with a big explosion behind you; and then you get mission completion, and hey ho.